Chapter Thirty-Two: Cowards

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*Third Person POV*

"Mineta! If you aren't gonna fight, hide inside the kitchen!" Kirishima yelled at the frightened grape, who stood behind a bush while shaking and crying. 

"But if I come out I'll be killed!" he yelled back, barely looking over the leaves to see Kirishima fighting with a guards sword that he stole and Ochaco, using a bow and arrow.

Its day three of the fight already. The first two days were steady, only having a few guards a day flowing in. The two dealt with them easily while the grape hid in fear. They hoped he'd actually do something in a situation, but were left disappointed when he only cried and begged for protection. 

Though the first two days were slow, on the third day, they patrolled the outside, where Ochaco happened to be, collecting herbs for wounds. 

The battle picked up heat quickly, and thus, that brings up here. 

Ochaco noticed someone lurking behind Mineta, so she hoisted her bow. Mineta dunked with a yelp, assuming she was directing for him. But when he apprehended her target was the enemy, he screamed and drove to stand behind Ochaco.

"Ochaco!!! Protect me!!!" he cried. 

He gripped onto her legs, preventing her from moving at all. She just needs to get the arrows laying on the ground. 

"Mineta, let go," she said, trying to be polite. When he didn't, she started to get a slight panicked when guards noticed her situation. "Mineta, you need to let go...!" she cried, panicked. 

"Please protect me!" he wailed, rubbing his face in her legs. 

Soon, she was surrounded by guards, circling her with swords out. Kirishima tried to help her out, but he had he had his own little squad of knights. 

"Mineta... please let me go..." she tried to plead once more, but she knew it was hopeless. The smaller teen noticed the fault in her voice and looked up with his teary eyes. His eyes scanned the enemy, who had them stuck in their spot. 

"Ochaco, w-what do we do?!" he urged. 

Her eyes averted from his. "Give in... We can't fight like this." 

Mineta rocked his head in disbelief. He faced Kirishima, hoping he'd be able to find a way to escape. But he couldn't. His hands were already cuffed and he was forced to his knees, head hung low in shame. 

He, too, fell to his knees, tears quietly streaming. "N-no...No I don't wanna go with them! I don't want to die yet!" 

With his best efforts, he attempted to crawl away frantically. 

But he wasn't fast enough. 

A guard simply kicked him back, causing him to fly back and roll to Ochaco, who was cuffed and on her knees.  

"Mineta...Just give up," she begged. 

He didn't have time to answer back when his hands were pulled back and locked. His wails were loud and full of fear. He didn't want to die like this, to die at the hands of guards. 

"PLEASE, SOMEBODY! HELP!" He cried for a final time. 

"Urg...Shut him up. For good." a knight ordered, smirking. 

Mineta fell back as an enemy approached him, sword in hand and raised for a strike. His eyes clenched shut. He readied himself for a hit...

A hit that never touched him. 

He heard a clash. As if the strike was blocked. Mineta peeked his eyes open to see Izuku standing before him, struggling to keep the enemies sword at bay. 

"Leave him alone." he sat. "You aren't killing another person!" Izuku flung his sword away and kicked the guard. "I'll make you pay for Kacchan... I'll make you pay!!"

Ochaco gasped while Kirishima swore under his breath. Mineta was too zoned out to properly understand his words.

No one expected for what came next. Izuku let out a battle cry, just as Bakugo did before any fight, and charged at them. 

Attack after attack, he took down the guards. His adrenaline over-powered him greatly. He did take hits but powered through it. 

"Get out of here!" Izuku yelled to the three. "I won't be able to keep them at bay forever!" 

"I-izuku, you nee--" 


Startled, Ochaco and Kirishima slug toward each other in order to uncuff themselves. Once they did, Ochaco crawled to Mineta to help him out as well. 

As she tried her best to be quick, they all didn't realize the guard sneaking behind a bush with an arrow aimed at her. 

All expect Mineta. 

His panic was triggered. He couldn't form any words. 

But he could act. 

He could do something. 

He could protect those who put their lives on the line for him. 

So, quickly, he moved to Ochaco's side and held his arms out with a battle cry. 

And for the first time, he was able to move fast enough for a good use. 

The arrow pierced his chest, almost going all the way through his thin body. His eyes became bloodshot from the shock as he fell back, landing on the prickly grass. Ochaco stood stiffly in terror as Mineta's eyes shut. 

He didn't have any last words, but he looked up, smiling at Ochaco. 

"Oh god... Oh god, no..." she whispered to herself, not wanting to believe this. "....Why are you coward of a hero..." she cried, tears spilling. 

With the help of Kirishima, they quickly finished off the leftover guards. 

The last of the guards in the whole palace. 

The end of the guards battle. 

But they still had one more. 

The final boss. 

And they'll fight with everything they have.

'For Mineta...' 

'For Kacchan...'

'For the Kingdoms...' 


Everyone stares at the lifeless bodies before them. The bloodshed this battle causes who a too great a price. 

But their thoughts didn't last much longer. All eyes hardened when the echo a slamming door could be heard. And they knew what it's echo brought. 

"King Endeavour..." 


And that's battle three: The Battle of Cowards. 

How was it? I know people usually hate Mineta, but I hope his death was at least a bit sad? If not, that's fine too.

Anyway, I just wanna say this:



This book specifically has gotten these ranks (Current of the posting): 

#92 in xreader
#75 in reader
#305 in fantasy
#21 in todoroki
#3 in shoto todoroki
#28 mha
#27 in midoriya
#8 in shoto
#39 izuku
#88 in boku no hero academia
#33 in izuku midoriya
#3 in shoto x reader
#522 in kingdom
#117 todoroki x reader

Honestly you guys, I'm amazed. I never thought you'd all be this amazing to get me here. I could NEVER thank you all enough!

I love you guys!

And thank you. 

Buh bye~

*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1113 Words)

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