Chapter Two

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*Third Person POV*

"I can't believe him!" (Y/N) yells, pacing back and forth in her nightgown. "How can he say and do such thing?!"

"I'm not sure," Izuku said, standing there with his hands behind his back as usual.

"Why can't I have a say in my future?!" 

Izuku sighed. "Still unsure."

"Why is he such a jerk?!"

"No idea, (Y/N)," 

(Y/N) turned her head toward him. "Do you know anything, DEKU?!" (Y/N) yelled at him, calling Izuku but his harsh nickname. 

Izuku face fell, she had never called him that before, she was always the one to stop people from calling him that, but to hear her call him that, it hurt Izuku with 1000 needles. 

"I'm sorry for my inconvenience, Princess (Y/N)," Izuku apologized, holding back his tears. 

"What wrong with yo...u..." (Y/N) realized what she just said. She covered her mouth. "Izuku, I'm so sorry!" Her voice was muffled. (Y/N) started tearing up. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," She repeated, falling to her knees. 

Izuku saw this with a shocked face and rushed over to hug her. (Y/N) hugged back and Izuku rubbed her back to calm her down. 

"Shh, it's alright, I know you didn't mean it. I was just a bit shock is all. I know you didn't mean it." Izuku cooed.

(Y/N) hugged him tight. "I'm just so sorry Izuku. I'm just so mad at my father and I lashed out at you... Please forgive me." She cried into his shoulder.

Izuku breathed a light laugh. "You've no need to be forgiven. You didn't do anything wrong, so there is nothing to be forgiven for, (Y/N)." 

(Y/N) lifted her head from his shoulder and smiled at him, still some tears in her eyes. "Thank you, Izuku."

"Heh, you're very welcome." He said, wiping away her leftover tears. "Now it's getting late. You should get some rest. I'll pack your bags for you, (Y/N)." Izuku offered. 

"You sure? You don't have too, I'm fully capable of doing this myself." (Y/N) fought back, not wanting Izuku to do her work after what she called him. 

"I may not have to, but I want to. You need to get lots of sleep for tomorrow, it's a long trip."

(Y/N) huffed. "If it's so long, then I can sleep on the carriage." 

Izuku shook his head with a smile. "I know you, you're always so tired after a nap, if you take one on the way, you won't be awake enough to greet Prince Shoto." 

"I don't even want to meet him in the first place," She said, sighing. "Fine, I'll go to bed. Please make sure to pack everything I need for the year." 

"Heh, I will, now go." He said playfully, helping her stand. 

(Y/N) got comfy in her bed, but before she could sleep, she needed something. "Izuku, can you read me a story?" (Y/N) ask.

Izuku smirked. "Sure." He sat down on the edge of (Y/N) bad and said his amazing story. "Once upon a time there was a Princess named (Y/N) who needed to go to sleep. Cause if she didn't, her trusty guard, Izuku, is going to put sleeping medicine in her tea so she'll actually sleep instead of stalling for time to stay up. " Izuku said, finishing up his joke story. 

But, oddly enough, his story put (Y/N) to sleep! 

Izuku stood up so he wouldn't shake the bed from the laughter he was holding in. 

'I can't believe that worked!' He said in mind. 

After calming down, he started packing for his Lady.  He packed all her dress, makeup, coats, socks, her battle outfit, and finally her shoes, which she only had 3 pairs of. (Y/N) likes going barefoot and normally walked around like that. 

Izuku felt like he was forgetting something though, but he couldn't put his finger on it. Suddenly, he remembered what he was forgetting, Izuku's face turned beet red. 

'I'm forgetting her...underwear...'

Izuku's eyes turned toward the drawer they were kept in. He was sweating lots as he walked toward it. 

'I know it's improper of me to do this, but I must! I said I wouldn't forget anything!' 

As he inches closer, he was shaking, Izuku has never seen his Lady's underwear before, or any girls a matter of fact, and thinking about it made him uneasy. 

Carefully, he's hand grabbed the doors handle and slowly, he started pulling it open.

'Oh god, oh god, OH GOD!' 

Just as he was about to have a big freak out, there was a soft knock at the door, saving Izuku. He let a sigh of relief and headed toward the door. He opened it to reveal Ino.

"Oh, hello Sir Izuku," Ino curtsies to Izuku, which he bows in return.

"Hello, Miss Ino. What is the purpose of your visit?" Izuku asks kindly. 

Ino give a light smile "I was here to see if Lady (Y/N) is alright."

"I'm afraid the Princess is asleep, but I assure you that she is alright, Miss Ino." 

She let out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness, I was able to reassure the King that this was a good idea, but I was worried how Lady (Y/N) was handling it."

Izuku bit his lip for a second before asking. "If I may ask a question?" Ino nodded for him to continue. "Why is our Lord doing this? It's alright if you can't tell me, but I do wish to know." 

Ino sighed, playing with the end of her long, blonde hair. "He wants (Y/N) to live a happy life with someone she loves instead of being alone for the rest of her days."

"I get that, but why this way? Why send her away?"

"You know, she isn't going to find love if she stays in one place. In order to find love, you need to look beyond your senses. You need to find love, you can't wait for it to come to you." Izuku looked down, getting what Ino was saying. "You're a good kid Sir Izuku, you're better than most of the guards we have in this world, so please, be there for the young Lady. Protect her with your life."

Izuku looked up some tears in his eyes. "I  will! I always will!" Ino smiled and started walking away, "W-wait!" She stopped and turned back.

"Yes, Sir Izuku?"

"I have one more thing to ask you of!" Izuku said frantically.


Izuku started sweating again. "Um, well, I h-had promised out L-lady I would pack her bag... but I forgot there is something that I shouldn't be touching that I need packed..."

Ino raised an eyebrow. "And that is?"

"I don't wanna say it out loud..." 

Ino sighed and walked over. "Whisper it to me then," Izuku nodded and did so. Ino felt a small blush coming. "O-oh! I understand what you mean. Yes, I will pack that for you."

"Oh thank you so very much!" Izuku felt relieved. 

Ino nodded and finished packing her Lady's bag. 


So, I know I said Shoto would be in this chapter, but I went over board in this chapter and I don't wanna make it too long, so I'm going to stop here and add Shoto in the next chapter. (This one is 1186 words, not including this)

I promise he will be in the next one for sure! 

Thanks for reading, I'll be getting on writing the next chapter, -With our Prince in it- right away!


*~Lace V. Rose~*

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