It Gets Worse

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I'm not quite sure what angered me more in Mikey's message to Chris. The fact that he ended up accusing her of being a whore, or trying to justify his reason for sleeping with another girl. That's Sigmund Freud's defense mechanisms for you... Before leaving the bar and Chris to Lily to take care of, I left her an extremely detailed note on where I went and why. There's no doubt in my mind that she will probably send out one of our friends from the bar to come get me, considering that I do come by often.

It was only a matter of time before I would find out about everything Mikey was doing, so why not get everything out already? He was obviously going to be at his house, drinking beer and "practicing" with him band, even though they were most likely to get high than to actually so anything. His house wasn't far from the bar in fact, which made sense as to how fast Chris got there. It wasn't really safe for me to be driving either, but I guess when you truly want to defend and care for someone,  you don't care about yourself and put everything you have on the line for them. I wish Chris would understand that. I drove through the night, or rather morning as it was now about to hit 2:00 am, and soon Mikey's house was in sight. Naturally, the whole place was lit up bottom to top with led lights and flood lights.

No one was outside, so I hurried on into the house which was unlocked like normal as well. The faint sound of heavy metal music resounded throughout the hall along with quiet voices. Of course they were still going at it, especially after he broke my girl's heart. I didn't care what happened to me anymore, I just wanted protect her. I stepped closer and closer to the room the two were in and kicked it in. Mikey jumped from his bed while the girl underneath shrieked and fell off of it.

"What the fuck, Ivy? Get out!" He screamed, pulling his covers up to hide his lower extremities. I stepped closer and noticed over a dozen used dobbers on the floor while there were still a few on the table beside them.

"How dare you! Chris cares about you so much, and yet you pull this shit on her? What the fuck, Mikey! I hope you catch a fucking STD from all your side girls!" I hissed, taking a small hairpin from my hair before poking hole into all of his unused contraceptives. Mikey stood up without regard for his lower body and grabbed my shirt.

"The poor baby! It's not my fault that the rubber broke!" He shouted, shaking his fist at me. I stared at him for a minute before pulling his hand off of me.

"Wait, what did you just say?" I asked again, afraid that I had heard him wrong.

"The damn bitch poked a whole in it and I didn't know! She blamed me and told me to 'take responsibility', but I'm too young to be a father!" He continued, lighting a cigarette as he spoke. I dropped my hairpin in shock and soon tears began to stream down my face.

"Oh my God... No... Damn it all!" I screamed, punching the door behind me with all my force. Mikey chuckled at me and came over to me, feeling me up.

"Well, since you've calmed down so much, why don't we have some extra fun? I might be cold at school, but trust me I'm not down there..." I probably threw up in my mouth at that moment. Before he could say another word, I charged out of the house and went back to the bar. I cannot believe this. Why would Chris purposely poke holes into their goalies? For God sakes, we still have one more year to go! It just doesn't make sense, unless someone was screwing him before her and did that to all the French letters beforehand... I hurried back inside the bar and right on into the bed that Lily and I. There's no way I can barge in on Chris after all that alcohol she consumed... It wasn't until about 4:30 am when Lily came up after shutting the bar down and got ready for bed. She asked me no questions, and I most certainly didn't talk about it. Instead of prying, Lily comforted me and gave me the much needed love that I needed by hugging me and patting my head lovingly. It wasn't long after that I drifted to bed without any regard for school which was only in three more hours...

I called in for my second day of school. After last night, I don't think I would've paid any attention today and be able to control my anger. Chris was up before I was, but was second to Lily who was already downstairs to make breakfast. None of us spoke to each other until I broke the silence by turning to Chris.

"What happened yesterday? For real?" I asked, scarfing down the bacon that Lily had cooked. Chris slammed her silverware down and stared at me, her eyes full of hatred.

"I told ya! I walked in on him sleeping with that slut and he jus' laughed at me! Even though I... I..." She trailed off, clutching her stomach tightly.

"Did you seriously poke holes in his willie socks?" I asked, trying not to make a big deal out of the situation. She choked on her eggs and turned to me with a confused gaze.

"What? Course not! I'm not looking to get knocked up until I'm married!" She yelled. I scratched my head, developing only more questions.

"Look, I went to his house yesterday and he said you poked holes in the contraceptives so that he would have to take responsibility for you. I don't know what actually happened, but I just wanted answers." Chris got up from her seat and bent over to face me.

"I wasn't that into him, Ivy. He was cool and that was it. He's out, and now, you're in. You better impress me, Ivy! Unless, you want me to go back to that asshole or even find someone worse..." She pulled me closer and smirked before licking a piece of bacon that was hanging from my chin.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

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