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Sometime after Maddie and I finished... Um... Getting to know each other better, it was already time to leave for school, assuming that it was open today because neither of us received any notification from the school about what was going on. I went on into the small bathroom to take a shower while Maddie picked out a pair of my clothes to wear since we were about the same size. After I got done, I realized that I had forgotten my clothes out in the bedroom with Maddie.

"Maddie! Can you bring my clothes into the bathroom for me? I forgot them. I have a towel around me, so don't worry." A few moments later, the door slowly squeaked open as Maddie jerked her hand into the small crack to hand me my clothes.

"H... Here you go..." She mumbled, tossing them over to me. As soon as she did that, Maddie pulled her arm back out and ran back to our bedroom. I stood there, chuckling to myself before actually putting on my clothes. Maddie then passed me to go into the bathroom so that she could take her shower. She glanced over at me with a flustered look and stuck her tongue out at me.

After she finished, we both left our apartment and drove to school to see that it was open today. Besides that, there was also an annoying nuisance standing near the entrance of the school to probably jump me again. Lily smiled at me, though it felt forced, and strutted over to me where she reached for my hand. Maddie cut her off like she did last night and pulled me on into the school, leaving Lily outside as she called after us.

Inside, Maddie intertwined her fingers with mine and snorted softly. She didn't seem to mind the people staring at us after what just happened, she didn't care that some were weirded out by us, and she certainly didn't mind showing affection in public. Already, Maddie is more comforting and doting than both Lily and Chris who didn't fall too far from the same tree. We both snickered together, walking to our class where we were met with an array of questions from all our classmates who were never interested in us before.

"What did you two do to Chris that caused her to go crazy?"

"She wouldn't have done this without some sort of provocation!"

"I've known her for a long time! She's never acted out like that before!" I kicked my chair hard enough to send it flying halfway across the room and stared down at them.

"I'm not talking. Go sit down and leave us alone before I get agitated." I commanded, stumbling over to my chair to move it back to my desk. The group immediately tottered back to their own desks. Whispers could still be heard around the room, but I just chatted with Maddie for a bit rather than pay attention to their rumor spreading. When the lesson actually started, I found myself glancing over to the window across the room to see if I could catch a glimpse of the one who started this whole mess, but I had forgotten that she wasn't here anymore.

There wasn't much at school left for me, so once the school day ended I hurried out and headed towards the parking lot with Maddie right behind me. She caught up to me and latched herself onto my arm, pulling me to the car. Maddie opened up the passenger side door for me and gestured for me to sit down, telling me that she would drive instead.

"I thought you didn't drive?" I laughed. She went around to the driver's side and got in, starting the car right after as she turned to wink at me.

"I do, it's just that I don't have a car because paw wasn't so keen on getting me one. I'm sure you can see why though." She replied, backing out of the parking space.

"Alright, I understand. We should hurry and go apply for jobs now. I saw two online that are close to each other. Both of them are only two miles from here so, assuming we both get hired, when I get off I can go pick you up or vise versa." Maddie nodded and followed my directions. The two places that were hiring was Barnes & Noble and Gamestop. Maddie most likely wouldn't enjoy working at a bookstore, so I decided that she would do better at Gamestop. She pulled up to Barnes & Nobles to let me go inside while she walked over to Gamestop, which was just down the street.

I spoke to the manager for a brief amount of time about the job and the hours. He asked me a few questions about how far away I was from my house, what my grades are as of now, of I had any sports I was in, and so on.   After answering all of his questions, he handed me a small note card with his name and phone number on it and told me that he would let me know when I start and what the general dress code is.

I jogged back to the car, surprised that Maddie was already inside waiting on me.

"How did you even get done so fast?" She giggled slightly and held out her hand with a name and phone number on it.

"They didn't really ask me any questions and just told me that I would start the 18th. I think that's... next Monday, right?" I pulled up the calendar on my phone, because technology, and held a thumb up, telling her thay she was spot on.

"Did they not... have paper or something?" I asked, pointing to her hand. She laughed awkwardly and tried to rub the number and name off.

"No... This is a number from one of the customers in line... He told me to call him sometime and took my hand to write on." I snorted and fell back in my seat.

"In a span of ten minutes, you got hit on? Aren't you popular!" I joked, looking over to her. She continued to rub the writing off of her hand and sighed loudly.

"I'm obviously not interested in him! Plus, I heard him saying that Persona 5 was trash, and he's lucky I didn't start an argument with him." She explained. I continued to laugh and sat myself back up in the seat.

"I hear you, Maddie. Maybe when we have time and when your dad is asleep or something, we can go over and get your gaming system... If you agree to start studying."Maddie pouted, but soon agreed to my proposition. After that, we headed back to our apartment to be met by another problem... Lily...

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