Phone Call

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*A/N: Hey guys! Just for future reference, I will more than likely be making a second book for this because there's still so much I want to do with this book, but I am stuck between doing that and just continuing until whenever I decide to end the book. With that in mind, I would love to hear what your guys think I should do, so please let me know and enjoy the chapter!*

From the sofa, I could hear Maddie groan loudly. She was arguing with someone at the door, quiet so that I wouldn't be able to hear. Rather than ignore the event that was taking place, my body sat up on the sofa and silently got up to move closer to Maddie and the unknown person outside the door. It appeared that she was quite irritate with whoever was at the door, so once I was close enough to see who it was my hand grasped onto Maddie's shoulder, yanking her back towards me with a protective stance. To my surprise, not really a surprise since the one at the door is clearly obsessive, Lily was the one standing outside the door with the same man who she had met with the night I found out she was cheated.  She began smirk slighty, thinking to herself that maybe she could come up with a good excuse as to why she went to meet up with him that day. As soon as she was about to start talking, my anger and snarky attitude got the best of me.

"Lily, just give it a rest already! We're done! We aren't going to get back together! You can continue to go out with your boyfriend, who looks like a bloody tampon, because I'm sure he's the only one who will want to date you." The man gave me a disgusted and enraged look, looming over like he was going to attack me for the insult. Lily sighed heavily, shooting a glance over to her mysterious lover as a sign that she wanted him to take the conversation over.

"Look here girl, Lily and I ain't an item. She confided in me that she wanted to try being with a man to see if her feelings for you were true. She didn't mean to hurt you, so you're being incredibly unreasonable right now." With that, I kicked the door shut and hopped back onto the sofa, waiting for Maddie to follow. The two knocked on the door for a solid five minutes, shouting at me to open the door back up. For a moment, it seemed like the two would literally break the door down to talk face-to-face, but seeing that I had more than likely just pissed them off with my actions and words they sounded as if they really just wanted to beat me to a pulp.

After some time the two left, leaving Maddie and I to our own devices. Neither of us struck up a conversation for some time, but Maddie broke the silence by reminding me that I had to call the officer from earlier. She dialed the number for me, disappearing into our bedroom to leave me alone for the duration of the call. The phone rang and rang a few times before someone finally picked up.

"Hello?" He called out in a tired tone.

"Um, this is Ivy. I was just calling you back about Chris. My... roommate and I decided that we would agree to watch after her, at least if the offer is still up." From the other end, there was a faint choking noise.

"Wait, you're seriously going to watch after her? We were just going by a long shot, but if you're willing then I will send someone out with her and some cash in the evening. She will not be able to attend the remainder of school, but we have taken the liberty to have her sign up for an online school so that she can still graduate this year. That way, she will be out of your hands by the end of May." We spoke back and forth for a few more minutes before finally hanging up to return to our own duties. Right after I hung up, my phone lit up with an unknown number, but I picked it up anyways to make sure that it wasn't something important.

"Ivy? Are you there?" The voice asked. I knew that voice anywhere. There was no mistake that it was my mother.

"Mom! Where are you guys? Why haven't you contacted me? Why'd you leave?" I threw questions without allowing her to answer any of them. Mom paused a minute, trying to understand the situation a little more.

"What do you mean? Didn't Lily tell you that we would be moving into your grandmother's house to take care of her? She told me that she let you know, but you insisted on living with her." After every good that that Lily has done for me, this one lie overshadowed everything. There's no way that I'm ever going to forgive her now. How could I ever trust that malicious smile that plotted everything behind my back?

"No, she never said a word to me. Did you leave a note with her or at home?" She hummed at a low volume before answering back.

"Yes, I did. I asked her to hand it off to you so that you would have our new phone numbers. You see, your father broke both his and mine the day we left, so we had to buy new ones." Everything began to come together now. It wasn't on purpose that they left me, lily just convinced them that I demanded to live here with her while they go stay with grandma. There was no note at the house because mother physically handed her a note to give to me, which she never did.

"Well, I'll keep in touch. Oh, whenever you come back to visit me make sure you're on your best behavior. There's someone I'd like you to meet, but please be polite! I know you hate me for—"

"Hate you? Sweetie, I just disagreed with how you acted out when you discovered your sexuality! I mean, as a mother, I didn't want you to be running around town, wining and dining any girl. Well, you couldn't even do that because you weren't, and still aren't, legal to drink... Anyways, I'm just glad you finally got out of that phase and are trying to find someone you want to be with! I'll pick you two up some gifts when we come back. Love you!" She cheered, hanging up the phone right after.

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. My first response was to laugh uncontrollably, but that soon turned into a joyful sob which summoned Maddie back into the livingroom. She must have been listening in on our conversation because the first thing she said was that she was proud of me. Her hand brushed past my cheek as she have me a joyous grin, going as far as to even giggle a bit to show how giddy she was.

"Well, sweetie, we need to go out and get some food for our new guest that'll be arriving today. Wait, we don't have any money left... Shit!... Let's just stop over at my house to sneak some. Paw is probably sleeping now, so we can sneak in through my window so I can grab some food and run. Sound good?" I hesitantly agreed,  I mean I did take alcohol from Lily, but after everything that has happened because of her, alcohol should be the least of her worries.

"Sure, but don't call me sweetie. Come up with something original, you dork." I responded, flicking her lightly on the forehead before pushing her out of our apartment and to the elevators...

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