Chapter Twenty-Six

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

The carriage was filled with negative and upsetting emotions. For those, we've lost and those, who we hope don't follow the same fate. The pent-up feeling of being trapped, both physically and emotionally. In only our shining youth, we've witnessed much heartache that could've been spread out through our years til old age, yet we've experienced it within weeks.

And it's burden was getting harder to accept as reality the closer we got toward the Capital. 

"Bakugo...?" I called softly to him from inside the carriage. Ochaco, Mineta, and Kirishima were sleeping, which is a relief on my part. They'd get a few hours of needed rest and peace. 

"What?" he answered, a bit louder to speak over the rhythmic trotting of the horses. 

"How much longer do you think it'll take? It's been forever." A yawn escaped my lips before I could stop it. I knew I should rest, but I wanted to stay awake to be updated on everything. 

I heard Izuku chuckle from beside the sandy blonde. "It'll take some time, (Y/N). It's only been a few hours since we departed," he explained. "You should use this time to rest, as well. You'll need it for battle, though I pray it won't have to fall that far." 

Another draw breath left me. "Don't logic me, Izuku. I need to stay awake." 

"We'll see you in the morning, (Y/N)," 

"Screw you... and your... reasoning," I slowly drifted off, my eyes fluttering closed. 

*Third Person POV*

"Oi, Deku. I wanna point out the princess asked me the question. Not you." Bakugo snapped quietly. 

Izuku flustered up. "O-oh, um, sorry, Kacchan." 

"The fuck? Who said you could call me the gay ass name?" 

"Oh, um, well, I thought it was a fitting name for you. I--I'm sorry, I won't call you that again. " Izuku apologized and awkwardly started fiddling with his fingernails. 

Bakugo took a glance toward Izuku's form. He seemed uptight and scared about the firey boy. It panged Bakugo's heart a bit, but then again, he placed the image of himself to Izuku and everyone, so it shouldn't shock him. But he just wished someone would step above the pedestal he took a stand on. To go above what he was used too, and change it up. 

But that was thinking a bit ahead of himself.

"So, um, you know where we're heading, correct?" the green haired boy asked, his voice barely a whisper, but Bakugo found it.

"Of course I do!" He whispered shouted. He wanted to shout, but the others sleep was more important than his voice range.  

"It's amazing here, isn't it?" Izuku proposed. 

Bakugo was a bit taken back by the sudden change in topic. But it got him thinking. He never really got around to looking at his surroundings. 

Izuku looked off to the side, taking in the beautiful sunset view the bathed the sky. Oranges, pinks, and yellows merged to create a masterpiece. Castle's and mountains were just hidden, blacked out by distance, but still glowed under the colours around. The air was a bare chill, but soothing enough. The leaves gently fell from their respected trees, signalling the season's change. Everything at the moment seemed perfect. Nothing would get better than this view. It was a kingdom should look like in it's people's eyes. Tranquil and bright. 

"Yeah... I guess it's nice and all," Bakugo agreed, slightly relaxing. He might as well be chill now, cause it might be his only chance for some time. 

"Do you think everyone will make it out of this alive? Those who are left, that is." 

Once again baffled, Bakugo's eyes trailed to Izuku. His eyes were no longer amazed by the view. They were cast downward to the wooden boards the held the carriage together. "I'm not sure..." he answered. "But I doubt any of us will die. Not with me around." Bakugo expected a response. Whether it be a chuckle or another question form the boy beside him, but there was nothing. And it got Bakugo irritated. "Oi, Deku, you better give some sorta response." 

And Bakugo got his wish. 

But it wasn't what he wanted. 

Izuku looked up at him, with tears brimming his eyes. "I don't want any more people to suffer, Kacchan..."

And he wasn't alone on that. 

Because in the Capital castle, a young male sits on the throne. Alone in the room, he grips his hair tightly, praying for the deaths to end.

"Damn my old man..." Shoto swore. "He'll rue the day he placed me here. He'll rue the day he took me from my love... (Y/N)." 

'(Y/N), if you can hear me, please know I meant none of this... I didn't want innocents to die at my hands! I know I don't deserve your love anymore, but I hope you'll forgive my wrong doing's... I love you, my dearest (Y/N).' 

Shoto's thoughts said more then he'd say out loud. 

Out loud meant giving into the reality of what is and may happen. 

It meant admitting his mistakes, which he would do. But it also meant admitting he'd lose (Y/N) for them. And he couldn't bear to live in a world where she despised him. But if it meant this ended, he'd sadly have to give in. It's not just his love that's at risk anymore, but everyone in the world. 

And as much as (Y/N) is Shoto's whole world. He needs to face reality and see that she isn't the centre focus in all this, much against his want for it to be so. 

A knock on the door snapped Shoto's thoughts. "Er, come in..."

The door opened just enough for a lady servants head to pop in. Once she took notice of Shoto, her whole body was revealed. "Um, sir, you have a guest eagerly awaiting to see you."

"Who may it be? My fat-- King Endeavour?"

She shook her head. "I'm afraid not, sir. Though he does seem to be a royal. Shall I still allow him in?" she kindly asked. 

"Please do," he answered. 

"I'll just be a moment, he's right down the hall." 

And a moment she was. A before Shoto knew it, a man, a King stood before him. 

"Hello, Shoto Todorki. A pleasure to finally meet you in person..." they spoke. 

"King Jiro (L/N)..." Shoto felt his heart stop. It was (Y/N)'s father...

"In the flesh." he has a deathly angry grin. "Now do tell what you've done to the kingdoms... and my daughter?"


GAH, I am soooo sorry for the major delay in updates! I've actually been really busy and have;y found the time to write. Even then, that's not excy=use to be almost 3 weeks without an update. I'm truly sorry. 

Aside from that though; How was the chapter? Did I do well? 

Was I able to create a clear visual for you? I've been trying to incorporate more of the scenery in descriptive words and such. Hope it works out well in the end product. 

Also, any else excited from Voltron coming out March 2? CAUSE I AM! #LANCE-IS-BEST-SPACE-BOI!


Hehe, well, I'll end it here. 

Thank you all for reading!


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1241 Words)

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