Chapter Twenty-Three

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*Bakugo's POV* (WELP, this gonna be fun XD)

It's been two weeks since being stuck in this hell hole with the worlds most annoying people. 

Deku had finally woken up last week, stirring up an emotional segment with (Y/N) and Ochaco and confused questions from Grape Fruit. Through the whole process, Deku kept repeating he was fine and in no pain, but I could tell it was a lie. There were times when Deku said he wanted to get a drink from our dripping water source. I'd glance over at him clenching his fists and taking shaky breaths of pain. 

He was far from fine, but he lied to keep (Y/N) sain. But I could tell she knew as well. It was evident on her face whenever Deku shifted in any way. 

Honestly, him hiding his pain was simply annoying to me. He was stabbed in the eye and forced into a dungeon without food or water at the time, catching a fever that left him in a weeks coma. 

Hell, maybe I'd end up fine, but Deku sure isn't. 

"I'm just gonna get some water again," Deku stood up. (Y/N)'s face was uncertain, so he flashed a smile. "I'm fine, (Y/N), I'll be back in a second,"

He walked over to the water, and (Y/N) curled her knees into her chest, hugging them. Chances are she felt useless to him. 

Just, as usual, I glance over, seeing the same old sight from Deku. He bends down and cups his hands under the water, but after a moment, he drops them. 

I found myself shifting upward a bit, curious as to what Deku was doing. 

He ended up lifting his right hand to his bandaged eye but shocks it away. His hand was shaking, and he placed it on that side of his face. 

I'd had enough of that scene. I get up and tread over to Deku. (Y/N) noticed me, but didn't question it, getting a sense of my goal. 

He hadn't noticed my presence yet. "Oi, Deku." 

"GAH!" He shrieked and jerked backward up against the wall. "O-oh, B-b-bakugo. Is something the matter?" 

"Yes. You." I answer straightforward. "Why are you acting like the tough guy? It's annoying." 

Deku eyed the ground, not making contact. "I'm not sure what you mean," He finally looks up. Deku gave a forced smile. "I'm fine, Bakug--" 

"STOP IT!" He flinched and looked back down. "Enough with the damned acting, you useless Deku,"

"...I'm not a Deku..." 

I twitched my head. "What'd you say?" I challenged. 

His firey green eye flashed up. "I'm not a Deku!" 

"You sure act like one!" I fought back against his protest. "Deku's are weak. They protect what doesn't need protecting, get hurt, then lie their fine when in truth, they are dying inside. Sound familiar?" Deku froze. I got close up in his face "You are, and always will be a Deku. Don't forget it." 

Deku's eye was blacked out. I walked away, allowing him to think about what I said. I sat back down, ignoring the stares the other three were giving me. 

"Was the necessary, Bakugo?" (Y/N) asked. 

I breathe a low laugh. "If you really listened to what I said, you'd understand." 


*(Y/N)'s POV*

Izuku came back ten minutes later. Ochaco and Mineta had gone for a walk to get away from the awkward situation.

"(Y/N)..." Izuku's fists clenched tightly. "I'm... I'm not doing as well as I've been saying... But I've been holding it in for yours and Ochaco's sakes, but it's not doing good anymore holding it in." Deku faces the wall. "I hurt so much, (Y/N). I want everything to be normal again. To see with both eyes again..." Tears dropped from his working eye. 

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