Chapter Eleven

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*Third Person POV*

Currently, Torvald was knocked out on the ground, (Y/N) standing over him, covered in scratches.

Shoto stood there, his right arm covering his side wound. 

(Y/N) blinked a few times in shock. 

"Holy crap... Did my plan really just work?" (Y/N) questioned herself. "Well then..." Dramatic pause. "HOW THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?!"


(Y/N) carefully placed Izuku's head down, making sure not to slam it down and causing more damage. 

"Alrightly, how am I gonna do this?" She planned to herself. She looks at Shoto, who was fighting one-handed, the other holding his wound.  

'Crap, I gotta hurry and put my plan into action! Before Shoto gets more hurt.' 

(Y/N) raised from her kneeling position and headed into the battlefield. 

'Okay, just gotta stay calm and collected.' She thought to herself. 

The two males noticed and temporarily stopped their fight. (Y/N) stepped in front of Shoto, her eyes were blackened out. 

"(Y/N)?!" Shoto called, "What on earth are you doing?" 

(Y/N) spoke no words, leaving a strong and determined aura around. 

The wounded Prince stared and the Princess before him. '(Y/N)...' His mind called out. 

"What are you doing, Milady?" Torvald asked, seeming wary, but hid it well. 

Just not well enough. 

(Y/N) chuckled. "Oh, Torvald, Torvald.... You've made quite the mistake here," She sounded nothing of herself, but yet you could feel her emotions as clear as the sky. 

"Oh, did the poor little Princess snap?" Torvald mocked. 

"My my, Torvald, you should mock those you are wary of..." (Y/N) informs. "It's a huge blunder on your part,"

Torvald had drops of sweat, he gripped his sword tighter. "What do you mean?" 

Laughter echoed throughout the room, (Y/N) spotted a sword on the ground beside her foot. Without removing her cold gaze from Torvald, she used her foot and flicked it up to her hand. She pointed the tip of the sword at the Villain. "Shall we?" 

He glared. "This isn't your fight, I challenged the Prince, not some snotty Princess!" 

"I don't recall you saying... that others couldn't intervene this fight. Only that the winner is last one who stands," (Y/N) pointed out. 

"Tsk..." Torvald shook with anger. "Fine then..." He gritted his teeth, "(Y/N) shall be my now opponent,"  

(Y/N) smirked, "Then let's be--" 

"NO! I won't allow this!" Shoto spoke up. 

She sighed. "Damn, Shoto, you ruined my awesome mojo moment... And it was going so well too," (Y/N) pouted. 

"Why are you doing this, (Y/N)?" He asked. "You're only going to get hurt, you don't know wield a sword."

(Y/N) looked at Shoto with a smile, "Oh, well, I guess you better watch closely then~" 

A confused Shoto was shoved off to the side by Milady, he landed on his bum right beside Izuku. 

Before Shoto could complain further, he gasped when (Y/N) cut the bottom of her dress off, revealing black leggings underneath. 

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