Chapter Thirty-Six

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*Third Person POV*

As the golden sun rose over the hill in the distance, colouring the sky in a tint of yellows and pinks, it finally shone into the bedroom of (Y/N)and Shoto Todoroki, who still laid in bed. It had been a couple of days since their marriage, and it was as blissful as they could hope. 

Shoto was the first to wake, as usual for him. His eyes trailed to his lovely wife, who slept peacefully next to him. She was wrapped in a bundle of blankets, despite the heat of the summer. In fact, she had stolen the while blanket itself, leaving only the sheer extra layer for the male. 

Shoto didn't care, however. Just waking up to his love safe and warm was enough. 

His hand slowly rose to gently meet her cheek. It was warm and soft, as it should be. Tenderly, his thumb rubbed it while smiling warmly at her sleeping face. 

Suddenly, there was a light knock at the door, purposely kept quiet. It was opened to reveal Ochaco, who poked her head in with a charming smile. "Hello, King Shoto," she greeted in a hushed whisper. 

"Morning, Ochaco," he spoke just as soft. "Is there something I can do for you?"

"I was sent to let you know that the chefs have prepared an early breakfast you and Queen (Y/N). You have an important day ahead," she said. "Now that you are king, you'll be giving your first speech to the people!"

Shoto nodded, remembering that was his role today. "Thank you. I'll wake and let (Y/N) know now." 

Ochaco smiled. "Yes, your majesty." and with that, she closed the door. 

Shoto faced back to his beloved, who hadn't woken from the disruption. As much as Shoto loved seeing his wife so peaceful, he knew it was time to wake her sleeping state. 

And he knew a perfect way. 

Shifting to sit up, he twisted his body up and over (Y/N), so he now was above her. He hands were on either side of her head, keeping himself up from falling on her. Shoto had gently lowered his head and brought is closer to her face. When he was just close enough, he whispered her name softly. "(Y/N)," 

She shifted in her sleep, letting out a sleepy groan. Shoto chuckled and decided it was time. He finished his decent and placed his lips softly on (Y/N)'s, moving them slowly. It only took a small moment before she unconsciously kissed back, gradually waking. Shoto pulled from the kiss but didn't spare giving many pecks to her cheeks, nose, head, and neck. 

When (Y/N) finally awoke, she was met with Shoto's dual coloured eyes. A sight she wouldn't mind waking to every day. "Good morning, my darling wife," he spoke, kissing her nose once more. 

She let a small laugh escape her lips. "Good morning, my handsome husband." she smiled. "I see you are pretty active this morning." 

Shoto gave a deep chuckle that shook (Y/N)'s soul. "Well, how could I not, waking up next to such a beautiful queen?" 

"Pssh, I'm not that beautiful." 

"Ah, you are right, beautiful is too simple a word to describe your beauty." he stole another quick kiss before sliding off (Y/N) and standing to the side of the bed. "Breakfast is already prepared, my darling, so we must get up." 

(Y/N) groaned and pulled the covered over her head. "But sleep~," she argued. 

Shoto chuckled, and lightly tugged at the covers. "But food, (Y/N). I know you won't turn food down." 

She gave a heavy sigh and rolled herself out of bed. "Gosh darn it, you know me so well."

"That's because I love you." he gave (Y/N) a light peck on her lips and walked over to the closet, pulling she with him. "Now, we must get dressed for the day. We have to deliver our speech to the people this afternoon." 

"Ah, right. I'd forgotten about that," she said, picking out an outfit alongside Shoto. 

Once they had both changed into proper attire, Shoto took his lover's hand and headed toward the dining room, where breakfast was already set at the table, ready for them to eat and enjoy. They'd been placed beside each other, just how the maids knew they'd prefer. 

And as they enjoyed their meal, Izuku had wandered into the dining room as well, taking a seat at the table where his food was set. He, like most days now, had been quiet. Everyone knew why but didn't have the heart to bring it up. 

For Izuku, losing Bakugo was hard. On outward appearances, they appeared to hate each other, but things had happened in between those moments that brought them close together, though neither would care to admit. 

The guard just simple poked at his food aimlessly, his thoughts filled with Bakugo. He felt so many things. Anger, sadness, loneliness. Izuku couldn't decide which emotion was a better fit, but one thing was clear. 

He wanted Bakugo back. He didn't care if Bakugo yelled at him or never wanted to speak with him again if he was here, then he was alive. And it's all Izuku wants. 

"Izuku...?" (Y/N) spoke lightly, gently putting her fork down. He trusted guard looked up, his eyes teary and red. (Y/N)'s heart ached to see Izuku like this. She sighed sadly. "I know... I miss him too." 

"It hurts... It hurts so bad just to think about him. And--and how he died protecting me..." 

"Then don't think about that." Shoto stepped in. "Don't think about that moment. Think about the good times. The times you shared together, whether they were good or bad. Don't think about how he died, but think of words he said to you, and the meaning behind them." 

Izuku's lips trembled. He covered his mouth to keep his cries in, shaking his head to forget these emotions he was feeling. He didn't want to remember Bakugo at that moment. He didn't want to connect Bakugo's memory to those sad sentiments. He needed to remember Bakugo as the person he is, not the memory tied to his death. 

'I told you...not that....' 

That was his words to Izuku, and he couldn't help but chuckle at them. He always said to not call him Kacchan, but then there'd be those moments when Izuku called his that, and he smiled, even if it was a small one. 

"I-if Kacchan were here, he'd yell at you for talking about him behind his back," Izuku said with a sad humour, giving a shaky laugh. 

(Y/N)  and Shoto smiled just a bit, tears also welling up. "He would indeed. And he'd probably drag you somewhere and challenge you to a fight because you called him Kacchan." (Y/N) said. 

"And it was always a draw, in the end," he said, voice cracking near the end. "I-I miss him, (Y/N)..." 

"But he's never truly gone, Izuku," she spoke softly. "He'll always be with you, even when you truly believe he isn't." 

Izuku nodded and gave a shaky smile. "I haven't said this out loud yet, mostly because I was always scared to admit, but I think I'm ready to say it."

"It's alright," Shoto said. 

"There's no need to be scared." (Y/N) added. 

Izuku took a deep breath, calming his pounding heart. "I... I love Bakugo. I truly do." 


I think that's a good place to end it off for now. Hope you enjoyed~

Sorry, it's been so long since I last updated. Work has been killing me and I've barely had time to myself. And even if I do, I'm only able to add a bit of writing at a time before I have to move on to the next thing. It's just been... a very busy summer for me, which is a first XD

Anyway, did you all expect Izuku to say that? Just know that I have more planned for Izuku, so don't you worry. I try to appeal to all my fans, so please be patient and sooner or later, you'll all get something to enjoy~

Thanks for reading!


*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1364 Words)

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