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Right after we finished talking and calming down, we all went to bed last night to prepare for whatever would happen today. Like I said before, the school was closed to give students an extra day to unwind and to let the police officers question the school staff further to add to their case against Chris. It was about 8:30 in the morning when our phone rang downstairs, so Lily got up before me to answer. I could faintly hear her speaking to someone, but I couldn't quite understand everything they were saying. The walls were thin enough that at least enabled time to hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"Leave me alone... Asshole... You promised... I... You... Later..." There wasn't much to pick out, as the conversation was fairly short, so I didn't pay close attention to it and instead turned over in the bed and waited for Lily to come back upstairs. When she did, I pretended like I had just woke up and looked over to her with drooped eyes.

"Who was that? They called awfully early..." I yawned, sitting up in the bed to get a better look at her. He face was beet red as if she was flustered. Lily simply brushed the hair out of her face and crawled back into the bed before answering.

"No one, really. Just someone I used to... hang out with..." She mumbled, laying down facing the opposite way. I was about question her further, but just left it at that and got up to head downstairs. Behind the bar counter, Maddie laid on the floor with a gloomy expression. Maddie's lip trembled and her face seemed pale as she pondered her thoughts. She noticed me before I was even halfway down.

"We need to talk, Ivy. It's important." I tilted my head in confusion, but agreed anyways and stepped outside the bar with her to talk. She was silent for about an minute, but grabbed onto my hands before talking. "I... I heard Lily talking to some guy on the phone a little bit ago..." She admitted, dropping her head onto my shoulder. I couldn't say anything.

Who was he?

What is he to Lily?

I'm sure it was no one...

I have to trust Lily...

I shook my head to rid myself of such thoughts and smiled at Maddie.

"I'm sure that it was just a friend or something. I don't think Lily ever mentioned having any guys she was interested in before." Maddie dropped her hands and lifting her head back up with glossy eyes.

"Ivy, you don't understand! I heard her talking! I heard everything! She... she was talking about meeting him at that expensive seafood restaurant downtown... It sounded as if it was a date..." She went on. I backed up from Maddie and sighed.

"Just because she's meeting a friend, that doesn't mean that it's a date." I replied with a hostile tone. Maddie glanced back at the ground and cleared her throat.

"I hate to tell you this, Ivy, but Lily even said that she... loved him..." I pursed mg lips together and went back inside to grab my car keys. Maddie was still standing outside, so I grabbed her arm and drug her to my car and motioned her to get in.

"I need to go for a drive. Please, just come with me..." Maddie accepted and jumped into the car with me. "Did you happen to hear... what time they would be meeting at?" I asked, clenching the steering wheel slightly tighter. Maddie avoided my gaze when I turned to look at her and rubbed her neck awkwardly.

"Yes... I heard her say about 5:30 tonight... Ivy... I'm so-"

"Don't apologize," I cut her off, "it's not your fault, it's mine. I'm such a dumbass for believing her..." I snarled, slamming my fist into the horn. Maddie quickly scooter over and hugged me without warning.

"Shhh...! Ivy, please relax. I know this is hard, but we don't know yet if-"

"I know!" I shouted, "I know... but... It's just so hard to trust people! It's like I don't know anything! My best friend is a psychopath, Lily could be cheating on me, what's next?" I cried. Maddie sniffles and let go of me to return to her own seat.

"What about me? I'm here for you! Ivy, you saved me from my paw and have been kind enough to let me stay with you! I'll be here for you!" She exclaimed, grinned nervously. She's right... I need to soothe my anger and just relax a bit... Even if what Maddie says is true, I just need to remember that she's here for me... It seems like after that breakup and the fight, Maddie has come clean to me... That's nice... It is nice to know how someone truly is...

"You're right... I'm sorry... I'm just glad you're here with me, Maddie. I would have probably made a fool out of myself until I realized what was going on..." I replied, starting the car up to go for a ride. We kept quiet for most of the ride, but I soon stopped by the school to see if I could go get my phone. A few officers stood in front, blocking the path to the entrance. Maddie and I both got out of the car and headed towards them to ask them permission to go inside. Thankfully, they let us pass and head to our classroom to retrieve my phone. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, so I went ahead to shut my phone off and went back to my car and decided to go get something quick to eat with Maddie.

"What time is it?" Maddie asked me, lowering her seat to lay down. I leaned closer to my dash to see what the time was and sat back in my seat properly.

"It's only 2:43. We've been driving a while, so let's just go ahead and stop by that little Italian restaurant nearby. I'm paying." Maddie shot her seat back up and giggled.

"Really? Are you serious? Thank you!" She laughed. I smiled and continued to get to the restaurant. It only took us about an hour and a half to eat, so we were out by 4:34.

"Let's head over to that expensive restaurant now. Knowing Lily, she probably just left to be there a little early." Maddie's smile disappeared as she sank back her seat, uncertain at what may happen. When we arrived, both of us noticed Lily standing outside with a beautiful golden mini dress. It was only five minute later when a rather short and average looking guy with curly white hair with bright red tips approached and hugged her before they both leaned in...and kissed...

My heart sank as I witnessed that, so I immediately pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the bar to grab my things and leave.

"Ivy... Are you ok?" Maddie asked me. I turned to her, crying my eyes out as we drove down the road.

"I'm... I'm fine..." I remarked, wiping the tears away to focus on the road. Maddie lifted her hand up in an attempt to comfort me, but dropped in after realizing that she couldn't...

"I'm sorry..." She muttered, staring down at her feet, trying to figure out what else she could do for me...

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