Chapter Twenty-Nine

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*Third Person POV*

As (Y/N) and Shoto partook the moment of love, everyone else awkwardly tried not patrolling. Bakugo wanted to interrupt them, everyone else didn't, so they all retained him and covered his mouth to prevent ungracious statements. Jiro had looked away from the scene, unable to watch his precious daughter's face be marked by Shoto lips.

But soon enough, Bakugo just couldn't take it. Kirishima, who's hand was mostly over his mouth, was bitten by Bakugo. 

"Ouch!" he pulled his hand away, fanning it in the air as if it'd do something. "The hell, man?!" 

The other's hands also moved their hands, fearful of being assaulted by Bakugo's unrelenting teeth. "Hey! You guys better stop making out! We still got guards to distribute with and we aren't gonna have you sucking face in the middle of it!"

(Y/N) pulled away from Shoto's embrace. She met Bakugo with rage. "Excuse me, Bakugo," she said with a counterfeit. "But I haven't seen my lover in weeks, so I'd appreciate if you'd bugger off for a second. We are in the midst of a war, so I think I warrant a moment of bliss. Don't you?" 

Bakugo glares. "I believe we all want one, Princess. But we don't have those people we love with us. So it's unfair of you to rub it in when we might not ever see ours again." his voice had a delicate and more vulnerable tone. It was unconventional from his usual banter. 

(Y/N) suddenly felt regretful. She hadn't thought of how they felt. It never crossed her mind that they crave to embrace their loved ones as well. 

"You've nothing to worry about, old friend," Shoto said, standing up. "You'll all see your families, I promise you." 

"O-oh, King Jiro," Izuku addressed. "How is my mother?" 

Jiro finally took a good look at Izuku, and his heart throbbed. He was filthy and seemed skinner then when he last observed him. Not to consider the bandage treating his left eye. It was bloody and presumably required a replacement. Jiro felt his chest tighten further. Izuku was a son. And this happens to him in merely a few months. 

"Your mother to doing just fine. A bit shook up form the news spreading around about the Capital, but aside from that, she's well and missing her baby boy," he emphasized with a small grin

Izuku smiles. "I miss her as well. But I'll make it home soon enough... Right?"

No one could give the green hair boy an answer for they had no idea themselves if they'll live to see the next sunrise. Their lives were in fates hands. And that's what alarmed them the most. 

Jiro laid a strong hand on Izuku's shoulder. "We'll do our best to make that true, son." 

The boy recognized his words. Izuku knew that this war wouldn't be won without departing, and yet he still held onto hope that it would. And he wasn't the only one. After being reunited with her lover, and hearing Bakugo's words, she too prayed to every God living in the holy skies that they'd shine mercy on them. 

Odds didn't seem in their favour, though. Cause not long after, the King's guards appeared, only twenty or so, but that meant more would only come after. 

"Oi! Prince Shoto has betrayed us! Alert the others now!" a guard barked. A fellow knight nodded and raced off. "Prince Shoto... Prepare to face the wrath of betrayal towards your fathers Capital Kingdom." 

"The Capital was never his," Shoto narrated. "And he isn't my father... Never was, and never will hope to be." 

They growled. "Onward! Fight in the name of the king!" 

"Alright, now this is what I was waiting for!" Bakugo cheered. He grabbed a fortuitous sword from the ground. With a mighty and overpowering barrage, he charged in for battle. 

"WOOO HOOO, LET'S DO IT!" Kirishima screamed out.

"Bakugo! Kirishima!" Ochaco worriedly beckoned after. 

"Their an idiot! Their gonna die!" Mineta hacked in his fingers. "We're gonna die! These guards are gonna finish us off! And right after we just got here!"  

(Y/N) frowned. "Not helping, Mineta!" she yelled. (Y/N) was just as scared as he was. She may have been trained for warfare, but it wasn't something she wishes for. None do. But it's her obligation to fight for what's right. 

Even if she's frightened, (Y/N) must keep strong, because it's not just her life she's fighting for. She's fighting for everyone. For herself. For Shoto. For her father. For Izuku, Bakugo, Ochaco, Kirishima, and Mineta. For the lost lives like Kaminari. And for the people worldwide. (Y/N) is striving for them. 

So, with a tight grip on Shoto's warm hand, she turns to him with a smile. "Let's survive this, okay?" her voice cracks from fear, but (Y/N) holds it back in. 

Shoto stared at his love. He could feel her trembles and sweaty palms. He could hear the clatter of her teeth after every word spoken. Yet her face only held resolution. And Shoto couldn't be more proud of the woman he swore his love too. 

Shoto nods. He brought the back of her hand to his lips, giving a feathery kiss. "We'll either survive or die together, my love. I'll be with you. No matter what may come between us." 

They faced the battle together this time, all eyes forward. Izuku and Jiro had joined battle head-on. Ochaco and Mineta held back. Ochaco found a bow and some stray arrows around, so she stood guard as a backup. And Mineta cowardly hide behind a pillar. 

Shakily, a sigh escaped (Y/N)'s lips. "Let's do this." 

And so the battle had begun.

If only they comprehended the friends that would be lost...


Chapter Twenty-Nine: Finished. 

I hope it was alright, sorry it took so long. My laptop isn't yet fixed, but I was able to delay the virus long enough to write this out. Some parts were typed on my phone, so any grammar mistakes came from that. 

Anyhoo, I don't have much to say. 

Thanks for reading.


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1024 Words)

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