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After my little encounter with Maddie in the office, I headed back out onto the field for the rest of class. Everyone was still playing kickball, besides Chris, so I firmly planted myself onto a bench to watch the game.

I really need to come up with a game plan for me to get with Chris...

"Man, why is love so hard to get?" I asked myself quietly. There was a light tap on my shoulder and, as soon as I saw who it was, I panicked. It was Chris. She gave me a slightly devious and intruding smile, but said nothing in response. Instead, Chris grabbed my hand, ever so gently, as her saying "Go for it".

She's so dense...

"So, Mikey and I are going out for a few drinks later. Do you wanna tag along?" Chris asked, letting my hand go once again to grab her phone. I shook my head without saying anything, telling her I wasn't too interested in being a third wheel.

"Chris, I would love to, but I have other plans and I'm not into drinking. You need to stop before you graduate before you become an alcoholic." I replied with hints of anger in my tone. That was true though. Chris has been drinking ever since freshman year and hasn't gone even a month without drinking. Me on the other hand, I drink when I'm depressed only. So, that would be about twice a year? Valentine's day and Christmas are the only days that really get me since... you know. Chris nodded and walked away, giving a thumb up before returning to Michael.

She knows something's up with me. It's written all over her face. The concerned gaze she gave me and the hand rubbing... or is she jealous? Ha! No way. I'm just over thinking things again.

After gym class was economics. Of course, I didn't pay attention at all to it because I was focusing on other matters. It doesn't matter though since I'm doing more than good enough in all my classes anyways. While I was in class, staring off into space, I noticed Michael's class go outside for gym.

What does Chris see in him? He's not tidy, an alcoholic, reserved, jobless, cold, and just... like a brick wall... I don't get him...

Michael's not good at much, so when I noticed him outside for gym, I watched his every move to see if ain could sense any sort of positive quality in him that Chris sees. I watched as he played basketball, run around the track, and do hurdles, but nothing was really above average.

Maybe Chris really does love him... Really what is wrong with me? Why can't I get over her... 

Michael noticed my gaze and for once he actually smiled and waved to me. It was the kind of smile a baby would give, you know, weird and somehow cute and charming. Except Michael wasn't the least bit cute nor charming... If he were to work on his smile and socializing, Michael probably could be popular... Gah! What the hell am I thinking about? He's the enemy!... I just wish that Chris looked at me more, noticed my advancements, and saw how hard I'm trying to get her to notice me... Chris isn't like me though, so there's no way she would feel the same...  The bell rang out of no where and it seemed like I was off to no where again. I trudged through the hallway and into my next class, trigonometry. I happened to have the class with Maddie, so why not start on our little fun project today? There was a seat in the back of the classroom next to the door that I thankfully took. Students soon piled in after me and in one of the small group who entered was Maddie. Before I could gesture her over, Maddie marched right on over and sat right in front of me with a wide smile.

"What a coincidence! I'm so happy that you're in this class, Ivy!" Maddie said in an excited tone.

Play along Ivy... Play along...

"That's so amazing! I thought I was going to suffer in this class alone... Thank God you're-"

"Oh, so you're happy if she's in the same class ad you, but then you give me the cold shoulder? That's low sweetie..." Jax strutted over to my desk and placed his hand under my chin with a chuckle. "How about we get back together, huh? I miss our sweet night together..." I pushed hus hand away in disgust.

"Alright, back off Jax. It's over between us, remember?" He scoffed and grabbed my arm and began to squeeze it. I could feel it slowly getting numb.

"It's not over until I say it is." Maddie grabbed Jax and slammed his head into the desk next to me without any warning. He gets what he deserves... and I could feel my heart skip a beat as she did that.

"I'm not one to be rude, but you're an asshole, Jax. Ivy is done with your crap so beat it. Go find another seat, unless you want a girl to beat the snot out of you." Jax grunted and walked towards a desk in the front of class without another word.

"Thanks for sticking up for me... I guess I owe your two favors now, huh?" Maddie smirked and sat down into her desk.

"I guess so, Ivy."

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