Chapter Eighteen

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(This chapter deals with some darker content than usual. If you are uncomfortable with gore and such, please read this with caution. I'll put a warning where it happens and briefly explain in the A/N at the end. Feel free to skip over if you wish. Thank you!)

*Third Person POV*

Izuku felt cold and uneasy, memories of the previous night flashed back to his blacked out vision.


"The king wants to see me?" He asked the guard leading him.

He didn't speak a word as he walks forward, keeping a tall posture. Him being so silent made Izuku even more uncomfortable with his situation.

Sooner then he wanted, he was shoved into the king's room. The door's slam echoed throughout the whole room. It was dark and unsettling. He'd never dared go near the door and yet here he stood inside.

As if from nowhere, a voice spoke. "So, you are Izuku Midoriya... It's so wonderful to see you again. How are you?"

"I'm alright, your Highness..." Izuku glanced around the room, trying to find his presence.

"Good to hear..." There's a lack of care in his voice, "How's Princess (Y/N) doing?"

Izuku tensed up, hearing Milady's name form his mouth made Izuku's guard strike up. "She's fine, your Highness..."

"Huh..." Anyone could tell he could care less.

"What is this about, Highness?" Izuku asked.

"I've heard you are close, is this correct?" He asked, pushing aside Izuku's own question.

Izuku wasn't sure about his situation but knew he couldn't lie to the King. "Yes, it's true. We've been friends since we were young,"

Suddenly, Endeavor walked out from the shadows behind Izuku. "So, you're best friends... Perfect,"

Izuku quickly turned around, but it was too late. Endeavor grabbed Izuku's neck and lifted him completely off the ground.

Though Izuku was strong for his age, he was nowhere near the kings overwhelming strength.

"You'll be a perfect bait for (Y/N)..." He smirked.

"B...b-bait?" Izuku questioned through clenched teeth.

He sneered loudly. "Now, you'll listen to everything I say, or it won't be just you and (Y/N) getting hurt..." He leaned in close. "Unless you want Katsuki Bakugo and Uraraka Ochaco to get involved."

Izuku's eyes widened. 'It's bad enough (Y/N) is in danger, but those two as well... I can't allow that!'

Izuku met eyes with Endeavor, his eyes held hatred as he nodded, bowing down to the Kings threats.

He smiled cockily and dropped Izuku. "Good... But even though you agreed, I still need to make sure you've heard what I said."


Izuku backed up and the King stepped closer. He was scared out of his mind of what the king had in store for him.

Sooner then later, he backed up into a wall, with Endeavor towering over him. He pulls out a knife and crouches down to eye level with Izuku. He lifts the knife up to Izuku's face.

Before words could be said, a sharp, indescribable pain show though Izuku's right eye as the knife impaled it. Blood Murder screams echoed through the room and blood dripped from his eye socket. Endeavor pulled the blood implement from Izuku, laughing over his pained screams.

Izuku held his eye, blood spill through his fingers. The pain he felt was indescribable.

But even though the bloodshed, Izuku didn't regret what he decided. It was for his friends and Princess, and if it meant making a sacrifice this great, then so be it.

Endeavor's laughter seized when Izuku stood up from the floor, using the wall as a major support. He was taking deep breaths to calm his overwhelming heart rate as he faced the king.

"Ya... know..." Izuku started. "M-maybe you... should take a c-closer look at y.... your handy work..." Izuku removed his hand, revealing his blind eye.

Endeavor felt rage deep within. His plan was to make Izuku fear him, not stand against him.

Endeavor grabbed Izuku by his green lock, pulling him by it as he walked deeper into his room.

Izuku yelped in pain, but choose to keep his mouth shut to avoid further punishment.

The King walked to a bookshelf in the darkest part of his room and pulled down a red book. A loud sound of scraping gravel erupts as the bookshelves spit apart. Izuku eye widen as he saw the horror before him.

A room full of dead guards, beat up, bloody, chained to walls all around them.

Izuku's heart sank at the sight.

The King smirked at his work and threw Izuku in, causing him to fall on his stomach. Izuku shrieked when his one eye realized there was a pool of blood in front of him.

Without a word, Endeavor closed the bookshelf/door, causing the whole room to darken completely. A chill waved by, making Izuku shiver as he crawled around the floor. He stopped when he felt a wall. He leaned against it, hugging his knees to his chest.


As far as Izuku knows, he's been here for a few days. When you're trapped in a dark place indoors, you tend to lose track of time. (It's only been a day btw, but it feels longer for him.)

If you're wondering about his eye, Izuku dealt with it the best he could. Using the sleeve of his shirt, he tied it over his eye to soak the blood and keep anything from infecting it.

He'd ever to move from the spot he placed himself in, scared he'd run into a body.

'(Y/N)...' He thought. 'Please be safe...and if you ever look, don't worry for me.... I'll be alright.'



(Y/N) stopped dead in the hallway, her heart swelling with pain.

"Izuku..." She spoke in a bare whisper while heading to the kitchen. Tears filled her eyes as she felt Izuku's words.

'Don't YOU worry, my dear Izuku... We'll find you, I promise.'

Feeling more determined, (Y/N) ran to the kitchen, seeing Ochaco, Bakugo, and Shoto already there.

Without needing to say anything, Shoto walked over to (Y/N) and placed her in a warm embrace. (Y/N) relaxed and hugged him back, her tears threating to spill once again.

"How'd you know I needed a hug?"

He chuckled lightly. "I think you already know that answer,"

"I know, but I wanna hear it from you, please?" She requested.

He hugs tighter. "I knew because I love you, forever and always,"

"I love you as well, my Prince,"


Well then... I'm sorry for the dark content, but hey, I added something cute near the end, so I hope it made up for that.

For those who skipped the gore part, I'll explain:

The King had taken a knife, stabbed Izuku in the right eye, then threw him in a room behind a bookcase with a bunch of dead guards.

I hope this chapter was alright, thanks for reading.

Oh, and please check out my friends Shoto x reader book, we are collaborating on it together and it's awesome! Heres her name:



*~Lace V. Rose~*

(Word Count: 1175 Words)

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