Friends Once Again

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     The doctors had to reschedule your appointment today, so you were currently skipping down to the Common Room. You walked in and saw that none of your friends were there yet, but somebody else was: Barbara.

You grinned and skipped over to her. You threw yourself down on the seat, but she didn't look up at you. You noticed she was reading one of the boring magazines the asylum had everywhere. "Ahem," you pretended to cough. She still didn't look up so you finally said something. "You're the new girl, aren't you?" You asked. She rolled her eyes and looked at you. "Look at you! Guess not all of the crazies are dumb," she said. You scoffed. "Says the girl that killed her mommy and daddy because of some creep," you mumbled under your breath. She quickly looked up at you. "How did you know that?" She asked.

Your eyes widened as you realized your mistake. You had to come up with something, and quick. "News travels around fast, especially about somebody like you," you said. She raised an eyebrow. "Somebody like me?" You nodded. "Everybody has to know about Jim Gordon's ex-girlfriend!" You exclaimed sarcastically. She narrowed her eyes. "Ex-fiancé," she corrected. You gasped, covering your mouth with your fingers. "Oh my gosh! How ever could I have made that mistake?" You said. She smirked at you. "I like you. You're my friend," she said. You grinned. "That's fine with me!"

"I'm Barbara Kean, by the way," she introduced. You smiled darkly. "Oh, I know."

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