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"How long, Ivy? Tell me, now." She demanded, lifting her drink for another sip. I turned over to face Lily who had a worried look on her face. I wasn't surprised though by her response because usually the bar is relatively quiet and calm. She understood that I need a drink, a strong one at that, and headed through double doors behind her to find something that would fit this situation. After she came back, I immediately took a large drink and sat down next to Chris who was still staring at me with a questioning look.

"Even before you started dating Mikey, Chris. Long before that." I answered, taking another sip of my drink without making any eye contact with Chris. She didn't respond to my answer, but instead took a drink of her own and sighed. I have known Chris for a long time, but we have never came to the discussion of these kinds of sensitive topics. Even though I say that, it's obvious that she's one of those people. The one's who are completely against something that has nothing to do with them, well in this case it does, and discriminate them based solely on those few aspects of them. I understand Chris, which means that I know she's shallow, insecure, rude, odd, and multiple other things, but that's just what makes her personality up. She shook her head back and forth and continued to sniffle without saying anything in response to what I said. Finally, she looked over to me with glossed eyes, which seemed souless, and opened her mouth.

"Prove it," she questioned me. I slammed my hand onto the bar table in an angry fit of rage. Chris is always unreasonable and demands to have things go her way and have the attention on her. A person with hundreds of flaws is who I like, but how can I complain when I probably have over a thousand?

"How exactly am I supposed to do that, Chris? I can't read your damn mind!" I shouted. I could feel the alcohol begining to work on me as my vision became impaired for a second and my mind started to become like jello. She stared at her drink and  drank the rest before asking for a refill and drinking some more again. Her condition was noticeably worse than mine, but of course she won't admit it and will continue to drink beyond comprehension.

"Tell me what you love about me! Mikey only used me for my body, but you may be one of few who actually have a reason to like me..." She frowned, pleading to me through her eyes and quivering lips. She always knew how to convince me to do things, especially those that benefit her. This time though, it wasn't really something to benefit her, but rather to understand exactly why I love her.

"You've always been my role model Chris. People look up to you and aren't afraid to talk to you. Me? People are scared of me because God knows why! You focused your attention on me when no one else did,  and you rooted for me in every thing I did. I grateful for you and you're like  a raw diamond. People can pretend to be who they are, but few are actual exactly who they are. That's you, Chris! You've been my light all these years... That's what made me fall in love with you..." Chris didn't answer me and glanced at Lily who was listening in on our conversation. Neither spoke a word to each other, but I could somehow feel some sort of tension between them. After a moment, Chris turned her seat to face me and then put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Ivy. I just can't. Those kinds of things don't settle right with me, you know? You'll find another girl someday I'm sure... I have to go now... Don't talk to me tomorrow at school..." After speaking, Chris darted out the bar, leaving me alone with my thoughts and half a glass of alcohol left. I turned back to Lily and dropped my head onto the counter.

"I'm staying tonight, Lily. Don't tell my parents why either." She sighed and nodded before disappeared into the back again. Soon, Lily came back out with a whole bottle of authentic Russian vodka and opened it up to pour me a shot glass. She didn't speak to me, but instead filled me up with more alcohol to reduce the pain of now and enhance the hangover I'll have later.

"You ok, Ivy?" She asked me, rubbing my back carefully and slowly. I nodded and laughed awkwardly, thinking about what had just happened. I'm not ok, but the last person I want to worry is Lily. To be honest, Lily and I seem more like sisters, so it's only natural for us to worry about each other. As I was about to answer, I realized something that was excruciatingly important. If I was a little drunk, imagine how Chris is right now! Oh shit, she drove here too no doubt!

"I'll be right back, Lily!" I shouted, running outside to quickly survey the parking lot. Her car was in the far back with it's lights on, but she wasn't moving. As I walked over to the side door and peered in, I noticed that she had passed out in her seat. Chris was drooling and had a single tear at the edge of her chin. I know it was a long shot, but I reached for the handle and popped it. The door slowly open, and soon Chris was within arm length. "No, I shouldn't. I'll just go get Lily to help me get her out..." After a few minutes, Chris was back in the bar in an extra room that she had. I sat next to the bed she was on, the one I normally slept in, and put some water on the cabinet right next to her.

"You can bunk with me upstairs, Ivy. I got plenty of room if you really want to stay the night." She said, leaning in to hug and console me. I nodded and looked back at Chris who was turned over and snoring, like she always has.

"I'm going to head up then. When you close the place you, will you bring me some water please?" I asked, yawning as I stood up to leave the room and go upstairs. Lily agreed and headed out before me, leaving only Chris and I. She began to mutter in her sleep, but I couldn't hear her because she was too quiet. A moment later, her phone buzzed on the cabinet and a name flashed onto the screen. It was Mikey. The message only said a few explicit words, but from it I could tell that Mikey had done something and was caught by Chris. My anger boiled over, and before I realized it I was out the door...

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