Chapter Nine

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*Third Person POV*

Shoto and (Y/N) headed to the kitchen for drinks.

(Y/N) still was blushing over the fact that Shoto offered his hand to her. 

And it confused her. 

I mean, it's only holding hands, even her and Izuku has held hands...

So why is it so different with him?

At this point, Shoto was doing no better than her. 

'I can't believe I offered her my hand....' He thought, seeming calm but wanting to freak out. 'And she even took it. And we are still holding hands...' His brain was swirly crazy. 

Since Shoto was leading the way, and he was lost in thought, they ended up going the wrong way. 

"Um, Shoto?" (Y/N) spoke up. 

Shoto snapped his head up. "Yeah?" 

"Um, this doesn't seem like the way to the kitchen," 

Shoto furrowed his eyebrows. "Huh, what are you talking abo--" He cut himself off when he saw that he was so deep in thought that he actually led them in the opposite direction. "Oh, we are very much in the wrong place..."

(Y/N) giggled. "Jeez, Shoto, I thought you knew this place well," She said jokingly.

He shuffled a laugh and started walking in the right direction this time.




Shoto's heart wouldn't stop thumping. 

'What's wrong with me today? I'm all twisted around...' He asked in thoughts. 

After walking for about ten more minutes, they arrived. 

Shoto, sadly, let go of (Y/N) warm and sweaty hand -which he didn't mind about the sweaty part- and open the door for her. 

(Y/N) was disappointed their hand holding session was over.

His hand was cold, yet somehow welcoming...

'I wonder if he noticed my sweaty hand... I was so nervous!' She was thinking. 

(Y/N) and Shoto walked into the kitchen. 

"Excuse me?" Shoto asked, tapping a young maids shoulder. 

She turned only to gasp at the fact royalty was talking to her and bowed fastly. "I-is there something I can do for you?!" She was very nervous. 

"Um, is there tea here? I was wanting to make three cups of it for the both of us-" He pointed to himself than me, "- and Sir Izuku."

Right away the maid offered to make it, calling them once it was going to be done. 

Shoto and (Y/N) didn't want to reject the poor maids offer, so they allowed her to make it. 

While in there waiting, (Y/N) eye caught on some Cold Soba being made by the cooks. Immediately, she started drooling over it. 

Shoto noticed she was staring and went over to see as well. Once he saw, he smiled. It was so charming that (Y/N) took her eyes to his face. 

"You like Cold Soba?" She asked, curious. 

He nodded. "It's my favorite," He told. 

"Oh, me too!" 

They both froze, realizing something. 

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