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*Third Person POV*

(Y/N) thought the ride would be peaceful considering the route they were taking, but the nerves as they got closer to the capital, her hands got sweaty. Everything was becoming too real for her. She knew what King Endeavor said true, what Shoto has done forcefully. But was she ready to see it? To see the truth of the situation?

She gulped loud enough for Kirishima to hear. He sat across from her, Mineta snoring and drooling on his arm. Kirishima gives a small smile.

"Nerves getting to ya?"

(Y/N) nods. "Yeah, they are... This situation is scary."

"That may be true. But you are such a strong woman, Princess. You've fought against many foes, so why does this one scare you?"

She looks at her hands, trembling. "Cause what if my opponent inks the man I love and live for? The man I'm trying to save?"

Kirishima gasps sadly. He didn't realize that might be the case. That they'd have to fight Shoto if he's been too corrupted. If he was pushed too far. He leans his body over, Mineta's head slowly sliding off. His hand's clasp (Y/N)'s tight. "You've nothing to fear, Princess. If all else fails in saving the Prince, we'll find another way to bring him back to the man he once was. I place my faithful word on it." 

Kirishima kisses the back of her right hand with respect to his promise. (Y/N) looks kindly at Kirishima. "Thank you, Kiri," she said. "And also, drop the Princess formality." 

He chuckles and leans back, crushing the grapes head slightly. "Of course, (Y/N)."

As their conversation ended, and the others gradually woke from slumber, their destination was entering view. 

But it wasn't a pleasant sight. 

Bakugo pulled on the reins, slowing the horses down to a smaller trot before completely stopping at the gates. "(Y/N) and unwanted company... We've arrived." he said. "Prepare yourselves." 

Those in the carriage filed out and stood before the city. "Oh... my... lord..." (Y/N) couldn't believe her own sight. 

Just ahead of them was the Capital. A bustling place where the streets were brimming with life has been converted to rubble, and that's putting it delicately. You could tell a carnival took place before the attacks. Leftover and damaged ribbons and confetti were scattered and stepped upon. They walked those very same paths, images of scared people and family's rush in their heads. They could feel the remaining fear of those dead at their feet. Men, woman, and children's bodies paved a risen hell. 

(Y/N) had taken a step toward a small, yellow, stuffed bunny on its side laying on the ground, she stooped down to pick it up. One side was almost perfectly clean, a small scuff mark on its face. But when she flipped to the other half, her heart froze. It was drenched in raw blood. (Y/N) took a step back, unknownst to the puddle of blood she landed her foot into. She heard the slouch of its impact. Her screams were held back by her free hand. Tears fell desperately. Whimpers spewed quietly from everyone. 

(Y/N) was scared to move more ten she had. Frightened to see more of the trauma ahead of her standing. 

 Izuku noticed his Princess' frightened state, and he couldn't blame her. He too had shed some tears for the fallen, for the village and its survivors who were scared with the memories. So, taking a deep breath in of what good was there, and breathing out what's in current sight, he moved near (Y/N). 

"(Y/N)...?" his voice barely called out. Izuku reached for the bunny, slowly taking it away. He placed it in his satchel, knowing (Y/N) would fix it up. Izuku took the resting hand, finally getting her attention. "(Y/N), don't think about what you see right now." 

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