NOT AN UPDATE! Just some stuff about me.

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HOLD IT! THIS ISN'T AN UPDATE PEOPLE! I REPEAT, NOT AN UPDATE!! Just a bit about myself! And I'm showing what I look like, cause why not?!


My goodness you guys, I can't even begin to say how happy I am. I currently have 407 reads on Love's Flame and 72 reads on Villains Work, and though it may not seem like much, it's a big deal for me.

Before I started writing these books, I was writing Teen Fiction, which I really loved.

Sadly, I wasn't getting reads after months of writing and I didn't feel motivated continue, thus my love for writing was destroyed.

I honestly didn't want to write anymore because of it, everything was downhill for me, hell I even stopped reading books as a whole.

I know, I was being a drama queen, but it hurt to be doing so poorly with writing, something I'm basing my whole future on! (I want to be a script writer)

For 5 months, I didn't do anything that involved books, I started to rethink my whole life, but then, I started watching My Hero Academia, and I fell in love with it! (And Izuku XD)

Once I was done watching the show and got caught up in the manga, I needed something to do until then to keep me interested, which is where fanfiction comes in!

Day after day I read as many fanfictions as I could, falling in love with the ships, plotlines, drama, action and more! And quickly, my passion for reading returned, YAY!

But that wasn't the only thing...

As I read more, I started loving the way people wrote their stories, how they made the story what it is, and I thought to myself, "I can write so much from this!" So before I could even think about what I was doing, I clicked on the work button and idea's started flowing like a damned waterfall. All I could think about was posting my new book (Love's Flame).

I planned out that story so much, not only did I have a plotline cut out, I created my first chapter in under an hour. (And the second chapter in an hour) But as I was doing my final read and was going to publish it, I hesitated. And the dreaded 'What ifs' popped in my head.

"What if it's bad?"

"What if people don't understand what I'm trying to say?"

"What if I mess up on a character's personality?"

"What if I get no reads again...?"

I honestly was about to delete the chapter, but then, my friend caught me about to delete it, she stopped me and asked if she could read it. I sighed and allowed her too.

Now, I love my best friend to death, but man is she a slow reader, it took her 40 minutes to read it!

But, after she was done, so looked at me with a huge smile and said, "Are you f**king crazy?! You were going to delete this masterpiece of a story?!" I told her yes. "Why?" I told her the reason and she laughed. "You think you're bad?" She asked. "Man, you are the best writer I know. You are creative with your stories, you don't repeat the same thing and you know how to get people attention! They are amazing, you are an amazing writer, Lace!"

Honestly, I cried at what she said, she smiled at me again before turning to my laptop and clicking the publish button for me.

Now you might be thinking, "Well, she's your best friend, she just saying that,"

Ha, no! My friend is nothing like that. She doesn't sugarcoat anything, she finds something bad, she'll tell you. But that's what makes her an amazing best friends.

(Also, don't ship us, she has a boyfriend, and I ship them together more than anything!)

So yeah, that's a bit about me, sorry if this isn't interesting for you, I just wanted to let my story out and say this:

"Don't give up on your dreams just because they didn't work out the first time. First times will always be bad, but you can learn and grow from that. So follow your dreams till the end, PLUS ULTRA!!" (Sorry, I had too XD)

Thank you so much for reading my books (Even IF they are crap.) It means the world and more to me. I'll be posting the next chapter tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

I love you guys lots, thank you again.

*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 845 Words)

Also, here's my face!!

(Yes, I know, I'm black, but I'm also white

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(Yes, I know, I'm black, but I'm also white. Ya know, white mom, black dad, these things happen!)

(Also, don't be racist, or I'll my sword that I have in my room, and shove it down your mouth! Thanks! *Innocent smile*)

(Also, don't be racist, or I'll my sword that I have in my room, and shove it down your mouth! Thanks! *Innocent smile*)

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(Just in case you don't believe me about the sword.)

(What can I say?! I'm an anime sword lover, can ya blame me, this sword is super cool and it'd suck to get your blood on it!) 

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