Epilogue Pt. 2

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After Maddie's class, we both headed towards the cafeteria to grab a quick bite before my next two class. Along the way, I told her about Lynn's offer of going out to drink.

"Well, what did you say?" I thought for a moment before realizing that I didn't really even answer his question.

"Um... I'll go ahead and shoot him a message to tell him that we will be going. I haven't had any alcohol in a while, so I'm sure that a few won't hurt me." I told her. Her face turned sour before she relented and sighed.

"Alright, but no more than three drinks!" She exclaimed, waving her finger in front of my face. I backed away from her s little bit so that her finger didn't touch me directly before nearly running into someone in the hallway. "You should be more careful." She scolded me with a slight fruitiness in her voice.

Not long after, Quinn, Lynn, and Dani met us at our usual Booth in the cafeteria that was located right beside the buffet counter further in. They gestured us over before forming hearts with their hands to mock us.

"Here comes the couple! Ooohhhhhh!" Lynn cheered, snorting slightly as he did.

"Lynn, shut up." I chuckled, seating myself in the free seat across from the three. We all chatted for a while before finally getting onto the topic of going to the bar later on. We all suggested places, but Dani pulled out her phone and a smiled spread across her face.

"Guys! Look! Damian just sent me this picture! We have to go to this bar tonight! He wants me to hang with him!" Dani squealed, shoving her phone into Maddie and I's faces. I couldn't quite make out the sign, but something about it seemed familiar to me.

"What bar is it? I don't recognize it." Quinn asked, yawning as he did. Dani zoomed in on the picture before giving us a confused gaze.

"I don't know either. It's not in the city, but it's like a half an hour or so away. I think Maddie and Ivy would know since they went to high school in that area." She replied, showing us a map of where the place was located. Both Maddie and I choked on our beverages once we knew what bar she was talking about.

"I thought they closed that place down! Lily went to-" I stopped myself from saying anything else and glanced over to Maddie with a concerned look. "Maddie..." She immediately turned and latched onto me without saying anything. I could sense the fear in her, but that's mostly because I have the same thought.

"Lily? Who's that?" Lynn questioned us, intrigued by what I had said. I stared him down, telling him it was none if his business before turning back to Maddie.

"What do we do? Should we go?" I asked her.

"I didn't think Lily would be out this early! Maybe someone else bought it?"

"Do you want to go see?" Maddie thought for a moment, peering back to Dani who was clearly fantasizing about her "friend" Damian.

"I mean... why not? I'd hate to let Dani down..." I lightly giggled and patted her head.

"You're so thoughtful, you know?" She smiled and we both entered back into the main topic with Dani and them. "We can take you there tonight, I mean, as long as we get gas money from all three of you." I haggled with them. Quinn and Lynn chuckled lightly before pulling their pockets out to reveal that they had no money at all. "Ok, well it looks like Dani is the only one going then." Maddie snorted beside me as we witnessed the two's mouths drop open with disappointment.

"Come on man! We'll pay you back tomorrow! Dani already offered to pay for the drinks if we go!" Quinn argued, nudging Dani in her side. She stared them down, giving up soon after to agree to their idea.

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