Chapter Fourteen

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*Third Person POV*

After the whole Torvald incident, guards have now been posted at every turn and aren't allowed any breaks. Even before Torvald broke in, the guards had tough hours to work, but now, it's just brutal. It's to the point where the guards aren't supposed to talk, as fear of distraction. 

Not to mention that she was ordered not a speak a word to those lower than her. 

King Endeavor in a ruthless and heart cold man. 

(Y/N), as a royal, always wants to keep a kind relationship with every worker around the castle so they don't feel underappreciated. But with these new rules, (Y/N) has lost that. 

As she walked down each floor, guards stood there perfectly straight, with pain and tired looks in their eyes. 

(Y/N)'s heart couldn't take this any longer. Many times she had tried to talk to anyone, but aside from Izuku and Shoto, no one would talk. 

Not even Ochaco, Kirishima, Kaminari, Tsuyu, or Bakugo converse with her or each other. 

She walked up to the guard nearest to her. His looks were a bit on the odd side, his head looked similar to a raven's head. (Y/N) stood beside him, not looking to suspicions. 

"Hello there," She greeted. 

He didn't say anything back. 

"What's your name?"  

The guards felt bad not responding to his Princess, so quietly, he spoke. "It's Fumikage Tokoyami," 

A bright smile appeared on (Y/N)'s face. "I'm happy you decided to talk with me, you're the first to do so thus far,"

"Pleasure to offer my help to you, Milady," He said formally, bowing his head. 

She chuckled, "No need to be so formal with me, Tokoyami," She told. "You can just call me (Y/N)," 

"If it's what you truly wish, (Y/N),"

"Awe! You're too kind Tokoyami! You are truly are a guard worth trusting," She gave a warming smile. 

Tokoyami, for the first time since this all started, felt a wash of happiness. 

After that, (Y/N) had to leave. She was wanting to discuss with the King their current issues. 

Walking down the hall was nerve-racking. The guards in front of the meeting room were all personally guards to him. Each one gave death stares to her as if they were forcing her to back away. 

She gripped her rust brown ball gown dress with her sweaty hands, a firm look in her eyes. She sent the sign that giving up wasn't her way. 

At the door stood two of the tallest guards in the hall, they were filled with a menacing aura. 

(Y/N) cleared her throat. "H-hello, I"m here to speak with King Endeavor,"

Without words or nods, they open the door. 

Slowly, she walked in to see the King sitting in his chair as if he waiting for her. 

"Hello, Princess (Y/N) (L/N)," He greeted. 

"Hello, my King Endeavor," She bowed. 

"So, what brings you here?" He asked, though, by his tone, it seemed he already could tell why. 

(Y/N) stood tall, not wanted to seem unsure of her actions. "I'm very sure you are well aware of why I'm here, Milord, so can we cut the games?"

He chuckled, "My my, you are strong-willed, Princess (Y/N)." He pointed out. "So the problem lies with my new guarding system?" 

"Exactly, it's unneeded to be this serious Milord. The guards are being tired out and the longer they stick to these hours, without any breaks or even talking, their work won't be worth anything," (Y/N) told. 

"Please explain this further way this plan flawed," Endeavor asked, but his mocking tone pissed off a certain Princess. 

She slightly growled. "If the guards don't at least get sleep, they'll be unable to fight with full energy," 

He stared daggers at the Princess. 'Damn, I thought Princess supposed to be dumb and complain about lack of attention! Not actually throw accurate points. I'll have to deal with this carefully. Maybe a small stab at the heart would do.'

Endeavor smirked. "Princess (Y/N), I see your point and will take it to heart, truly," He said. 

"Thank you, Milord," (Y/N) turned to leave. 

"Ah, Princess, I have a small question," 

She sighed under her breath. "Yes?" 

"Your personal guard, Izuku Midoriya is his name, correct?" He asked. 

(Y/N) tensed up. 'What's he after...? I would lie and say no, but since it;s his home, he'd have ways to find out anyway...'

She nodded, "Correct, why do you ask?" 

He ignored her question and went on his own, "Do you still speak with him?"  

"...yes, I do." (Y/N) was getting worried. 

Endeavor had a look that spells the word evil. "How is the boy? I heard he was badly hurt when we were attacked."

"Thankfully he's better, he's able to walk, but his arm is still in need of healing," (Y/N) told. 

Endeavor nodded, "I see. Well then, if you have nothing else to speak for, please leave. I have more important things to do, but I will look over everything you said." 

(Y/N) left and walked all the way to her and Shoto's hideout library, but felt a sickening feeling in her gut. 

But when one is in doubt, someone will be there to make you sure. 

"(Y/N)?" A soothing male voice spoke. 

Her eyes met with a pair of miss-match eyes, "Shoto," 

He walked up to her. "You alright?"

"Kinda... I was having a conversation with him about the guards and was hoping to change his mind about it, but I'm not sure it went through to him... And not to mention he was asking about Izuku too." (Y/N) explained to Shoto. "I have a bad feeling about that," 

Shoto pulled (Y/N) into a surprise hug. "Don't worry, My Princess... If he does anything to you or Izuku, I'll be sure to fix it. I don't want you to be upset over what my bastard father does." He pulled away to stare her straight in the eyes. "I care too much about you to have that happen," 

(Y/N) smiled, a smile she only shared with Shoto, while her tears fell, she picks up his hand and places it on her cheek for comfort. Slowly, his thumb cresses it, giving her a smirk. (Y/N)'s heart skips a beat, causing a blush to appear. Shoto eyes were caught on her blush, and his eyes felt full of feelings. 

But it wasn't the only thing his eyes were on. They traced there way down to her soft lips. 

Being stuck in this situation placed a certain mood in the room.  

Each of the slowly leaned in bit by bit. 

Soon enough, they were inches away. (Y/N) could feel Shoto's hot breath mix with hers while he could smell (Y/N)'s scent of flowers. 

He smiled and....


And time to end if off here! Hehehe #evilwriter is back! 

Aside for that cliffhanger, did you enjoy the chapter? Sorry, it took so long to update, I've had lots of school work and I even had a science test yesterday while I had a cold -_- 

It wasn't a good day for me.... 

But now, I'm better!

Welp, time to start writing the next chapter for my other book. I'll try to update this story soon.

Thanks for reading!


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1212 Words)

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