Chapter Ten

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(^^^ The Man from the last chapter

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(^^^ The Man from the last chapter...)
(Credits to artists)

*Third Person POV*

They watched as Izuku bleed out on the floor with a strange man looming over him. 

"Ah..." He said, "Prince Shoto, and, is that...? No way, the rumors were true! Princess (Y/N) of the (L/N) kingdom was staying here! How wonderful... This works out great!" He announced. "You should have told me sooner, Prince Shoto." 

(Y/N) turned head to Shoto. "You know him...?" 

He quickly shook his head. "I've never seen him in my life," He told. "What do you want?" He asked the man. 

"Ah, ah, good question my dear Prince, good question indeed." He rambled. "But MY question is: Should I tell you?" 

"What are you spouting?!" (Y/N) yelled without a thought. 

The man chuckled, "I see she has some backbone after all," He pointed out. "To answer Milady's question; Why should I tell? It's always been a common mistake for Villain, such as myself, to reveal their big plans, which will end up failing because of such." He explained. "I, on the other hand, want to change that fate."

Shoto gritted his teeth, trying to think of a plan to at least make him talk. 

"Oh, by the way, I'll be taking this," He said before picking up Izuku's lifeless body.

"IZUKU, NO!" (Y/N) screeched, tears welling up. 

"Wait!" Shoto yelled after him. 

The man stopped in his walk to face him. "Yes~?"

"How strong are you, sir?"

"Strong enough," The Man said.

Shoto flinched at how cocky this bastard is being. But even so, Shoto had a look that said all he was thinking. (Y/N) gasped, getting at his actions. 

"If you are so strong, then makes a deal, shall we?" Shoto offered.

This seemed to attract him. "A deal...?"

"We battle it out and whoever is last standing is the winner," Shoto told. "And if I win, we get Izuku back and you have to tell why you are here," 

"And my prize will be Izuku and one other thing of my choosing," The Man bargained. 

Shoto glared. "What other thing, sir?"

"You'll have to lose and find out, Prince," The Man laughed. 

"...Fine," Shoto was unsure of this, but it was the only thing he could have done. "Is it a deal?"

The Man dropped Izuku's body, it made a thud hitting the ground. (Y/N) flinched at the sound. 

"Wait," (Y/N) called out. "While this is going on, let me at least heal Izuku, please?" She begged. 

"As you wish, my dear," He bowed, allowing her to fix her broken friend. 

Without a second moment, she was at his side, placing his head on her lap. "Izuku...? Please stay with me for awhile longer... I promise you'll be okay."

Shoto stared at the two, his heart ached for not only his fallen friend but (Y/N) sadness. She normally holds a smile on her beautiful face, but now it was covered with worry. 

The man grabbed two swords, tossing one to Shoto, who caught it with ease. 

Shoto got into a battle stance with a glare, "Before we battle, what is your name?"

"Ah, it's Torvald, Torvald Sho," He stood up tall, facing the tip of his blade at his target ahead of him. 

'Torvald, huh...Where have I heard that name from?' Shoto thought. 'Ah, this not time to think of that. I can tell he's strong, but it could be an act. I should still be careful of his attacks as I could take damage. Not only that but he might go for (Y/N) and Izuku to mess with me... This will be tough,' 

"Are we gonna start, or are you just gonna stand there all day?" Torvald asked.

Shoto made his move, making an easy strike to see how he'll react. To no surprise, Torvald easily blocked. 

"Are you even trying, Young Prince?" Torvald slid Shoto's sword off his, then attacking his side, causing it to graze him.

Shoto grunts in pain, but still fights on. 

'Damn," (Y/N) thought from the sidelines. 'I'm so useless right now! What can I do to help...?' (Y/n) hated being so unneeded in the middle of battle

Then, a dumb, probably gonna fail and/or mess up everything plan came to her thought. 

And of course, being the person she is, smiled like the fucking (pardon my language) devil.

'Oh hell yeah, this is the best-damned plan this world has ever seen!'



Sorry for the short chapter, I have homework to do and I need to head to bed in an hour, so now is the perfect time to do so, but I still wanted to post a chapter. 

I'm trying to do a battle but it might not work well and I know for a fact, will be rushed cause battle scenes are hard to write. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this *cough* Short for me *cough* chapter. 


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 821 Words)

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