Chapter Fifteen (Short Chapter)

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*Third Person POV* (I think you'll all love this chapter, though it's short!!)

He smiled and...

Gave her a gift pulled from nowhere.

(Y/N) was confused by this movement. 

"W-what's this?" She asked, disappointed over the missed chance for a kiss with Shoto. 

"Open it up and see," He smiled lightly at me. 

Though she was upset over this, his smile made her blush nonetheless. She ripped open the gift and gasped in shock. 

"Is this what I think it is?!" She questioned, shocked. 

"Yes, it is," 

Her hands shook while holding it. "Mystic Adventure: The Path to Fanfiction!!!" (Y/N) screamed. She was blank minded. (Y/N) been looking for this book for years but wasn't able to find it in any bookstore. "How did you get this? I've never been able to find it,"

"Well, it took quite awhile," He started. "First I went into town dressed in a disguise and looked in every store the town offered and asked anyone if they knew where I could find it. I was out of luck until one elderly woman who said she had a daughter who owned it." (Y/N) imaged this playout in her head. "I asked her where I could find her daughter, and it leads me to the next town over, at Midnight's kingdom. I headed there and found her, but sadly, she'd given it to her son who lived in the MHA capital. Since that's quite far, I had a guard go of me. After a few day's, he came back with the book." He took a deep breath. "So yeah, that's how I got it," 

(Y/N) took a moment to process all that information before giving a warm expression.

This just proved how much (Y/N) loved Shoto. 

"There's also one more thing to the gift!" He added. 

"Oh?" (Y/N) was curious. "What is i--" She was cut off by the gift. 

Shoto had kissed her. 


She was in so much shock, the sound of her book hitting the ground echoed through the room.

While (Y/N) was having a mental breakdown, Shoto pulled her closer by the waist to deepen the kiss. (Y/N) quickly got her thoughts together after the movement. She kissed back, moving her lips in perfect sync with his. 

What felt like hours was only mare minutes before they separated for air. (Y/N) nuzzled her head into his chest to hide her beat red face. 

"So, well....That happens," Was all she could muster to say. 

Thankfully, Shoto understood what she really meant and chuckled. "Yes, it did..." He leans right up to her ear, "And it won't be the last time..." 

(Y/N) pushed away from him and covered her face with her hands. 

Shoto allowed this, letting her have space for her to cool down. After a few moments, she was able to calm her senses fully, reclaiming her sanity. 

But something felt like it was missing though...

"Oh, my book!" (Y/N) realized she'd dropped it. As she went to pick it up, Shoto was already on the mark. 

He grabbed (Y/N)'s dominate hand gently, kissing the back of it before giving the book back. 

It's like he's trying to kill her. 

Before more could be said, whispers of excitement could be heard on the other side of the door.  

Curious, both go to check. 

They open the door, causing whatever it was a fall and sequel in pain and surprise. 

"EH?! IT'S YOU GUYS?!" They yell in unison. 

On the ground was Bakugo, Izuku, Ochaco, Kaminari, and Kirishima  

Sadly, it was also in that order... Everyone was dogpiled on a steaming Bakugo. 

It was then everyone knew they were fucked badly. (Sorry for swear..)

The all quickly rushed away, even Shoto and (Y/N) backed away, but Izuku, who's arm still hurt, wasn't able to lift himself up. 

"Deku....." Bakugo's words were fulling of rage.

They all prayed for him.

Bakugo dragged the pleading sorry Izuku away, his cries soon becoming faint, till they were gone. 

Shoto and (Y/N) slowly turned their heads toward the remaining 3.

Ochaco nervously laughed, "Hehe, well then. I guess we'll take our leave as well, have fun!" Ochaco ran at full speed.

The boys stood there for a moment before following after Ochaco, yelling "WAIT FOR US!"

All that was left behind after that was snickering.


BOOM! CHAPTER DONE! And there's no cliffhanger this time!

I actually had so much fun writing this chapter, even if it's short. I liked adding in the gift parts!

I hope you enjoyed the kiss scene, I tried my best to make it sweet for you guys. 

Welp, it's bedtime at 47 minutes ago (I know, I purposely spelled it wrong) So I'll end it here.

Thanks for reading!


(I'll edit it later)

*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 787 Words) 

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