Chapter Nineteen

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*Third Person POV*

It was time. The time (Y/N) felt both confident and terrified.

It was time to face the unruly King.

While heading to his room, Bakugo stopped abruptly. 


(Y/N), Shoto, and Ochaco froze in a spot, tensed up. They all gave each other a look that said it all. 

'Shit... Did we forget to tell him?'

Ochaco let out a nervous laugh, turning to face Bakugo, who was red-hot with anger over being left out. "U-um... We are going to save Izuku..." She told. 

He burst out into laughter. "Ha, what?! Did he get stuck in a tree or something?!" He kneeled over in laughter, clutching his gut. 

Though Bakugo didn't know what actually happened, it was to be expected he'd laugh, but nonetheless, seeing him joke about it made (Y/N) pissed. 

"Stop laughing, Katsuki!" (Y/N) snapped. 

He tensed up at her words. It was the first time she'd call him by his first name, and angerly too. His eyes met her, and he gasped at how serious they shined. He stood straight. "What happened to that Deku?" Bakugo asked. 

"My fath-- The King has him," Shoto told. "And knowing him, he's probably laughing at his handy work..." 

His red eyes shrunk. "No way..."

(Y/N) took deep breaths, the thought of what pain Izuku could be going through made her shake. Her eyes welled up with tears. But she wiped them away. This wasn't the time to be a crybaby. (Y/N) would only be useless to everyone if she did.

Bakugo took a breath in before he started stomping forward. His fists were clenched, and he held a scowl. He, at second hand, knew what that bastard king was capable of. After all...

His mother, Mitsuki, was a guard of the King, and she always would tell him stories. 

Well, that was when she was around. One day, after being called in by the king, she never came back. And the thought of that same fate happening to Izuku made Bakugo red-hot pissed off.

The others followed behind Bakugo, feeling the sense they should leave him be. 

Shoto glanced at his love, seeing her gaze at her moving feet, he eyes were lifeless and she had such a straight face. 

His heart ached. 

He missed seeing her bright smile. A smile that lit up any room she entered. The way her eyes would trace every line and word in a book. How she, even without noticing she was doing it, would tap her foot or fingers repeatedly went an action scene appeared in her story, her nose twitched everytime her favourite character seemed like the odds were stacked against them, and the cheer she made when they made it through in the end. He missed when she would re-tell the story, only to forget a part and explain that, then forget where she left off and explained a whole new part instead. 

He paid attention to every detail of (Y/N) like she was a book. Expect for his favourite part wasn't just one thing, it was everything about her. 

Shoto bites the inside of his cheek, staring at that same girl. His hand reached out for hers, gentling holding it as they walked. Her eyes glanced up to his, and for a brief moment, they shined just like before, making his heart flutter in this distract time. 

But only through the touch of her hand, he could feel (Y/N)'s worry. Shoto squeezed it, reassuring her that though her nose might be twitching now, she'll be cheering in that end. 

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