I WAS TAGGED?! (Not a Chapter)

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Heya my wonderful readers, sorry for the non-update chapter, but I was tagged by Anime_MultiPlay_ to say 15 things you probably didn't know about me, so here I go!

1.) I'm 15 years old and I'm obviously in school still, grade 10 to be exact. My favorite subjects are English and Social Studies. I've always loved writing and learning about history. Learning about the Renaissance. 

2.) I enjoy playing a lot of action filling games, some examples being Call of Duty, Diablo, and Halo. I got into games like that from my brother, I would always watch him play and he'd somethings even offer me to play a game with him. I also love playing the PC game Undertale

3.) So, I'm an Xbox and PC user all the way. I've grown up using an Xbox and it's what I'm most familiar with. And with PC, I play Undertale and Minecraft on PC, though it did take awhile to adjust to. 

4.) Anime is everything to me! This may be a surprise, but I got into anime in June of 2016, so it's been a little over a year since I've started watching it. I got into anime from many friends who suggested it to me, and the anime that really got me into the genre was Fairy Tail. Though before watching Fairy Tail, I watched Host Club and Death Note. 

5.) As of now, I've seen 120 anime and I think 20 anime movies. Many of them have been somewhat present animes, but I'm starting to watch more of the older series and broaden my range of anime. Even if I'm still new to anime, I'm quite good at guessing plotlines and endings, and I pay close attention to detail in anything I watch. 

6.) My height is currently 5'5 1/4 (Same as our boy Izuku!!) Honestly, people say I look like a normal teen with a creative and childish personality, and they are right!

7.) I come from a mixed family. For those who don't know what that is, it means I'm half white and half black, though I appear only black. My mother is where I get my white side from and black from my father. My sister is like me, we both have the darker skin, while my brother takes more after my mom with very pale skin. 

8.) I'm the youngest out of my family. I have two older siblings. My brother, who is 20 and the eldest, then my sister, who is 16 turning 17 very soon. I come from a very large family so I have lots of aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. 

9.) Favorite 10 animes are (not in order): Boku No Hero Academia, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Assassination Classroom, DanMachi, Wolf's Rain, No Game No Life, Snow White with Red Hair, Haikyuu, Hitman Reborn. 

10.) I got into fanfiction from my best friend IRL. She had heard of it from a close friend of our and decided to give it a try, once she found it she loved it, I was told to give it a try as well. My first fanfics were about Fairy Tail's Natsu x Lucy. I was hooked after the first one. I've been reading fanfiction since September of 2016.  

11.) The types of stories I tend to write are mostly romance/drama cause you gotta have those cute moments! I've always loved writing those cause I don't have a love life and so I tend to make my stories have the relationships I've always wanted. 

12.)I and a few close friends love to online roleplay (RP) with OC's we make ourselves. I've currently made 25 different OC's, each with a different race, backstory, and storyline. It's kinda like writing fanfiction, just in a text format!

13.) I own a few anime related things such as; A rainbow sword, 2 anime posters, 15 different fan arts, 5 pop figures (A Natsu, 2 different Happy's, a titan, and Tony Tony Chopper), I own 1 Fairy magnet and I have over 1000 pictures of anime crap saved on my computer (no joke, I really do)

14.) If given the chance I won 1,000,000,000 dollars, I'd first of all, help my family move to a better house. I'd take my family to Las Vegas, Disney Land/World, Hawaii. I'd go to Japan and buy everything anime I could and spend things on my friends to get them something nice. 

And finally....

15.) I'm a very helpful and honest person, so if you are a writing in need of help or someone who needs to vent problems, my chat/comments are always open to you guys. I've all given me so much, so I think it's time I try to do that same for you all. 

I hope you enjoyed these facts about myself, I honestly had fun writing them. Hopefully, I'm not too boring. 

I pray I didn't mess this up and I did was I suppose to.

Okay, now I have to tag other people to continue this chain. 

I tag:




Yeah, that's all, I don't have many friends.

Thanks for reading!


*~Lace V. Rose~* 

(Word Count: 865 Words)

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