The Secret Is Out

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I rushed into the nearby girl's restroom with Maddie right behind me. She didn't speak at all, but it was obvious by her facial expression. I collapsed into the bathroom floor and brushed my hair out of my face before turning back to Maddie who was now averting her eye contact from me.

"How bad... was that?" I asked her, crying out for some hope. Maddie knelt beside me and patted me on the back in an effort to console me. I feel like Maddie may be one of the only people I can trust now... There's no one else besides Lily and maybe Olivia who are trustworthy enough, but I can't be depending on them like this all the time...

"Well, it's good that you finally told him that you weren't into guys. The problem is that you said that to a room full of our classmates, which will probably spread it around because they think it's so funny and odd." Maddie admitted. I stopped myself from getting upset even further and stood up. She eyed me with a sense of worry, so I tried to ease her worry with a smile. It was an extremely painful smile for me since I am an outcast so to say, but now I will probably just become more separated from the social norms of my school simply because of one small factor.

"It's fine. To be honest, I don't particularly care because it probably won't even do much to me. Just do me one thing... please just stay by my side at the very least." I said quietly. Maddie nodded slowly and gave me a weak smile. Only God knows what's going to happen next, and hopefully it will be something good or maybe there will even be no change. I helped Maddie up and hugged her tightly. "Please, just let me stay like this for a little bit... please." I begged her. She complied and rubbed my head, trying to comfort me somehow.

"It's fine, I understand... I'm here for you, Ivy." Maddie assured. We walked out of the restroom together and went back to our classroom. Thankfully, Jax wasn't there when we got back, so we sat down in our seats and relaxed before class started. Maddie began to text Olivia and we all decided to hang out later tonight at my cousin's bar. Soon after, our teacher entered and began to write our notes on the board for today. It was a pretty boring day, especially since Chris wasn't here to... No, I can't depend nor trust her anymore... I didn't even bother to write the notes down and completely ignored the lesson today. It just feels weird without Chris by my side, but now Maddie will take her place. I took a quick look outside and noticed that Mikey was there with his new girl toy. I'm not even shocked that he turned out to be such an asshole... I hope that karma gets him back... As I was looking outside, a piece of paper flew onto my desk.

"Hey, Chris won't be at the bar, right?" I jotted down my reply quickly, unsure of my own answer.

"I hope not. I don't think I can deal with her today." I sighed to myself, zoning out soon after. The school day flew by and I soon found myself at my locker. Maddie strutted up to me with a big smile on her face.

"Am I getting a ride today or no?" She asked. I shook my head no and frowned.

"Sorry, something happened yesterday, so I had someone bring me to school today on their motorcycle." Maddie smirked and crossed her arms.

"What? Did you find yourself a girl already? Good going, Ivy! I knew you wouldn't let Chris keep you down." I laughed it off and shut my locker door.

"It was my cousin who brought me, you goof. Chris decided to skip school today, so Lily took me. She worries about me too much, but I'm not going to complain since it feels nice to know that someone is looking out for you..." Maddie rolled her eyes at me and made air quotes while mouthing the word "cousins" at me before walking off with a grin. I turned back to pick up my book bag when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Lily who seemed to be quite elated.

"Hey Ivy, did you have a good time at school today?" I faked a smile and walked together with her outside.

"Not really, but now that you're here my day just got better." I replied. Lily frowned for a second, but smiled once again. I'm not lying either. It just seems that whenever Lily and I are together all the problems just disappear. Maybe... This is for the best. Lily will always be a better supporter than Chris, so why not replace Chris with her and Maddie? I love her way more than I did Chris anyways, so it's not like it matters to me... Lily and I hurried outside to her motorcycle so that we could clean up the bar before Olivia and Maddie come over. As we entered, Chris was still sitting at the counter and downing shots one by one.

"If you're going to be like that, then just go home and get drunk at your own place. I have some people coming over and I don't want you here. Get out, Chris." I demanded, pointing towards the door. She looked over and then backed to me with a half-assed smile.

"Oh really? Here I thought that ya may actually be the only one who cares 'bout me, but now you're going to cast me aside? I guess ya finally did it, you finally realized the benefits of having a few side pieces. Mikey was right, you are a bitch!" She argued before picking up a nearby vodka bottle and taking a huge gulp of it.

"Knock it off, Chris! If you keep going then you may due from all the alcohol!" I yelled, snatching the bottle from her grip. She jumped up and charged at me, reaching for the bottle.

"Give it back! It ain't yours!" She screamed. We tumbled onto the floor with the bottle still between us. Lily hurried over and tried to pull us apart, but to no avail. Finally, Chris grabbed the bottle from me and smashed it atop my head. I could feel myself losing consciousness as I heard Lily screaming my name. Everything soon went black, much like my luck with going back to how things we're between Chris and I. I don't even think there is hope for us, but she has helped me so much when we were younger. I loved to run, so she signed me up for cross country and a few sports in middle school, I was one of the best students in my math class, so she started tutoring other classmates with me to help open up to them, I told her that someone "interested" me (as a ploy to make her jealous somehow), so she hooked me up with them. Chris... has helped me and supported me, but I can't continue on like this with a Chris who I don't know. The fun, loving, goofy, beautiful, weird, and cunning Chris that I once knew seemed ti have been replaced by someone of an unknown origin. What now? She's been by my side all this time, so is it ok to abandon her now? Am I the cruel one here? Why is everything so different now? I'm trapped, and I'm not sure if I can get out anymore...

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