Chapter Twenty-Five

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*(Y/N)'S POV*

"Hurry up or we'll get caught!" Bakugo whisper yelled at us. 

We were currently in the middle of escaping. After Bakugo had thankfully placed a rock between the door in order to stop it from closing completely, we used every bit of strength to pry it open. Well, most of us did. Mineta just kinda puts his back against it, not really pushing. In fact, Bakugo got so mad at him that he kicked him away, calling him useless. But anyway, so far, we've been sneaking through the castle, praying we won't bump into anyone. 

And I can successfully say that even after being here for 6 months, I still have no idea how to navigate this freaking place. 

"Bakugo, how close ar--" I was cut off by a hand. Izuku's hand to be specific. His free gloved finger was gently against his lips, signalling silence. He pulls the hand away from my mouth and pointed behind me. I caught on quickly, realizing he was wanting me to tell Ochaco and Mineta the same.

I face those behind me, who walked fast and quietly. Mineta, every so often, glances back and forth between everything we pass. Then again, it's been a year since he was last out in public. He opened his mouth to speak, but following what Izuku did, I cover it. 

"Shh," I sound to both, barely making a sound but it was loud enough for them to at least hear. 

Hoping he understood, I retract my hand. 

"Why are we being quiet?" Mineta asked EVER SO LOUDLY!

"Mineta!" I whisper yell. "Shut it." 

He cocks his head. "Why? Is it cause we're playing hide-n-seek? If so, the ladies better hide with me!" he gave a smug look that I really wanted to punch.

Bakugo violently turns outward so he could see the loud mouth. "Grape Fruit, I swear to god, you better shut that little pathetic trap of yours!" 

"Hey! Don't be rude, I was just saying the ladies and their bodies would be protected with me around," 

I heard footsteps coming our way. My heart rate started increasing. "G-guy, don't do this right now. I he--" 

"Urg, don't make me throw up!" Bakugo fought. "Nobody is safe with you around, Grape Fruit." 

"Stop calling me that!" the short guard warned. 

Bakugo breathed a laugh. "Fine, I won't call you that. Instead, I'll call you Grape Fruit, but without the G." he told. "So now, you're Rape Fruit. Sound fitting, doesn't it?" 

"Heh, nice one Bakug-- Wait, no nevermind. This is a petty argument. So be quiet."  

A shadow cast over us. I felt my heart. "Yes, I do agree, princess. They should've been quieter. It may have helped you in the long run." a voice spoke. 

I didn't dare look into the eye of the person looming over us, no one did. But the voice... it was... familiar. And it was far too kind and happy. The voice belonged to none other than:

"Spiky hair, screw you!" Bakugo yelped. 

"Kirishima!" I celebrate but quickly retore to a glare. "Wait, why'd you do that? You had my half way at death's door with a mini heart attack!" 

"I agree. That doesn't seem like something you'd do." Izuku added. "Well, I mean, you would do that, but most defiantly not at a moment like this. So why?"

He looked ashamed. "Ah, sorry guys... it's just, the staff was told to act like that." 

"What?" I said. 

"Hey, where's Kaminari?" Ochaco asked

Kirishima was silent.

And we soon realized why. 

And so did we keep silent.

Expect for Mineta, as always. 

"You're kidding, r-right? You've gotta be!" he stuttered. 

"Why would he lie about something like that, dumbass?!" Bakugo yelled. 

"IT'S A LIE!" Mineta gripped his head, crouching. "He can't be dead, he just can't! Kaminari was--h-he was... he was my best friend." 

Bakugo didn't say anything back, which I'm glad for. I knelt beside the crying boy. "Mineta... I know how hard it is to lose someone. I lost--" I clench my fists, remembering. "I lost my own mother. She died right in front of me and Izuku. It was hard to get over, but I knew I had too. And you have to do the same." I said, having tears of my own. Kaminari was a good friend. I'll miss him and his jokes for sure. "Besides, despite me doing it, crying won't bring Kaminari back from the dead." 

Mineta's watery orbs glanced up at me. They were filled with hopelessness that would never be filled. A sadness that couldn't be fixed because you are so broken inside that it's all you know. I knew that look well. I lived in the sight that so long I wasn't able to tell what was the true reality or my reality.  I was empty. 

He wiped his eyes on his dirty sleeve, finishing up his sniffling. "Okay... I'm good now." Mineta said. "Let get outta here, save the prince, and get the bastard king killed." 

With new found determination, we nodded in agreement. 

This king just messed with the wrong group of emotional teens. 


It wasn't long before we made it to the grounds outside. Thankfully, we ran into no trouble or others trying to mess with us. Kirishima ended up joining us, helping with were most guards would be. All we needed now was a carriage. 

And we found one. 

Unfortunately for us, it was about to be used by, what we assumed, was a rich businessman it fancy wear. A red velvet shirt with a brown cotton vest over it, paired with black leather pants and shoes. To top it off, he wore an ugly and disgusting purple top hat that defiantly didn't pair with his blonde, flat hair. His fashion sense was a crime. 

And that's we have the ultimate duo of Izuku and Bakugo to deal with him quickly and quietly.

The snuck up, side by side behind the unexpected man. He stood waiting for someone to open the carriage door like the prissy bitch he was. When he felt something drawing near, he shakily turned to investigate. The poor mans face turned to horror at the sight of two scary straight-faced boys. Before his screams could ring out and alert the guards, Bakugo had gotten behind him once again, holding his mouth shut. Izuku, being the stronger of the two -despite Bakugo's resentment to the idea of someone being stronger than him, Izuku ended up taking the guy with a single hardy punch to the gut. 

Bakugo growled in anger and dragged the guy away. The rest of us raced to the carriage and hopped in. Bakugo took the reins and Izuku joined us in the back. Without wasting another second, we were off.

Our escape was successful. It'd only be a few hours and we'd be in the capital. 

'Just wait a few more hours, my love. I'll save you soon.'

Little did I know that Shoto had fallen too far into his own self-madness. 


Another chapter down, I don't know how many to go! I actually never planned this book out. I'm following no plotline at all. I'm literally writing this book chapter by chapter, adding and taking away what I do and don't think fit. I wonder if it all works out?

Anyways... How Y'all enjoy this chapter? Happy to finally be out of hell? Sad I killed another character, and it's Kaminari of all people?

I hope it was to your liking either way.

Thanks for reading.


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1269 Words)

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