I Want You

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*The story will be in first-person as Ivy until further notice*

This is embarrassing, but it seems like I have fallen in love... with my best friend. Her name is Christina (Chris) and she, as of now, seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel for me. When did it start? I don't know when it started. All I know is that it hit me hard and fast. I've known her since Kindergarten so why now? She has a boyfriend and so do I... Jax Anderson is his name, and I don't like him. I may be going out with Jax, but I know he only uses me for the pleasure and for gloating rights since he is the star of the Football and Baseball teams. Chris's boyfriend is a guy named Michael. I don't like him either... He took Chris from me and he isn't good enough  for her! I'm not even sure if I'm good enough for her... I got plenty experience with guys since I go through them like sweets, but I've never been with a girl! Has... has she done anything with him yet? I don't want anyone to touch her... I want to shield her and love her... That's funny though, since I'm such a hypocrite and a seductress... I'm the root of all those rumors, but I'm too scared to actually say anything. Funny right? Right? I want to try though I really do... First, I'll have to end things with Jax...

August 25, 2017
7:25 am

School begins today. Jax and I already agreed to meet at the front gate to talk, and I'm sure he already knows what we're going to discuss. Once I reached the gate, Jax approached me with a sly grin and reached over to grasp my face. Instead of complying with his wish, I smacked his hand away and pushed him. He returned my actions with a sigh and walked away without anything else to say. I guess that was that. It seems that no matter who I go out with, no one will every fill my hole but her. Without any warning, Chris jumped on me from behind and hugged me.

"Good mornin' Ivy!" She shouted into my ear with a wide smile. Chris let go of me and then forcibly grabbed my hand to head on into school.

"Morning Chris. Did you get any sleep last night?" I asked, remembering the night before as it replayed in my head. Chris stopped walking and turned to me with a confused gaze.

"What'cha talking about?" She asked me. I frowned, but put on a smile right after and turned back to her. She doesn't remember? I think my hole just got bigger...

"W-well you know how you are when school starts back up! Especially when you goof off in the middle of night and get to bed late!" I said nervously before laughing awkwardly. Chris stared at me for a while, but soon laughed it off as well.

"Oh! I see now! Well, I understand where your comin' from. Just between you and me, I had a little to drink last night. Michael and his band brought some over so I snuck out to drink some!" She said with another bright smile. I figured... He better not have...

"Next time you better invite me over, Chris!" I said, laughing again without any feeling. I feel empty inside... Chris spotted Michael with a few of his band mates and waved goodbye to me without another word. What's so great about him? He's just a weird and useless man! I really hope that message she sent me was just a joke... I pulled out my phone and went to Chris's contact. There, a message and photo pierced me right in my heart. It was her and Michael laying in bed together with only their underwear on and a message below.

"Ivy, with this, I am now like you." I whispered to myself, holding back the urge to cry. The sound of girls snickering woke me up from my daze as I heard them mention Chris.

"What guy is she on now? Lucky number 13?" One asked with a slight hate in her question. The other scoffed and leaned into her friend.

"More like lucky number 20! I heard she's been sleeping all over the place with guys and even slept with those in committed relationships!" She shouted angrily. I walked over to the girls and grabbed them both by their shoulders.

"I'll have you both know that Chris is still a virgin. Plus, that's her first boyfriend. If you're going to talk shit about her, say it to me! Next time I hear more bullshit coming from you two will be the last time you speak. Now beat it before I rip your vocal chords out right now." The two scrambled to run away as I stayed there and crouched down is sadness. I hope what I said was the truth. I don't even know anything about Chris in that way... I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. It was Jax. He had a wide grin on his face and reached down to help me up, but I refused his help.

"Come on, girlie. Why don't ya take me back? I'm sure you feel terrible without me." He said with a devilish smile as he licked his lips sensually.

"Disgusting! Don't touch me Jax! I thought you understood that this is over. It's not working out. I have someone I like, so get off of me and back the fuck up." I said, standing back up without another word. Jax grabbed my arm and pulled me back without a word. "I said to leave me alone, Jax. Are you deaf or what?" I asked him, pulling away once again, "I was never into you. I hope you realize that because it's pathetic that you keep hanging onto me even though you have others besides me." I said before stomping off.

"I know that you were doing the same to me. Such a shame that your little friend is taking the blame for all the things you did..." He laughed, walking in the opposite direction front me. I'm sorry... I need something or someone to fill my heart and it seems that sheets only one who can... Can't my unholy love be requited just this once? I want her to be mine and mine only...

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