Chapter Twelve: Y/N's Past (Filler)

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*Third Person POV*

*(Y/N); Age 8*

"Mommy! Daddy! What's this thingy?!" The young one asked, walking up to her parents dragging a sword. 

"Oh, honey dear, be careful!" Minako cried, rushing to her daughter's side and taking the sword.

"This is a very dangerous weapon (Y/N), it's not to be played in such a manner." Jiro sternly scolded. 

(Y/N) slightly tilted her small head, her eyes were filled with curiosity. "A sword?"

"Yes, a sword," Minako confirmed. 

"How do you use it?!" She eagerly asked, stars floating around her.   

Her mother let a sweet chuckle escape her mouth, (Y/N) smiled, she just loved her mothers laugh, it brought warmth to her heart. 

"Well, my child, if you want to use a sword, we can show you." Jiro offered. 

Rapid nodding came for (Y/N), "Oh, yes, please! I wanna know!" 

"Alright, let's go then," Her mother and father each held out a soft hand toward their sweet (Y/N). With smiles to share, the uppity (Y/N) took them both. 

The happy family made their way to the Training room. 

Minako and Jiro were swinging (Y/N) back and forth while walking, making the young child giggle with everything happy.

And that's where (Y/N)'s life finally was at it's peeking of perfect. 


*Time Skip*

A twelve-year-old (Y/N) ran down the halls of her castle. "Why? Why now?!" She asked herself, slamming her parent's bedroom door open. 

One the bed laid her mother, pale, skinny and sickly. Her head ever so slowly turned toward the sound. 

A smile crept to her boney face. "Ah, (Y/N), you're here..." She coughed violently, forcing (Y/n) to rush by her side, taking her mother's cold hands. "Where is your father?"

"I'm not sure..." (Y/N) quietly whispered, tears welling up. 

"Shh, it's alright my dear, there is no need for worry. Everything will be just fine..." Her mother told. 

Footsteps were heard hastening in, thought to be the King, it was only Izuku. "Milady Minako..." He knelt beside (Y/N).

Her eyes directed to him, "Heh, Izuku, I see you came."  

"Of course I would Milady!" Izuku expressed. "You are not only our Queen but my faithful Sensei, I'll always be by your side when needed!" 

Minako's eyes shined brighter, "Oh, that sounds so like you, Izuku...." Her face got slightly stern. "Listen, son. I want you to be there for (Y/N) no matter what and protect her with your soul, understood?"

Izuku nodded. "I will, Minako-Sensei..."

"Good, now, (Y/N)." She paused for a moment, breathing heavily. "I have something small to request of you, my dear..."

"A-anything mom! Anything in the world," (Y/n) cried, holding tightly to her mother.

"Please, my love, don't stop fighting with your sword... Carry on for me and always stay true to your heart." Tears fell from Minako's eyes.

The shaking girl nodded, a tear fell on her mother's hand. "Yes mom, I will." She agreed. "But you'll be fighting by my side too, won't you...?"

No response. 

"Mom, you will, right?" (Y/N) asked again. 


"Mommy...?" Her voice was shaky. 

Minako's hand slipped from (Y/N)'s, falling limp to the bed.

"Mommy!" She cried. "No please, don't leave me, Mommy. Don't leave..." She hugs her mother's lifeless body, tears staining her mother nightgown. "Mommy... I love you..." 

Izuku fell on his bum, cuddling her knees, crying into them while rocking. 

The maids in the room had their mouths covered, almost as if it would stop the tears from falling. 

Mere moments after, the King dashed in, his Kingly shawl waving. "No, it can't be..."

(Y/N) turned toward him, even with tears, she glared so harshly that the room filled with her anger. "You weren't by her side..."

"I-I was finishing up some paperwork..." He explained himself, slowly walking to the bedside. (Y/N) walks in front of him, stopping Jiro in his tracks. "What are yo--" He couldn't finish, for she slapped him right across the face with all her might. 

"You monster!" She yelled and ran off. 

Izuku quickly got up and ran after her. "(Y/N), WAIT!" 

The King stood there, holding his red cheek. Jiro's eyes lead toward Minako, who now laid peacefully in bed. 

"Oh, my love..." He sat on the side of the bed, gently picking her hand up. "You're as beautiful as the day I married you, my darling bride..." He kissed that back of her hand. "I'll never again find love like the one I had with you, Minako. You were my everything... My life, soul, and heart were and are still forever yours to hold," His hands started shaking. 

"So please Minako, wake up...." He pleaded. "Please stay and help me raise our beautiful daughter, together...." 

Everything was stuck in a mournful state.

At age eight, (Y/N)'s life was at it's peeking of perfect.

But this was the day that it ended forever...


I'm not sure what to add to this end note, so I'll leave off here. 

Thanks for reading. 


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 807 Words)

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