Chapter Twenty-One

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*Third Person POV*

Three day's had passed since they were locked in the hidden prison. And (Y/N), Bakugo and Ochaco could safely say that they wished Mineta never shown up. He was constantly hitting on Ochaco and screaming whenever ANYTHING happened. He screamed more then Bakugo, and that's saying something. 

At the current moment, Ochaco was pushing Mineta away from herself while Bakugo kept pouncing on the door to escape. (Y/N) sat there, petting Izuku's head gently. They were able to find a puddle of water from a dripping rock. They used more cloth from Ochaco'sdress and made a towel to place on Izuku's forehead. It was enough to bring his fever down a bit, but he still was sick and bleeding out. His bandage was changed once a day to keep his eye from being infected. 

And as for the touch, they lucked out when they noticed there were other touches around the floors. Most likely from the guards who died in here. 

They had a small system going on, but even that couldn't solve their need for food. They hadn't been able to find anything worth cooking, which left them starving. 

"ARG! Break you stupid door!! I wanna leave and beat that damned kings face in!!!" He shouted, punching the door. 

After realizing it probably wasn't going to open, he slumped against the wall. Seeing him in such a worn out state made (Y/N) upset. It was boring in here, and they had nothing to keep their minds off the situation.

"I'm going to walk around..." Bakugo stated, getting up and heading deeper into the prison, grabbing a torch on the way.

For a hidden room, it went pretty deep in. It almost seemed to have no end. The group didn't want the venture far away from the door, scared they'd be lost. But I guess Bakugo was sick of sitting. And so was (Y/N).

"I'll go with you," (Y/N) gentle rested Izuku's head down before shooting up and following Bakugo. 

He was quite a fast walker, but (Y/N) was able to somewhat keep up. sing the light the torch gave off, (Y/N) glanced around her surroundings. There wasn't anything appealing to the eyes, mostly the bones of guards and the armour they wore. 

But, from the corner of her eye, she caught onto something shiny from the floor. She bent down to pick it up and gasped. It was a golden locket, in carved with vines and flowers. She opened it, wondering if it held a photo. 

Her eyes widened. "B-bakugo?" She called out. 

He turns to her, not far ahead. "What?" He called out, heading back to her. With no words, she lifted the locket to Bakugo. "No... way..." Bakugo dropped to his knees, the torch falling as well, but not going out. 

Inside the locket was a picture of a young Bakugo and his mother. He was sitting on her shoulders, they were smiling. It was hand drawn photo by an artist, but it looked so real and in the moment. It was beautiful indeed. 

Bakugo'd hand clasped around the locket tighter, holding it in his chest. "Mom..." He barely whispered. 

(Y/N) read the moment, and knew to stay quiet. But she couldn't help but feel like she should place her own input.  

"Bakugo?" Her voice quietly spoke. "You don't have to say anything back, I just want you to know that I can relate to you, in this moment. I lost my mother a few years back, and it was the worst. I'd no idea what to make of the situation and was utterly lost without her, and I still am." A few tears fell from her eyes and she continued. 

"Lossing a mother is the worst thing you'll experience. You've lost the person who brought you up in this world. The person who made you strong and caring. You may not want to admit it, that you think it's weak to fell this way. But I know you miss her. And she'd be damned proud of the guard you've become. Of the man you've become," 

(Y/N) finished her speech, but Bakugo still stayed still, holding on to the locket. His face was blacked out from the shadows. But before (Y/N) could process the situation. A pair of arms wrapped around her. 

It was a hug, from Bakugo. 

"Thank you..." He murmured before she felt tiny drops fall on her shoulder. 

"Your welcome. And it's okay to cry more, Bakugo. Don't hold it in." 

He only nodded his head, scared if he did talk, his words would be covered with tears. 

The heartwarming moment was ruined by Mineta's echoed screams. They weren't far from them, but far enough they were out of sight. 

They pulled from the hug, thinking nothing of the scream until Ochaco yelped as well. "Ochaco..?" (Y/N) self-questioned. Without thinking too deep into why she started running. Ochaco wouldn't scream unless something important happened. 

Bakugo followed, with the torch in hand once again. When they made it back, the king stood at the door. 

"Ah, hello. I see you've joined us," He said. 

"The king..." Bakugo advanced forward, but (Y/N) held her hand out, stopped him. 

She glares. "Why are you here?"

He dropped a bag on the ground. "It's food, water, and bandages. Shoto wouldn't stop complaining about it, so here. Use is well, cause that's it for the next week." And with that, he left, closing the door. 

"Why didn't you let me attack him?!" Bakugo screeched. 

"You are worn out and exhausted, Bakugo. Attacking him in that state would do nothing." (Y/N) pointed out, kneeling by the bag. 

Inside, there was bread, dried fruits, 4 containers of water, and a handful of bandages. 

Ochaco peeked in also. "This looks like enough to get our strength back at least," She commented. 

They all nodded, and each grabbed portions of food. (Y/N) shared her water with Izuku, lifting his head and pouring some into his mouth. Even in this state, he needed water. 

'Thank you, Shoto... We'll be okay with these supplies and food. I love you.' 


Shoto sighs. 'You gotta love carriage rides...' he thinks sarcastically. 

He was on his way to his demise. It's the first job the King a signed him to be part of, and he dreaded it greatly. But in order to keep his friends and (Y/N) safe, he'd do it. 

He only hoped they wouldn't think differently of him afterwards.

'I'm sorry (Y/N)... But it's for you, my love...'


ANNNNNNNNNNND DONE! Chapter 21 is complete. 


Christmas has to be my favourite holiday and not because of the gifts (Tho I do enjoy those ;) ). It's cause it's the only time of the year where my family members come down to visit. I know most people loathe seeing family cause it's awkward or there are little kids to deal with, but I embrace it. I always miss my family, so I'm always fortunate to see em. 

Do you guys enjoy Christmas? Do anything special for the holidays? Do you even celebrate it? If not, what is your favourite holiday?

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1215 Words)

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