Chapter Eight

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(Sorry to say Reader, but you aren't in this chapter much. Hope you still like it though!)

*Third Person POV* 


(Y/N) stared blankly as Bakugo chased Izuku around the castle living room, trying to kill him. 

"You useless idiot! You're always in the way!" Bakugo shouted. 

"I'm just protecting Milady!" Izuku screamed back. 

Bakugo glared. "You've bumped into me three times, causing me to spill (Y/N)'s damned tea! Why are you so fidgety anyway?!"

Oddly enough, Izuku didn't say anything back, being (Y/N) to attention. "Izuku?" She said, looking at him. 

He was looking down, his messy green hair hid his face well. 

"Answer me dammit!" Bakugo growled, grabbing Izuku's collar, shaking him. 

Doing so reviled Izuku's blush and watering eyes. Bakugo shuttered in shock, dropping Izuku.

Izuku was covered in embracement over the fact he was caught. He rushed out of the room faster than ever. 

"WAIT!" (Y/N) shouted, going after him, but he was long gone in this palace of a castle.

Bakugo stood there, still. 'What the hell was that...?' 

Izuku ran without thinking, which meant he was caught off guard when he ran into someone, causing them both to fall over.

"Ow..." Izuku groaned, rubbing his head. He looked up to see who he bumped into, and was in utter shock when he saw. 

"Are you okay, Sir Izuku?" Shoto calmly asked. 

Izuku got on his hands and knees and placed his head down, rapidly bowing. "I'M SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY! I'VE SINNED, PLEASE SPARE MY POOR SOUL! I DIDN'T MEAN TO RUN INTO YOU PRINCE SHOTO! IM SORRY!!"

Shoto just sat there, baffled at the sight in front of him. "Please stop..." Izuku stops quickly, sitting up. His eyes were teary, but Shoto could tell it wasn't from what just happened. "...Why were you crying?

Izuku froze, not expecting him to find out. "It's nothing, I'm just being weird," Izuku told with a lying smile. 

Shoto caught on but didn't want to pry. "So, where were you heading so quickly?" 

"Oh, um, I was heading to the training area." Izuku truthfully. "I would have been there earlier if Bakugo didn't start raving at me," He grumbled. 

He sighed. "That sounds like him alright," Shoto stood up, Izuku following. "Mind if I join you?"

Izuku nodded his head rapidly. "O-of course Sir!"

They made their way to the training room in silence. 

'Eh! This is so awkward! We've never been along together I don't think...' Izuku thoughts were interrupted when Shoto called out to him. "Huh?" Izuku realized Shoto was far behind him

"Where are you going?" Shoto asked. "The training room is right here," He pointed to the door with a sign beside it saying 'Training Room'

Izuku gapped. 'I completely past the room!!' He was mentality freaking out. Snapping from his thoughts, Izuku rushed back to where the room was. "Ah, sorry, Prince! I guess I'm still new to this place!" Izuku laughed nervously. 

Shoto stared as Izuku shuffled past him, sweating lots. He decides to ignore it and follow Izuku into the room. 

"Um, are you gonna watch me train, Sir?" Izuku asked. 

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