Chapter One

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*(Y/N) POV*

I was sitting out in the garden, barefoot, reading my favorite book. It was an adventure book filled with magic and love called 'Mystic Adventure'. I had probably read it more than 20 times by now. But I couldn't help but feel hyped every time I read the darned thing. 

As I was nearing the climax of the biggest battle, my personal guard, Sir Izuku, walk up to me, his armor clanking each step he made. 

"Princess (Y/N)?" He called.

I held up my index finger, signaling for him to wait a moment as I was eager to finish reading the battle. 

After about 4 minutes, I finished it and closed my book. "Yes, Izuku?" I say calmly.

He sighed. "I see you're reading that book again," He gestured toward it. "I don't know how you can read a story that many times without getting bored of it." 

"You have to have a wild mind to do that, like me!" I say with a smile. 

"Heh, you certainly have a wild mind, I'll give you that, Princess (Y/N)."

I sigh and shake my head. "You have no need to call me 'princess' when my father isn't around, Izuku. I've told you that many times now." 

Izuku blushed. "Oh! Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He said frantically, bowing.

I laugh at his reaction. 

Izuku and I had grown up together, while he was training to be a guard and I a 'proper' princess, we had become friends since we were close in age. After his training was complete, my father assigned him as my guard since we already knew each well and he trusted Izuku. 

"It's alright Izuku, no need to worry," I said, he stopped in the middle of a bow and looked at me. I smile, which he returns. "So Izuku, were you here to tell me something?" I ask. 

Izuku stood up straight. "R-right! My Lord has asked to speak with you in the throne room." He said, acting seriously now.   

"My father asked for me?" I ask, which Izuku nodded in return. I sigh, "I wonder what it's about this time." I say. 

Izuku holds his hand out to me, offering to help me up. I take his offer and stand up, after doing so, Izuku leads me to the throne room. 

"Do you know why father has called for me?" 

"I have no idea, (Y/N), I'm sorry." 

I look at the ground as we walked. "He probably has a new suitor for me..." I say quietly. 

"That could be it, but maybe it isn't." Izuku pointed out, trying to give some hope to me. 

"Yeah... Maybe..." 

Once we reached the throne doors, Izuku lets go of my hand and open the door for me. "My Lord, I've brought Princess (Y/N) here, just as you asked."

"Sir Izuku, I send my thanks. Would you please leave us to talk." Father requested. 

"Yes, My L--" 

"I'm sorry for interrupting, Izuku, but father, whatever you have to say can be said with Izuku in the room," I state with a small toughness in my voice.

"(Y/N)!" Izuku whispered yelled at me. "What are you doing?!"

Father looked at me." Why must he stay?" 

"I'll feel comfortable knowing my trusted guard is here," I said, my hands together in front of me. "If you have a problem with him being here, I'll take my leave." I was about to turn and leave when father sighed.

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