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Days had passed without any real threats or issues. Maddie begins her job today at Gamestop, but I on the other hand had not gotten any sort of notification back from Barnes and Nobles. She doesn't go in until 5:00 pm, since they have to adjust her schedule for school, so I would be home alone with Chris from 5:30 to about 9:00 tonight. It's not like I'm worried about being home with her, but lately Lily has been at the same places as me. School, the apartment, who knows what else she'll do. Soon her timer might go off and Lily will go off on me. At least Chris has some sort of excuse for her behavior, because Lily certainly does not. She's obsessed with me, or something along those lines. It's unhealthy.

In the morning, Maddie and I left early for school, leaving Chris home with her laptop and stacks of books for her online class. We both stuck out like sore thumbs in all of our classes, mostly because rumors have about us, but despite that we managed to merge into a circle of friends. Even that girl Zoe who had started an argument with us now chats with Maddie and I on a regular basis now.

"Wait, Chris is staying in your apartment? Do you think I could come over later to see her?" Zoe pleaded. Maddie and I looked at each other with understanding gazes before turning back to her.

"Of course. I have work today, but if you want you can stay with Chris and Ivy. She has to come pick me up, so if you want we can take you right after school and bring you home after she picks me up from work." Zoe's face lit up, showcasing her excitement.

Nothing else interesting happened at school, so the day seemed to drag on for what felt like an eternity. Thankfully, school did end and the three of us piled into my car. Zoe could no longer hold in her happiness and went on about how Chris and her became friends. It was refreshing to see someone care this much for their friend no matter what the dilemma was that caused this growth in friendship. It was a good thing that Lily wasn't at the apartment complex when we pulled in, so the three of us were able to talk a little more and take our time getting to the elevator and to the room. When we opened up the door, we noticed Chris was sitting down on the sofa, watching a movie on TV. Zoe darted into the room and practically jumped onto Chris with a bright smile.

"I missed you so much! Are you ok? Do you miss me?" She questioned her. Chris took a minute to process what was happening, but as soon as she saw who it was she laughed and hugged Zoe.

"Of course I missed ya! How could I not miss my right hand gal?" The two snickered before looking over to Maddie and I with grateful smiles. We all sat down and spoke about multiple topics with the TV on in the background. It was a joyous occasion, so I got up to make some popcorn that we had gotten from Maddie's house. While doing that, my phone began to buzz nonstop over on the table beside Maddie and them.

"Maddie, can you get that for me please?" I asked her, ripping the plastic packaging off of the bag of popcorn kernels. She nodded and picked up my phone with a cheery voice.

"Hiya! Ivy's busy at the moment, but—"

"Give Ivy the phone. Now. I demand to speak to her!" I heard a voice over the phone. They didn't sound to be in the mood to screw around, so Maddie quickly passed the phone over to me with a worried look before mouthing that it was Lily on the other end of the line. At this point, I'm getting irritated by her constant bombarding and hounding, so my patience for her has run out.

"Lily, this is your last warning. Do not contact me again. I have already found out from mom that they had left to stay with grandma because of her fragile condition, so I'm not even going to listen to you anymore because of all the lies you have spouted to me. Go ahead and say what you called to tell me, but if you ever call me again, I will press charges against you." There was no response and I thought she had hung up at first, but my threat was soon returned with a crazed and raspy cackle.

"Why? Because you're together with Chris now? Or are you still going out with Maddie? Wait, don't tell me, you're dating both of them, aren't you? I can tell you're just having loads of fun without me. You wouldn't  go that far with me, but you were kind enough to do it with them? That's low, Ivy. Low and unfair. I love you so much that I even got rid of that  man that I brought with me last time I visited. Oh, I know, I'll come over now to talk to you in person. I'm sure we can all have a nice and happy reunion! Maybe Olivia will even come so I can have you back..." She hung up on me without allowing me to add anything else in. My eyes shot over to Maddie and Chris who were both frightened about the call.

"You all need to hide. Lily's coming. Maddie, if you hear anything wrong happen in here, call the cops. Chris, whatever you do, don't come out. Zoe, just stay with those two and keep your voice down." The three hesitantly got up and hurried into the bedroom. I waited patiently for the sound of knocking upon the door, and my wish was granted moments later by the rapid pounding of a fist on the front door. The door slowly opened as I shouted that it was open, and in walked Lily with a nearly expressionless look on her face. When she saw me, her mouth tightened into a smile before she pranced over to me.

"Ivy, did you miss me?" She questioned me.

"No, I most certainly did not."

"Why's that? I thought you loved me."

"The word loved is highly emphasized. I can't stand you anymore, Lily. All you do is lie to me!"

"If I apologize will you take me back?"



"Because you've done too many unforgivable things. It's too late, Lily. There's no going back and you can't do anything to convince me to take you back." She paused and her fake smile was replaced by a scowl. Lily clenched her jaw so tight that I could even hear her teeth crush against each other. Her eyes were filled with fury while her hands had molded into fists.

"I love you!" She gasped, desperate for me to respond back to her with the response that she desired.

"I hate you." The room went silent as I waited for her to either attack me, weep, or leave. Lily started for me agian before finally stopping only a foot or two away from me. She was desperate for me to give her a favorable answer, so I was worried by what tactics she might use to persuade me.

"I love you!" She cried, dropping to her knees and grabbing onto my clothes to beg me. "Please, love me again, Ivy!" This was becoming more and more pathetic. Her attempts to get me to love her were all in vain, so now she doesn't know what else to do besides pleading me to take her back.

"I'm done with you, Lily. You're a manipulating piece of trash, so you better leave now before I called the cops on you! Get out, now!" I shouted, pointing to the door with a agitated expression...

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