Chapter Seventeen

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*Third Person POV*

The bright sun broke out through the whole castle. Though maids, butlers, chefs, and guards occupied every inch of the place, it had a sense of emptiness floating around. 

Speaking of occupying the castle, Ochaco made her to three important rooms, the first being Izuku's. 

'I wonder if he's up yet?' She thought to herself, standing in front of his door. 'I didn't see him at all yesterday, though it is an oversized castle, it's still weird not seeing him.'

Ochaco held a tray of tea, biscuits, and eggs for breakfast for 3 people. Lightly, she knocked on the door with her free hand.

No response. 

'Huh... Maybe he is still sleeping?' 

She placed her ear close to the door, trying to hear any kind of indication he was there. 


"Um, Sir Izuku, I'm coming in..." Ochaco opened the door to see it empty. "Oh, is not here?" She peered around the room, standing still. None of the candles were lit and his room left a cold presence. "Maybe Sir Izuku is out training..." She told herself. "I'll just leave it outside his door," She did as she said, leaving one of everything besides his door.

Next, she was heading to (Y/N)'s door, but (Y/N)'s room was different. Since (Y/N) doesn't wake up easily, she normally just walks in and leaves the food there for her.

But even still, she lightly knocks before opening the door.

Only to also find it empty. 

"Well, this is deeply concerning..." Ochaco was desperately trying to keep calm. Without leaving the food behind, she raced to the last room. 

'Maybe he knows where Izuku or (Y/N)!' 

This time, she skipped knocking, worried they maybe he's not here either. 

Swinging the door open, she sees an unforgettable scene.

There laid (Y/N), who was wrapped up in Shoto's arms sleeping. Shoto was staring lovely at her while softly petting her hair. His eyes turned to see Ochaco there, standing with the happiest fangirl face anyone has seen.

After staring for a tad bit longer, she finally realized that she was interrupting a perfect moment. Just when she was stepping out she was halted by a groan/yawn from (Y/N). "Is it morning already?" She asked. 

"Heh, yes it is," He said soothingly, "I'm quite shocked you're even awake at this time, you normally wake around noon, it's only nine o'clock."

"Really? Wow, I even shock myself!" (Y/N) sits up, "I guess it's cause I had the best sleep ever,"

Shoto grinned, "Best sleep ever with me, you mean?" 

A bright blush covered the princesses face, "Y-yeah..."

"Well then! As much as this is cute, I have breakfast waiting for you both!" Ochaco intervened. 

"Oh, yay!!" (Y/N) cheered, "I'm always starving in the morning's," 

Ochaco chuckled at her cheerful attitude and place the food down on their laps. 

"Thank you," (Y/N) and Shoto said in unison.

"I'll leave you to eat," Ochaco told, turning to leave once again. But then she thought it was the perfect time to ask something,"Oh, I also have someth--" Her words were cut of by a burp. "Wah?!"

Both of them were DONE their food and tea, patting their stomachs with one hand and the other was wiping their face. How they did so would forever be a mystery to Ochaco.

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