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Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that chapter 1 is out for my new story, "The Pain That Is Love"! If you like this or my other stories, then I hope you will like this one as well! I'm hoping to finish "I Want You" maybe by March, depending on how many chapters I decide to write, so I hope you all will keep supporting me! I'm so grateful to y'all for reading everything that I have out as of now, so I hope that you will continue to support me in the future! With that, please enjoy and see you all later!*

My body fell into Lily's arms, weighed down by the drama that just took place. Maddie and Olivia were unsure of what they should do, so they stood by and watch as I collapsed underneath the pressure that is my life. Lily knew instantly that I wasn't fine at all, even though I tried to convince myself that I was so that she wouldn't worry. It was supposed to be a joyous celebration for Lily and I, but Chris had came in and ruined it all with her accusations. An officer came back in and spoke to me about the incident. I wanted to remain vague so that Chris wouldn't get in too much trouble, but I don't even know if it's worth it to go to such great lengths for someone who almost killed me and then attacked the one place where I feel safe. It was as if she believed that I belonged to her, but she had made it clear to me that she wasn't interested in me at all. Where did the innocent Chris I once knew go?

"Listen, Ivy, why don't we call it a day and close the bar? Your friends can stay if they want." Lily questioned me, casting her eyes towards the few patrons that remained. I agreed and explained to them that we would reopen tomorrow, and they all understood our reasoning and gleefully exclaimed that they would return the next day. I sat myself down onto a bar stool and gazed at a bottle of beer.

"I'll stop drinking tomorrow. Pass me that, will you?" I pleaded Lily. She hesitated at first, but soon tossed me the unopened bottle with a sour look on her face.

"Every single time something goes wrong you have to drink? You're going to give yourself alcohol poisoning if you keep this up, Ivy! I'm worried about you!" She shouted at me, snatching the bottle away from me as soon as she said that. "I changed my mind. I'll grab you a can of pop instead, ok? I can't stand to see you like this..." I wanted to yell right back at her, but Lily was right. I didn't want to kill myself with alcohol. Instead of fighting back, I pouted and then smiled right back at her.

"I understand, darling." I joked, winking at her. She laughed anxiously and disappeared into the back room without another word. Maddie came up to me next and put a hand onto my shoulder as she peered down at me with a ecstatic gaze.

"You two flirt a lot for being a new couple! You guys are so cute together!" She exclaimed, shaking me slightly from her cheerfulness. My face flushed and I tried to avoid looking directly at Maddie who was now snickering at my reaction. Olivia came up behind us both and grabbed ahold of Maddie before dragging her into the extra room to excuse themselves. Not long after, Lily came back out with two cans of pop and sat herself next to me. We were both silent at first, unsure of what to say to each other. Finally, Lily broke the silence and held tightly onto my hand to reassure me.

"Chris is an asshole, Ivy. Every single thing she said about you was wrong! I know you, and you are not any of those things she called you. In fact, I would say she was describing herself rather than you. I hope after this you decide to stay away from her. For good."I struggled to reply, but in the end I agreed to Lily's suggestion. I'll be fine as long as I have Lily by my side. There are only a couple others who I can trust now, and they are under the same roof as us right now. In a matter of days, my whole life has changed completely. Funny right? I can't even begin to wrap my head around everything that has taken place so far! I just want to give up... Lily pulled me towards our room upstairs after directing Maddie and Olivia to their room, the one that Chris attacked me in. It was noticeable that Lily was upset about the whole incident, with her introvert-like attitude and crossed arms, so to try and help her to feel more relaxed I embraced her. She was surprised and unwelcoming at first, but turned around in my arms not long after to return it. She may seem to be tranquil and faultless on the outside, but when put into a difficult situation, Lily reveals her fragile and modest side. With her by my side, I won't need to worry about unnecessary feelings of doubt...

"It's still unbelievable that someone as stunning, confident, and charming like you is interested in me... Are you sure this isn't a dream, Lily? If it is, then I don't want to wake up..." She chuckled a little bit and backed away from me to reveal that she was tearing up. Her body trembled, while she continued to laugh.

"How could you ask me that now of all the times! I will always be by your side, Ivy! Always! I was so worried and petrified at the thought that she could've hurt you or worse... Your life is my life as well now! That's how serious I an about you... I won't ever let you go, Ivy. My wish came true after all these years! We are together now, so I'm not going to let anyone divide us! I would take on the world for you if I need to." She went on. Her hands reached up to caress my cheeks gently. These are the hands that protected me... These are the hands of the person who loves me..." Lily leaned in closer to me as we reached for the bed to sit on. Suddenly, Maddie came bursting into the room with a concerned look on her face.

"Lily! Ivy! You need to-woah! What are you two lovers up to in here?" She questioned, completely forgetting about what she was going to say. "Oh shit! Get down here now! That crazy bitch is back again!" She shouted, sprinting down the stairs once again. I sighed to myself and got up from the bed. Lily grabbed onto my hand with a disappointed gaze.

"Can we... continue later on...?" She twidled her thumbs to hide the fact that she was embarrassed for asking. I responded by giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and turning back to her before leaving the room.

"How could I refuse the request of my adorable and endearing girlfriend?" I rushed downstairs right after to be met with a furious Chris who was standing right outside our door with a angered aura. She quickly spotted me and slammed her fist onto the glass door, calling out to me.

"How come you picked that whore over me, Ivy? I thought I was the one you liked, not her! I left Mikey for you! I showed you my true self so that you could accept me, so why her? When I needed you the most, you ran to her side! Why? Why? Why? You are mine! I won't let anyone else have you! I'd rather you and I die than that to happen!" She screamed. Olivia quickly snatched the phone to dial 911 for the second time this night, but I stopped her first to see if I could reason with Chris.

"Is that what you really believe?" She knocked her fist to the window again and spat.

"I'm serious. That's what I believe, and that is why you are mine! She brainwashed you, Ivy! She doesn't love you, I do! You're mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!" There's no use trying to reason with her... Maybe if I try to scare her...? I swooped over to the bar counter and grabbed a nearby knife which I held against my wrist. This is quite risky... Chris flinched in terror, but remained right by the window.

"What? So should I do it and then have Maddie pass it to you? I don't wish to cause Lily anymore problems, so if this is what I have to do, then so be it." She began to inch backwards, but once again tries to argue with me.

"What? You aren't serious! You fucking liar! I dare you to do it! In fact, why should I die? If you do, then I can finally give up and leave without any regrets! You're the reason behind all this! Yes, you are!" Ahh... Trying to escape reality with defense mechanisms, huh? I hope Lily will forgive me...

"Olivia, dial 911 now. This isn't going to end until one of us sheds some blood... Lily... Forgive me..." I pressed the knife ever so slightly onto my wrist and it cut right through. It wasn't deep enough, so I pressed harder until I felt relief odd enough. I could see the blood begin to pump out, but it only felt like a small pinch to me. Lily finally appeared from the top of the stairs and screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw the small collection of blood at my feet.

"Oh my God! Olivia call 911! Maddie, get all the towels we have in the bathroom down the hall! Fuck! Fuck! Ivy, baby, why did you do this? Holy shit! It won't stop! No... No! I can't lose you!" Her voice sounded like it was getting quieter and quieter until and fell to the ground, unable to even move a muscle anymore. It was only one wrist, and yet I feel an excruciating pain begin to arise now... And most of all, regret was overwhelming me... I watched in horror and Maddie rushed into the room with perfectly white towels in her hands. As the two wrapped one around my wrist, that white color soon became a crimson red color within seconds. I glanced at Chris outside who looked mortified and shocked that I actually went through with what I said. Even after all that talk, it looks like she still cares about me... Even if it is minimal...

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