Chapter Thirteen

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*Third Person POV* (Sorry, but there is swears in this chapter)

"(Y/N), please, stand up!!" Shoto yelled after her, hoping for at least the tiny of movement. 

Unlike others, who'd stay on the ground frozen forever until someone came to their rescue, (Y/N) knew she had to move, and did so. Quickly, she rose from her spot and dashed over to Shoto, falling in his arms. 

"Shoto..." She mutters in his chest. 

Shoto knew not to say anything and comfort her with a hug, but he also knew it wasn't the time for that. 

"Awe, how sad... My opponent ran off," Torvald laughed. "How pathetic and weak." 

She just hugged Shoto tighter, wanting him to stop talking. 

But Torvald continued. "Your mother would be so disapiont--"

"SHUT UP!" A male interrupted.

But it wasn't Shoto's voice yelling so passionately, but the person who felt (Y/N)'s pain. 


"Midoriya, what are you doing?" Shoto asked. 

"Izuku...?" (Y/N) quietly spoke. "Why are you standing? Aren't you in pain?" 

Torvald examined Izuku's state. "Yes, I agree. How are you even on your feet?" 

Though he was badly injured, he stood in front, wobbling slightly. "Just shut up, alright?" He said, eyes blacked out. "You've made a huge mistake talking of Milady Queen... And you'll pay."

"Hahahaha" Torvald laughed. "And how are you gonna doing anything of use like that? You can barely stand, let alone fight against me!" He charging at the boy, sword in hand. 

Izuku stood still. "Heh... who said I was going to fight you?"

"AHH! You're dead now little boy!" 

"W-wait! Don't!" (Y/N) called out, getting ready to jump in front of the blade. 

 But a built figure beat her to it, grabbing Torvald's wrist before he could to damage. 

"THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" A cocky voice yelled. A voice that was all too familiar. 

"Bakugo?" (Y/N) and Shoto questioned.  

That little Bakugo bastard smirked like the devil. "The one and only." His ego was showing to become a royal pain. "Now, who the hell is this excuse for a villain?" 

"Who are you?" Torvald asked, trying to pull from Bakugo's strong grip. 

"Ha, that's easy!" Without notice, Bakugo's aura went dark and cold. "I'm your demise... You sinkin' villain." Shives of fear trailed up everyone present expects Izuku, "Think you can just walk in here and try to kill Izuku? That's funny if you do." 

(Y/N) and Shoto mentally sighed. 'He forgot Torvald tried to kill us as well...'

Torvald had a frog in his throat. Words couldn't explain his situation or the tone Bakugo gave toward him. But of course, in doing so, he broke the most important rule of battle. 

He let his guard down.

Swiftly, Bakugo kicked Torvald to his knees. With a grunt, he did so. 

"Now then," Bakugo started. "How should I make your life a living hell?" He asked himself. "Ah, I know... How about prison?" 

Before anyone could input, all the guards in the castle rushed around Torvald and cuffed him. In reality, this whole fight was about ten minutes long, though, to those involved, it seemed more. 

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