Russian Roulette

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     You walked along the hallway to go and see what Theo wanted now. He called for you to go to the main room, where he had you guys tied up the first day you got here.

     You walked in and expected to be greeted by Theo, but you were surprised to see that everybody was in there, except for Theo, Tabs, and Barbara. You giggled. Babs seemed to be getting around with those two.

     You looked around and saw that there were a couple boxes in the room. You walked up to one and saw that they were filled with weapons. You smiled. "Nice," You whispered.

     You began going through another box that was next to Dobs. He was wearing a helmet and swinging a gun around. You giggled before your attention was caught by the boys at the other end of the room.

     "Ooh, shiny," Jerome sang as he held up a sword, still in the case. You smiled, but it quickly fell when you saw Greenwood laugh and pull the sword out of the case. You rolled your eyes.

     "Give that back," Jerome ordered as Greenwood played around with it. "I saw it first," he lied. You squinted your eyes at him. "What the fuck," you mumbled to yourself.

     Jerome dropped the case without looking away from the cannibal. "No, you didn't. I said give it back." He held his hand out for the sword. Greenwood ignored his hand and put the sword to his throat. "Make me, you little brat."

     You grabbed a gun and walked along the edges of the room, going up to the boys, behind Greenwood. Once you were behind him, you put the gun up to his head.

     "I'm pretty sure my boyfriend here, told you to give him it back. I suggest that you listen to him." You looked up to Jerome and saw him smirking. "Y-You don't s-scare me," Greenwood stuttered. You leaned in and whispered, "Ya sure about that?"

     You pulled back when Jerome started laughing, still having the sword pointed at his throat. "I got this, doll. You just go sit down and find some new toys." You shrugged and walked away. "Ooooh," Dobkins sang.

     Once you were back at the box, you noticed that Jerome had also gone to the boxes. "Your samurai skills are excellent Greenwood-San," he said in a silly accent, bending down and grabbing something. "But they are nothing compared to me." He came back up with a chainsaw and turned it on. "Prepare to die!"

     Jerome ran at Greenwood as Greenwood made a weird "vroom" noise. Their weapons clashed together, making a horrible screeching noise.

     "That's enough!" You heard someone shout. You turned and saw Theo had walked into the room, holding a hand up. The boys didn't stop so he repeated himself. "I said, that's enough."

     "I tried to stop them," Dobkins lied, pointing at Jerome and Greenwood. You ignored him, not wanting to upset him from you getting angry.

     "Boys, we're a team," Theo said as he put a hand on each of their shoulders. "We don't fight amongst ourselves."

     "Yeah, we're a team, boys," Dobkins repeated. "And I'm the captain," Greenwood said, staring at Jerome. You stiffened up. "Oh hell no!" You shouted.

     Jerome held his hand out and dropped the chainsaw. "Captain of my foot," he growled. "I've murdered a dozen women, terrorized the city," he said as Jerome waved his hand for him to hurry up. "What have you done? Chopped up your mommy?"

     You walked up to the boys with your arms crossed. "And four other people," you pointed out. Greenwood glared at you, but you just smiled. "Everybody has to start somewhere," Jerome said, clearly getting annoyed. "See, I have vision, and ambition, and brains. You're just a nutty ole' cannibal. How many people can you eat before that shtick gets old?" He asked.

     Greenwood smirked and looked at you. "I could eat one more." You cocked your head to the side as Jerome stepped in front of you.

     "I can see we're gonna have to resolve this one, once and for all." Theo pulled a revolver out from the back of his pants. He took all the bullets out, putting them all in his pocket, except for one.

     "You all know this game, right?" He asked. "Oh, love it," Jerome said. Theo put the bullet back in the chamber and spun it, before closing it again. He held it out to the boys. "Who wants to be the boss?"

     "Ladies first," Jerome said. Greenwood grabbed the gun and pointed it at Jerome before putting it to his own head. You walked over to Theo and watched the boys.

     He slowly put the gun to his head, and hesitated before pulling the trigger. You frowned when nothing happened. "Damn," you whispered.

     Greenwood pushed the gun into Jerome's chest, before Jerome grabbed it and waved it around. "Hey Greenwood, what's the secret to good comedy?" He asked as he put the gun to his head. He pulled the trigger and nothing happened. You smirked. "Timing. And what courage?" He asked, putting the gun to his cheek. He pulled the trigger, and again, nothing happened. "Grace under pressure."

     You looked at Greenwood and saw that he looked scared. You smiled at that. "And," Jerome started, putting the gun under his chin. "Who's the boss?" He asked. He pulled the trigger, causing Greenwood to flinch, yet nothing happened again.

     "I'm the boss," he said as he began to laugh darkly. He pushed the gun back to Greenwood, but he just stared at it. Theo walked up and grabbed the gun. "I believe you are, Jerome. I believe you are," Theo praised.

     Jerome spun  around to Theo and bowed. "Arigato, sensei!" He spun back around to Greenwood and yanked the sword from him. "Whoo! Hee!"

     You walked over to Jerome and smiled. "Wow, ging. Gotta say, I'm proud of ya!" You said. He smirked at you and leaned in. "Bet you're wishing you would have waited to get your hair done, aren't ya?" He asked. You leaned in and smiled. "Maybe just a little."

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