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Sup guys! I've been having some major setbacks the last few days, so I will be updating this as much as possible on Sunday and Monday as long as I finish this incredibly important project by then. Also, just for future reference in case, I'm not going to be on a lot next year probably because I'm in a College Credit Plus program, so I will be taking about nine college classes. For my senior year. I know that's a long way from now, but I just wanted to let you guys know. Anyways, thanks and I hope you all enjoy!*

Lily banged against the door from the outside, seething with pure hatred for, well, all of us really. Her voice echoed in the hallways, catching the attention of other tenants in the complex. It was clear that she wasn't going to give up on me so easily, but my body wouldn't inch any closer towards the shaking door. Zoe was still crouching behind the sofa as if her life was in danger, which it probably was, while Chris questioned herself on the best course of action. A few people on the outside of the door chimed in to scold Lily on making such a racket, but she paid no attention to them and slammed her fists onto the door even more violently.

"What do we do?" I whispered to Chris. She didn't answer and squinted at the floor.

"I ain't too sure... I knew she was a little loopy, but I wasn't prepared for this!" She remarked, tiptoeing over to the door to listen to Lily's crazed babbling. Her face went pale in a matter of seconds as she quickly turned back to me and pulled Zoe and I into the bedroom without a warning. Chris tossed us both inside and onto the bed before slamming the door shut with a loud bang.

"Owww! Chris, what was that for?" Zoe yelled at her, sitting up from where she landed. Chris lifted a finger to her mouth, signaling for us to keep quiet.

"We need to find 'nother way out of 'ere. She's planin' to stay until we leave to get Maddie, so we need to figure out how to get outta 'ere." She replied in a hushed tone. Zoe headed towards the window in the room to look out it, but sadly there was no staircase outside.

"There is no other way out! If we're going to make a run for it then we need to go now!" I muttered back bitterly. Chris responded with a disgusted look, but upon realizing that there was no other way out she agreed and exited the room again to return back to our living room.

"Listen 'ere. I'll push her outta the way when we open up the door, but ya gotta grab Zoe and run as fast as ya can! She ain't that good of a runner." Zoe puffed her cheeks out at me with an upset expression.

"Ok, I'm not that bad..." She tried to save herself. Chris chose to ignore that and stand behind the door while she opened it. There Lily stood with an enraged and severely impatient look before trying to make a quick dash into out apartment. Chris rounded the door and kicked Lily directly in her gut, causing her to collapse in pain. I pulled Zoe as soon as Lily was on the ground and rushed for the elevator with Chris a few feet behind us. From the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of Lily again just before the door closed. She seemed to be staring right through me, not even aiming to tempt me back to her any more and instead in this for revenge. My pulse picked up once I registered her expression in my head.

The three of us sprinted to my car right when the elevator opened up, but I could hear a faint scream for inside the complex.

"Chris! Drive!" I cried, opening the back door up for Zoe to crawl into while I sat myself up front. She complied with my request and started the car as soon as she got the key from me. We sped off out of the parking lot and drove down random streets in case Lily had been right behind us. The car was filled with tension that was great enough to make us all hold our breath, waiting for something to happen. Nothing out of the ordinary occurred, but we were all on edge still after what happened at the apartment. Chris glanced over to me with a relieved smirk.

"So, do ya wanna go visit Maddie at work already? It's only 6:30 pm, but I'm sure she'll be happy to see ya." She asked me with a fruity tone. I smiled back and nodded stiffly at the thought of how supporting Chris was. She looked back out at the road and cruised to Gamestop which was about fifteen minutes away from us. We arrived in one piece to an almost entirely abandoned Gamestop parking lot. Chris gestured me to go ahead inside without her and Zoe, so I took her up on that offer and went inside.

A bell rang as I entered and walked further onto the store. In the back of the store, Maddie was there sliding games into their marked spots. Another girl stood at the counter and greeted me before returning to her own work with an exhausted look. I beelined straight for Maddie and tapped her on her shoulder with a slight grin on my face. As she turned around, Maddie beamed at me before pulling me into a hug without questioning why I was there.

"Hey, I know this is meant to be happy and all, but Lily was at our apartment again! Were just hiding out here for a little bit until we think everything's ok and we can head back to the complex." Her smile faded and was replaced with a look of frustration, but she quickly shook her head to get rid of any negative thoughts.

"I got it. If you want, you and I can hang out in the back for a few minutes." Maddie replied. I nodded back to her and grasped her hand to comfort both of us. We headed into a small back room with a few lounging seats and a tv to chat for a little bit. Everything was going smoothly until there was a ruckus coming from the outside. Maddie got up to peek her head out the door to see her coworker hiding behind the desk with a terrified look on her face. "Get in here! Now, Claire!" She yelled at her. The girl scuttled into the room and locked the door and soon as she was inside.

"There's... There's some crazy girl out there! I didn't know what to do! I'm sorry!" She wept, grabbing onto Maddie in a panic. We all sat on the floor to listen for something to happen next...

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