*Meet The Characters*

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Hey guys! Sky here with another crazy mess of a story! I thought that before I started my new story that I should actually introduce the characters in a more neatly made way. Without further ado, let's get to it!

Christina Morgan: A short girly girl who is clumsy, but surprisingly smart when it comes to studies. She is the youngest in her grade and one of the most mature. Christina is a popular girl who is usually surrounded by both girls and boys, but is already in a relationship with a junior by the name of Michael Nikolaev. There are bad rumors about her around school such as that she is a whore and a seductress. Her hair is a bright auburn color due to her dying it before school began, her natural color is a light brown color, and her eye color is a emerald green color. Her hair is usually up in a bun or a ponytail, but she wears it down on certain occasions. She is the youngest in her grade, born on December 29, 2000, making her 17.

Ivy Reed: A tomboyish girl who is best friends with Christina. Ivy is the actual seducturess who seduces men and women to try and fill the hole in her heart. She is good in both academics and in athletics unlike Christina who is only good in academics. Since she is good in athletics, Ivy is in many sports like Softball, Basketball, and Track. Ivy hates Michael with a burning passion and cares only for Christina. She was going out with a sophomore by the name of Jax Anderson, but cast him aside like the other guys she has done the same thing to. She is slender and tall with cat-like eyes. Her hair is pitch black and her eyes are a deep blue color. Ivy almost always has her hair down or in a braid unless she is running for track or any of the other sports she plays. She was born on November 12, 1999, making her 18

Michael Nikolaev: A cold and quiet guy who doesn't show emotion much unless he's around Christina. He isn't popular at school and is pretty much invisible to all around him unless Christina is near. Michael isn't good at athletics nor academics, but is in a small band with his friends that they call "Undead Trace". His hair is a platinum blonde color and his eyes are a beautiful hazel color. His haircut is a textured Quiff and he usually wear bright blue contacts to hide his real eye color.

Jax Anderson: The pretty boy at school who is known to be a womanizer and a cheat. Jax is the star of the Baseball team and an ace at Football as well. He doesn't like Ivy at all, but he dated her just to gain more popularity for going out with the female athletic star. His hair is a deep brown color with red highlights and his eyes are a chocolate brown color. His hair is usually a simple comb over, but sometime he spikes it up to try and stand out.

Lily Stevens: Ivy's cousin and closest friend. She is only five years older than Ivy and owns her own bar in town. She has long feathered auburn hair and silver eyes. She is quite well-known in town for her bubbly attitude, but also her mother-like care.

Maddie Winters: A girl in many of Ivy's classes who has a goofy and quirky personality. She doesn't speak much about her life and instead likes to hear about others. She has long blonde hair and sapphire eyes, which contradict her carefree attitude since she is usually mistaken for being one if the popular and prissy girls.

*Author's Note*
There may be new characters that I'll add later on in the story but for now this is it. I hope you guys enjoy the story and don't forget to comment your thoughts because I love to hear from you guys ^^ see you guys soon!

Note: This was written in 2017, so the ages will be off going by the years since this was originally published years ago. I am not changing the age of the story to fit the future, it's staying in line with its age.

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