Chapter Four

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*Third Person POV*

(Y/N) stood there, facing away from Shoto.

"You don't wanna marry me, correct?" Shoto asked again.

Shamefully, (Y/N) nodded her head, not wanting to lie. "I'm sorry,"

"Well, you're not the only one." He said calmly.

She looked back at him, shocked. "You don't want to either?" 

He sighed, "Honestly, no. I wanna marry for love, not cause I'm forced too." 

(Y/N) tossed her  hands in the air as she said, "Me too, I feel the same!" 

"So, what should we do about this problem?" Shoto asked, taking a seat in a nearby chair. 

"We could fake it?" (Y/N) suggested.  

Shoto looked confused. "Fake it? By what do you mean?" 

"Well, we act like a happy couple till the wedding, get married, then afterward we get divorced behind their backs."

"Then, when ever we gather with family, we act like we're married," Shoto added in.

"Exactly!" (Y/N) agreed.

Shoto stood up. "This is a perfect plan (Y/N)."

She smiled proudly, happy Shoto loved her well-crafted plan.

"So, since we need to act as a couple, we should get to know each other." (Y/N) enlightened him.

Shoto nodded. "Very true, but should wait until tomorrow, it is quite late and it's improper of me to be in a ladies room at this time." (Y/N) understood what he was suggesting and allowed him to leave, but before Shoto did he turned to (Y/N) and walked up to her.

"What are you doin--" She was cut off when his face went close to her ear. His hot, mint breath tickled her ear.

"This dress suits you wonderfully, Princess."

And with that, he left (Y/N)'s room, leaving her with a mad blush. 


After the event with Shoto last night, (Y/N) had a hard time getting him off her mind. The way his breath smelt of peppermint never left her nose. 

"Urg, why is he taking over my mind?! It's not like I love him." She said out loud to herself. 

Of course, she wasn't alone for long. There was a soft knock on the door. 

"Come in!" (Y/N) shouted, sitting up in your bed.

A girl about (Y/N)'s age walked in. She had short brown hair and a pink blush on her cheeks. "Hello!" She cheerfully responds. "I'm your new maid for the time you are here, it's a pleasure to meet you, Princess (Y/N)!" 

"It's a pleasure for me as well," (Y/N) said. 

"Oh, silly me, I didn't say my name. I'm Ochaco Uraraka."

"Heh, I'm (Y/N)," She introduced, "Oh wait, you already knew that silly me!"

Ochaco laughed, "I think we'll get along just fine Milady (Y/N)!" Ochaco puts a finger on her chin. "There was something I was supposed to tell you, but I forgot." She gave a sorry smile.

"Oh my, that happens to me all the time, don't worry Ochaco." (Y/N) told.

Ochaco was about to speak when there was another knock on the door, Ochaco was kind enough to open the door. Izuku stood there wearing light armor. 

"Hello there, may I come in?" Izuku asked Ochaco. She nodded and open the door to let him in, closing it behind him. "Hello (Y/N), how was your rest?"

"It was quite well, and yours?"

He smiled. "Better than I thought, their beds are so comfy, I honestly didn't want to leave my bed this morning."

"I know right!" (Y/N) exclaimed. 

He chuckled lightly, "I can see you don't want to either," He told, pointing out the fact she has yet to leave it. 

(Y/N) blushed, embarrassed, but suddenly remember something. "Oh! Izuku, you haven't properly met my maid."

Izuku turns to look Ochaco with a slight blush. "Oh, p-pardon me for not in-introducing m-m-myself. I'm Iz-zuku Midoriya, (Y/N) t-trusty knight." He bowed. 

"Hi, I'm Ochaco, Milady (Y/N)'s maid." She smiled, making him flutter more. 

'Heh, I ship them!' I say in mind. 


I'm sorry for the short chapter, I hope it was still enjoyable anyway, we finally got a cute moment with Shoto. 

And it's not the last. *wink*

Thanks for the reads, I'm almost at 100 of them, I can't believe it! Thank you all so much!

(Also, today is my birthday, I'm turning 15!)

See you in the next chapter!

*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 697 words)

(Sorry for typo's, I'm too lazy to proof read this right now, I'll fix it later.)

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