Chapter Thirty: Love

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*Third Person POV*

The battle lasted for three long days. Lives were lost, and at the end, none were sure if it was a victory or a loss. 

The town was saved and it's people safe, but everyone would remember these days but three names: Battle of Love, Hate, and Cowards. Three names that have more meaning than words spoken. 

Yet, at some moments, words serve the biggest meaning of all. 

Especially at deaths open door.


Day One: Battle of Love. 

The group easily defeated the guards that raved them, but the backup would be coming surely. 

"We should separate," Shoto said. "Attack in multiple areas. That way we aren't taking them all in one big group and we can fight easier."

"That's what people say before they die!" Mineta said. "I say we stay together."

Bakugo groans. "You just don't wanna fight." he pointed out. "I'm with half-n'-half over here, just this once though. I really wanna get away from you people quickly so I can really have some fun taking these bastards to hell!"

"Then we'll group everyone up." (Y/N) ordered. "Bakugo and Izuku, top floor of the castle."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Urg, nooo-" Bakugo had no time to finish his sentence. Izuku had already started shoving him to the upper floors. 

(Y/N) ignores his yelling and complaints. "Kirishima, Ochaco, and Mineta. You'll take the gardens and kitchen since they are close together." 

Ochaco and Kirishima agree, but Mineta was about to whine before (Y/N) cuts him off. 

"Dad, think you can take the second floor yourself? There shouldn't be as much since they would've been called to attention on the lower floors." 

Jiro nodded. "I'll be fine. You can trust me." he gave a fatherly smile. It was one that gave others confidence that they'd succeed in the most desprate of times, and they needed that right now. 

While Jiro left for his station, and the others had to drag Mineta away, it only left (Y/N) and Shoto. 

And a bunch of guards, waiting for a fight. 


(Y/N) left out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in, slumping on spot. covered in blood and small injuries. "Urg... That was stressful." 

Shoto walked behind her, not fairing any better than she was. He lightly rubbed her neck, hoping to relieve some of her worries. "You did wonderfully. You fought with such intent bravery. It was almost angelic, you could say. Like a queen ruling a kingdom." 

"Well, after this is all over, I will become your queen. So, ha!" 

He smiles. "Yeah..."

Shoto leans down and envelopes her lips in a kiss. They each tasted the bitter iron taste of blood, but they bypassed it. Even in the middle of a war, a simple kiss can feel so special and pure. When they pulled apart, he placed his warm hand on he cheek. His thumb brushed against a small cut, he gave an unnoticed sigh. (Y/N) leaned into his touch, loving the feeling. 

"Fate is so cruel... I'm the luckiest man to have you, but I burden you with my presence," he said. 

"What do you mean?" (Y/N) asked. 

Shoto averts his eyes, sliding his hand to his side. "I love you, (Y/N), with everything I have, I love you. But I'm not right for you. I mean, look what I've done..." 

"But that wasn't you, Shoto, it was King Endeavour." 

"I could've refused. I could've rejected his threats and saved you," he told. "But I didn't. I allowed you be captured while I hid behind these castle walls and kill innocents." 


"(Y/N), please don't. I don't need you to talk me out of what's true. I killed people without mercy. I tortured those who stood up from my authority. I did such horrible things to those who didn't deserve it. They just wanted to be free and at peace, but I took that from them with seconds." he gripped his messy hair, breathing quicker than before. "They'll hate me. They'll all hate me. You'll hate me. You're gonna leave me, shove me aside when this is over. You'll realize what I've done to everyone and leave me." 

(Y/N) glared. "HEY!" she yelled. Shoto looked up, startled by her sudden reaction. "Since when did I let you decide my feelings, huh? My feelings are my own and I'll decide how I feel about you." 


"No, enough, Shoto." (Y/N) said, standing her ground. "Listen, I'm going to tell you the hard truth. Yes, the townspeople will judge and hate you. They won't ever see you as you were before." she said. "Yes, you've wronged them. And yes, there were many things you could've done instead of what you did, but you didn't. And no matter how much you wallow in your own self-pity, it won't change that."

Shoto inhales sharply. He never expected (Y/N) to say such things so forwardly. 'Maybe she does hate and this is my punishment...' 

"But," she spoke. "Just because that happened doesn't mean I'll love you any less. That includes the others as well. We understand why you did what you did and we will always stand by your side." she grabs his face with both her hands. "So, after this is all over, you stand in front of everyone. You'll confess your mistakes and promise to fix them." 

"Heh, as if they'll want my help..." 

"They won't. They'll harass you, make fun of you. They'll expect you to back down like a coward. So don't. Because if there's anything I know about you, Shoto Todoroki, is that you aren't any coward." she rests her head on his. "And I'll be by your side through every step. Be by your side for every for every insult and mockery. And you better expect nothing less than all my love for you. Cause fate might be cruel, but it brought us together, so I don't think its that bad." 

(Y/n) gives an airy chuckle. She hoped her speech was able to give Shoto what he needed to move on.

"You have no idea how lucky I am to have you..." he spoke softly, his eyes finally looking into her (E/C) ones. "I love you." 

"I love me too," (Y/N) joked, allowing Shoto's body to shake a bit from a stiff laughter. "But I love you more, my Prince." 

They kissed once again, but it felt different. It felt as if there weren't any walls keeping them apart, as if every cell were in perfect sync and harmony. 

And it was wonderful. 



You all have no idea how happy I am! I was actually crying when I saw. You all are so amazing and I can't believe how far I've gone with your love and support. Each and every one of you has gotten me this far and I couldn't be more proud and grateful. And thanks just isn't enough. 

*wipes tears* But anyway, how was the chapter? Sorry, there wasn't much fighting. It's quite hard to explain fight scenes well enough to get the image across, but Imma tries to add it to the next chapter.  

(P.s. Next chapter will be a 100k special.)

I don't have much else to say, and honestly, I'm still in shock by how far this book (and my villain book) have gone.  

Thank you all so much!

Love you~


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1244 Words)

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