Chapter Twenty

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*Third Person POV*

It's been hours since (Y/N), Bakugo, and Ochaco were locked in this bloody jail with Izuku. While Bakugo kept trying to break down the door, the girls did their best to tend Izuku's wounds and fever. 

"Oh, Izuku..." (Y/N) gentle petted the poor boy, who breathed lightly and quickly. It pains her to see Izuku in such a state. And it hurts her even more that Shoto isn't here to comfort her. 

(Y/N) only hopes he's okay. 

"There we go," Ochaco exclaims, sighing and resting against the wall while sitting. "I was able to use my sleeve and make Izuku a new bandage for his eye," Ochaco held up her arm, revealing her tattered sleeve. 

"Thank you, Ochaco. I'd be hopeless without you here," (Y/N) gives the best smile she could muster in this situation, which Ochaco returns.

The room stayed silent. But not even a moment later, Bakugo screamed and rammed his shoulder into the concrete door. He did this a few more times, and (Y/N) was getting tired of his yelling.

Just as he was about to yell again, (Y/N) beat him to it. "BAKUGO!" 

"WHAT?!" He dramatically turns to face her, his face red with anger and covered in sweat. 

"Enough with the yelling, please." She said. 

He huffs and walks to the other side of the wall, slouching down, breathing heavy from his suppressed anger.  

Finally, the room was at peace, the only sound was the crackling wood from the torch. They were thankful to have it. Without, it'd be a dark hole, with only our thoughts to drive us insane.

It seemed like hours before light footsteps could be heard from inside the jail. It caught their attention quickly, and everyone was on edge. Bakugo jumped up and got into a fighting stance, which (Y/N) joined in on while Ochaco watched over Izuku. 

The sound got louder a quicker, coming toward them. (Y/N) started shaking at the thought of what it could be, but still stood her ground. 

Bakugo noticed the light shaking coming from his princess. He knew she wasn't weak and timid, but anyone would be scared in this situation. Bakugo steps in front of (Y/N), still in fighting stance. 

"Don't worry, Princess." He said. "I know you aren't stupidly weak like most people, but I'll still protect you." 

(Y/N) eyes gleamed with happiness. She gave a happy sigh. "Thank you, Sir Katsuki," 

"W-welcome..." He was blushing. Bakugo was thankful he was in front of her, so she didn't see it. 

They were so busying talking, they hadn't yet realized the sound was silenced. But what they did realize was a small person-shaped thing standing in the shadows.


Bakugo glared at the shadowed figure. "Wait..." He whispered to himself. 

 "AH! And to my luck, two beautiful ladies! How perfect! I wonder what size boobs they hav--" It was cut off when Bakugo threw a guards helmet right at it. "HEY! THAT HURT!" It whined. 

"SHUT IT, YOU FUCKING PERV MINETA!" Bakugo shouted back. 

The thing walked out from the shadows, revealing to actually be a small person. He had bumpy purple hair and wore a tattered outfit. "Oi, Bakugo! You don't have to be so rude! I was just simply admiring the beauties before me," He admitted, blushing with a stupid look and his thumb up. 

(Y/N) groans, understanding what kind of person Mineta was. She walks over and sits back down with Ochaco and Izuku. But of course, Mineta had his eyes on her butt. 

"I wouldn't be eyeing (Y/N) if I were you, Mineta," Ochaco warned.

Mineta glanced over at her. "Oh, my dear Ochaco, why is that?"

"It because she dating the damned Prince of all things hot and cold," Bakugo told, sliding down a wall to sit, arms crossed.

The small boy's mouth fell. "W-WHAT?! She's with Shoto?! No way!" He stares at (Y/N), mostly her attire. "Wait. Is she a--"

"Yes, I am a Princess," (Y/N) answered for herself. 

He jumped and dropped to his knees. "I'M SORRY PRINCESS, I DIDN'T KNOW!" He looks up. "I mean, you're still a hot piece, but I'm still sorry for being rude about it,"

She chuckled. "It's fine, Mineta. No harm has been done," 

Mineta tried hitting on Ochaco since (Y/N) was too high a class for him, she was left to her own thoughts. 

'Shoto... It's probably been less than a day now since we've been apart. But I want you to know, I still miss you nonetheless.' (Y/N) rested her head against the wall. 'I hope my thoughts are able to reach you. And that you miss me just as much as I do you. Please be strong, and don't worry about us. Focus on what's important.' 

(Y/N) smiles, closing her eyes. 'I love you, my Prince.' 


Shoto was left alone in a locked room the King placed him in. He stood over a table, which once had papers, feather pens, and books, but in a fit of rage, Shoto knocked them all off. 

His worry froze over his heart, making him restless and have major outbursts. 

But suddenly, his heartfelt warmer. He knew it had to be his love. Only she could melt his heart. 

'Focus on what's important...' 

He heard those words float in his head. 

He gave a shaky chuckle, pursuing his lips as he leaned over the desk, tears falling. 

'You are what's important to me, (Y/N),' He thought. 

'Stay strong...' (Y/N)'s voice echoed again. 

He finally stood up, wiping his eyes. Taking a deep breath in, he was able to collect himself once more, feeling calmer, as if she actually were here. 

His eyes caught onto a book he knocked off. He smiled once he read the title. Shoto bent down, gentle picking it up. 

Mystic Adventures; Book 1: A Passionate Heart.

It was his favourite of the series, which means its (Y/N)'s as well because of one reason. This was the book in which it shared their favourite part. 

'My favourite part is when the princess saves the prince, who waited for her,' He recalled from memory. 

He looks at the book a moment longer, before opening it up, and starting to read. 

He chuckled at how much it reminds him of (Y/N)

But then again.

When is she ever off his mind?


Ah, chapter complete! Hope you liked it!

I'm sorry there wasn't much happening in this chapter, I wanted something calming after all the events of the last few parts.

I also would like you all to know I have a new book (it's not fanfiction, but Yaoi/BoyxBoy) It's called:

Naming the Stars.

I really think you should check it out, though I only have the intro and cast up at this point. 

Thank for reading!


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1146 Words)

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