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The driver was a young man who seemed to be around my age, but he had a look of sheer terror on his face as we drove through the streets in the direction of the bar. Lily's hand moved up and down my thigh while she quietly hummed to herself a soft melody that's quite contradicting to the atmosphere of the car. There was another man, considerably more intimidating, sitting beside the young boy in the passenger seat. He looked familiar to me, but I couldn't place exactly where I had remembered him from. No one spoke at all until finally we got to a stoplight.

"I'm sorry, Ivy. This is the only way to make sure you wouldn't leave me again. I'm sure you don't mind though, after all Maddie didn't truly love you like I do..." She said with a slight harshness in her voice. Her hand moves further up my body, causing me to shudder uncontrollably. 

"Stop! Just quit touching me, Lily! I don't want this!" My voice escaped from me. I immediately regretted letting that out, fearing what may happen to me next. Lily moved her hand off of me and instead turned around to face me with completely fake apologetic expression.

"You're right. We just got back together, so we can wait for later to have fun. After all, you do have experience now so I don't need to take my time with you at least." My whole body shivered from head to toe with her suggestion. The only thing I could do was either call the cops myself or wait for Maddie to. My phone was in my pocket, but it wouldn't be smart to pull it out now after what had just happened, so the only thing I could think of was to wait until we get into the bar so I could lock myself in the bathroom to call.

"Sounds like a plan then." I replied, stopping myself from gagging at what I had just said. Lily beamed at me and wrapped both of her arms around me before beginning to hum again. It was like her mental state was deteriorating at a constant pace based on what her actions had been so far. I chose to ignore my surroundings and instead hope for the best in the future.

A little while later, we pulled into the bar's parking lot where we drove towards the back to go in the back entrance. The man in the passenger seat got out as soon as we stopped and came around to yank me out of the car. Both the young boy and Lily stayed in the car alone while I was escorted inside to the bedroom upstairs where Lily and I used to sleep together. The door locked from the outside and I was left alone with my phone still in my pocket. Because of that, I took the chance to quickly dial 911 to get someone over here to rescue me.

"This is 911, how may I help you?"

"I need help right now! I have been abducted and taken to The Paradise Bar!" I shouted over the phone. Footsteps stomped up the steps outside the door so I hurried to finish explaining my situation to the kind lady before hiding my phone behind a shelf. I heard the sound of keys jingle from the other side of the door before Lily strutted over to me.

"Were you talking to someone in here? I know I heard a voice besides yours." She demanded an answer from me. My eyes avoided her gaze and my body felt paralyzed from fear of what may happen to me.

"No... I wasn't. I'm sure you're just paranoid since we just got back together. I'm here for you and you alone, ok? I promise." I lied right through my smile. Beads of sweat rolled off of my forehead as Lily stared me down as if she could see right through me.

"Oh, I guess that's true. Anyways, why don't we continued where we left off?" She snickered, getting ready to pounce on me.

"I need to go take a shower first! You know, I forgot to shower this morning.  I don't want to have fun with you while smelling like a bag of dirty clothes!" She pondered on the idea before letting out a sigh and gesturing towards the door.

"Go ahead then. The doors are all dead bolted, so you can't get out." She stated. I headed towards the door, but Lily's hand reached out and tugged on my shirt before she threw me onto the bed. "I'm not that stupid, Ivy! I was hoping that we could do this the easy way, but I guess there's not other choice besides this!" She screamed, tugging at my pants and shirt as she hopped onto the bed with me. Lily covered my mouth with her hand as soon as I began to scream, but she found it hard to try and undress me with one hand. She seemed to have planned for this scenario as she pulled a roll of duck tape from a nearby cupboard. A thick layer was then placed over my mouth and soon a blindfold was tied around my face, disabling my sense of sight. I could still hear everything that was going on, but that just made the whole situation more terrifying. I felt a sharp pinch around my neck as if she had nipped me to try and lighten to mood. That same feeling moved down my body until those nips became full on bites. At one point, I could feel that she bit hard enough to break skin as blood oozed from the spot.

She continued doing even more unspeakable things before moving on to try and force me out of my clothes. She managed to rip my shirt off of me in a matter of seconds and her actions stooped. It was as if she was either realizing what she was doing to me, or she was proud of herself from getting so far. Something cold was placed on my bare stomach, causing me to shake and flinch multiple times.   I wasn't sure if this was her idea of "creating a nice mood", but my heart ached from everything that was happening to me. It felt like an eternity before I could faintly hear a pounding at the door downstairs.

"Who could that be? You stay here, honey, I'll go see who's interrupting us..." I heard her say before her weight vanished from the bed. As soon ad I thought the coast was clear, I pulled the blindfold off and the tape over my mouth before scurrying to my shirt that was carelessly tossed to the floor. My head peaked out from the corner to see a dozen police officers demanding entry to the bar. One looked over towards me, so I mouthed the words "help me".

It was then that they all cooperated to break the door down and rush in to assist me. Lily was placed in one of the cruisers to be questioned later while they helped me to calm down...

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