I Felt It

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*6 days earlier*

Jerome's P.O.V

     I felt it in the pit of my stomach. The feeling that something was wrong. "Jerome!" I heard somebody shout. I turned around and saw Y/N, falling to the floor. I immediately ran towards her, not knowing what to do. I picked her up and ran to the gate. I began kicking the gate to get the guards attention. "Help!" I shouted. "Somebody please!"

I continued to scream, when I felt a presence next to me. I looked over and saw the girl that was talking to Y/N the other day. "Oh my god! What happened?" She panicked. I just looked at her and then continued screaming. She finally got the clue and began shouting, too.

Finally, about 30 guards came and began tackling everybody to the ground. I stood there with Y/N in my arms, as I watched everybody around me get tackled. Two guards came up to me. The first one took Y/N out of my arms, then the other guard tackled me to the ground. I tried to fight out of the guards hold, but then I felt a stinging in my neck, then everything went black.


     I blinked my eyes open. I tried sitting up, but realized that I was restrained to the bed and couldn't. I suddenly felt everything. Pain shot through my body (which usually happened after they injected you with whatever they did inject you with), and I groaned in pain.

A doctor finally walked over to me, and undid the restraints. "You can go," he spat before walking away. I rolled my eyes and sat up. I jumped off of the infirmary bed, which wasn't a good idea. I immediately became dizzy and almost fell.

     Once the room stopped spinning, I looked around the room. It was filled with inmates that probably got hurt in the fight. All of a sudden, the memories of the fight hit me. Y/N collapsing, the girl helping me, and the guards. I looked around the room and saw that Y/N wasn't in here. I began to panic. I ran up to all of the beds, until a nurse came up to me.

     "Can I help you?" She asked. "Where's Y/N!?" I shouted. She rolled her eyes. "She's in the other infirmary," she revealed. I looked at her confused. "The other infirmary?" She rolled her eyes. "Yes. The one for the crazies that are hurt so bad, they aren't coming out anytime soon." She walked away. I scoffed and walked out of the room.

     How could I let this happen to her? This was all my fault, and the fact that she wouldn't be waking up for awhile, made it even worse. I couldn't shake this feeling of guilt away. I might have killed the only person that I love.

     My thoughts were interrupted by another persons voice. "Jerome! Hey!" A girl shouted to me. I looked up and saw the girl that was helping me after I found Y/N. I stood there, hoping she would get the hint that I wanted to be alone. She walked over to me, causing me to groan. "Where's Y/N?" She asked. I glared at her. "The infirmary," I growled. She ignored my obvious annoyance and continued to talk.

     "I haven't seen much of your friends since the fight? Where are they?" She continued to ask more questions. "I. Don't. Know." I said as rude as possible. She nodded, but her attention was quickly turned to behind me. "Oh shit," she whispered. I turned around, and instantly, anger filled me.

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