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"I'm pretty sure that's literally the worst idea ever. I'm serious. She tried to fucking kill me, and now you want me to look after her? Shit on that! I don't care if you have to ship her off to Antarctica or something, but I am not taking care of her!" I shouted over the phone after answering it. There was a long and irritated deep breath.

"Look, sweetie, we can't do that if she's going to be on parol. If she is taken across a state border, then she will be disobeying her parole and be sentenced to a month or more in jail. If she had other family to take her in, we would send her there. Sadly, she explained to us that she doesn't have anyone left, so the only person close enough to her, is you. Since she isn't your relative, we are prepared to send you weekly checks to care for her. Chris has been taking part in her group therapy, and so far she seems to be doing well. The psychiatrist who runs it has prescribed her some medication to... soothe her rage you could say." My eyes looked towards Maddie, the bathroom door where Maddie was still showering at. I'm not going to make anymore major mistakes. I have to wait for her to be with me before I answer.

"Look, I'll call you back later, ok? I have to leave for school in twenty minutes, and you're really taking up my time. Bye!" I hung up without letting him say another word. Why can't I just have a normal shit life?... Well, I got the shit part covered... Just as I finished talking, Maddie stepped out with only a towel around herself, looking down at the floor. She didn't notice I was up until her eyes peered at me. Maddie's expression quickly changed from being refreshed to completely embarrassed. She reached up to cover her face, but forgot that she was holding a towel around herself. Upon realizing that, Maddie jolted back into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

I myself did know how else to react besides getting up and charging into the empty bedroom to find myself clothes to take a quick shower. After I grabbed a pair of clothes, Maddie opened up the door fully clothed this time.

"The shower's free if you wanna go take one... Um... Sorry about before by the way, I thought you were still sleeping." I chuckled softly, passing Maddie on my way out the door. I finished taking a quick shower within 10 minutes while Maddie had prepared our stuff for school.

"Oh, thanks Maddie. There's something important that I need to talk to you about... Not now, we'll talk in the car, ok?" She nodded, passing me and leaving the room to head out before me. When we got into the car, she glanced over at me with a half smile. Maddie waited for me to speak first, folding her arms. "So... I got a call from an officer that was at school when Chris was arrested." She immediately opened up her mouth right after, squinting as if it would help her understand.

"Well that's not creepy at all. What'd they want?" I scowled, not wanting to answer her question as I started the car to leave for school.

"Chris is going to be released on parole, so they want us to keep an eye on her at home. Her apartment is a floor below us, but she won't be able to go to school because, you know... The officer said that since we aren't related we will receive a monthly check. Should we—"

"Hell no! I don't want to watch over a crazy psycho who tried to kill you!" She shouted, attempting to jump up from her seat before remembering that she was in the car.

"I'm sorry! I thought I should ask you in case. I wasn't going to agree to it anyways, but I'm a little worried about who will keep an eye on her. I won't accept their offer, I promise." I responded, placing a hand onto Maddie's shoulder to comfort her and ease her worry. She nodded back and looked out the window for the remainder of the drive. When we entered our class, Jax was sitting on top of my desk with a devious and malicious smile. He turned to look directly at me before getting up to speak to me.

"Ivy, baby, how've you been? Have you missed me yet? I'm sure you have!" He exclaimed, throwing his arm around me. Maddie intervened, pulling him off of me to slide her arm around my waist, tugging me closer to her.

"No, she never has and never will. Now beat it before you piss me off." Jax grunted, glaring directly at Maddie with a slight chuckle.

"Fucking bitch... How idiotic can you be to actually believe that you can satisfy each other?" He laughed. Before I could respond, Maddie hit Jax in his gut and yelled.

"It's not all about sex you fucking perverted bastard! Oh, but you wouldn't know because all you do is think with your damn dick!" He knelt over, gripping his stomach. Instead of saying anything back to us, Jax left just as the teacher entered our room to teach. I held onto Maddie's shirt sleeve, a little shaken by Jax. She grinned charmingly, leaning upward to whisper into my ear.

"You're fine, I won't let him bother you any longer. I can't have you frightened to go to school, now can I?" She chuckled, setting me down into my seat gently while she sat in her own. She snuck her hand to her side, searching for mine. We interlocked our fingers, trying to pay attention to the rest of our lesson. As soon as our first class ended, Maddie and I walked to our next one. In the hallway, many people snickered as they went by us while we continued to hold hands. At this point, it doesn't matter to me, nor Maddie, about what people think of us. It's not their business, it's not even a big deal, and I don't even associate with any of them. Just when Maddie entered the second period room, someone stepped in front of her to block her from going any further. It wasn't someone who we knew, but they snarled like they had a grudge against us. I took another look at the man in front of us and finally realized that it was in fact one of Jax's buddies.

"You know, you really upset our friend, missy. I'd hate to harm a cutie like yourself, but I guess it couldn't be avoided." He frowned. I jerked Maddie's hand roughly towards me. The guy, to me, seemed suspicious and acted as if he was going to hurt her, so I walked towards the other entrance further down the hall where the professor's desk was. We entered the room quickly just before the guy arrived to the other door, but when he did he left the room, stomping down the hallway without another peep. The rest of the class stared directly at us, seeming to plot something against the two of us...

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