Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*Third Person POV*

King Jiro, (Y/N)'s father. 

As Jiro stood before Shoto, his cold gaze board into the shocked boy. Of all the people to appear, it was his lover's father. 

"Mind telling me what you've been up to as of late? It seems you've caused damage worldwide, prince." Jiro spoke, his voice quiet and yet it painted a picture of dominance.

Shoto had to keep a maintained composure, for (Y/N)'s sake. He clears his throat. "I've no idea what you speak of, King Jiro. I'm simply showing the kingdom's whose in control." Shoto said. "That includes your kingdom as well." 

Jiro glared. "I won't bow before an idiotic prince." 

"You've no choice," 

He sighs deeply. "To think I'd marry my daughter off to someone with the likes of you." he faces Shoto coldly once more. "What have you done with my daughter? I'm glad to see she's not part of this tyranny, but I fear where she may be." 

"She's not here, I can tell you that." Shoto answer. "Her whereabouts are known, however, her mental or health state isn't as public." his voice cracks a little, truth flowing in his words. 

"You dare put my child in such a case of danger!?" Jiro growls. "I'll have your head for this, prince!" 

The boy laughs. "As if you'd be so bold, old fool. You couldn't even be there for your wife's death, yet you think you'll have my head? Ha. You mock yourself. I bet she's glad to rid herself of you." The words stained Shoto's mouth with venom. He'd regretted his lies deeply.

Jiro's heart panged at the mention of his dear beloved Minako. It's true, he missed her demise by being suck in kingdom paperwork, but his love for her never wavered a flinch. He loved Minako up to her sickest days. And seeing a dishonourable prince dismay Minako's death lit a fire. 

"You dare speak of my wife in a such a manner?!" the angered man stepped forward. "You dare keep my child captive?!" Jiro grabbed Shoto by his collar. "You dare ruin our kingdom and think we'll bow before a prick?!" he looked Shoto dead in the eyes. "Now I understand why (Y/N) hates marriages such as this."

Jiro had further to say but halted. He was finally able to get a close-up of the boy he threatened to behead, but what he saw staggered him. 

Single strands of tears poured from Shoto's eyes gradually, taunting him. He could no longer keep his act. "I despise this..." he muttered. "I never wanted it to be like this. I just wanted to be with (Y/N). I wanted to be by her side. Laugh with her, read and eat with her. I wanted to show her the beauty of this burned world. Tell her that I never betray her love and kindness." 

Shoto's body trembled with more tears slipping. "I aspired to properly ask for her hand in marriage, not have it arranged by our elders. I desired to marry her with only true love in my heart, to dream only of our adventures and make them true entirely for her! I wanted (Y/N) to be safe from danger!" he screamed. Shoto pries himself from Jiro's grip, but it wasn't difficult to achieve. Jiro was stunned by the words he's hearing. "But I couldn't keep (Y/N) secure. I'm too weak to stand against my father and he... he stole away my only happiness." 

Jiro's ears pricked at the last statement. Just before Shoto could resume, Jiro discoursed first. "Hold it boy. Tell me that last part again."

"... It was my father who caused this. He started with taking and injuring Sir Izuku badly--" 

"What?! Izuku has been injured as well? How much so?" 

Shoto clenched his fists. "His right eye was stabbed and he was thrown into a secret dungeon full of bones of dead guards. He'd ended up catching a fever when we arrived." 

"N-no..." Jiro stuttered. He'd known Izuku since his youngest days. His mother, Inko, was a baker for the castle. The boy had grown up with (Y/N). He and Inko were part of the family more so than anyone. 

"My bastard father used Izuku's state against us and a few close friends. And that's how (Y/N) was put in danger." Shoto said. "He locked her and my friends in as well, only leaving me out. He's the one who forced me to be like this, to harm innocent people!" Shoto regards to the floor. "I even had to kill a little boy... he saved his family and was murdered by my hand."

The king eyed the wretched boy. He visibly seemed worn out and sick. Sick of the screams and death. Sick of being defenceless against his father. 

Words couldn't describe how Jiro felt at the moment. He was shattered with every bit of information on the situation in a such a devastating way. This circumstance was forced by the hands of a vile king, not this broken boy who stood before him. 

Slowly, the king advanced to Shoto, whose tears dripped slowly on the ground whilst his head was bowed. His arms gently wrapped themselves around his fragile form. "It's alright, son. It's alright. You've done none of your own ill-will. I won't hold it against you... and neither will (Y/N) I'm sure." 

Shoto stood still in the embrace yet he felt comfortable. Jiro's kindness reminded him of his love. His warmth matching her's to a tee. 

"I'm so sorry, king Jiro." his voice muffled from Jiro's chest. 

"You've no need to feel sorry. It wasn't you was made the calls." 

"That may be true, but I still went through with them," Shoto said.

Jiro sighed. "Wheather you did or not, you've no fault here boy," Jiro speaks calmly. 

Nothing more was said at the moment. Shoto ran out of ways to change the king's mind that he's truly at some blame. 

'His stubbornness definitely passed on... (Y/N), you're so much like your father at times, just as you are so much like me...' Shoto thought.


Yay, another chapter is done and posted! XD

So, what y'all think of dad Jiro? Change your thoughts on him since the beginning of the book? Or do they remain the same?  

I hope this chapter suited to your liking, I definitely enjoyed writing it, as always!

Imma end here, I've gotta get going on book two of my Villain Deku. {check out both books 1 and 2 if you're interested. XD)

Thanks for reading!


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1099 Words)

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