New Roomate

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Once we arrived in Maddie's neighborhood, I whipped around into an empty driveway so that her dad or mom wouldn't notice us. She led me to her backyard where her window was to get into her room. The only real problem with the plan was that the window was on the second floor, so there was no way we would be able to get in without a ladder or something to climb onto. A slight chuckling sound came from behind me, and when I turned around there was a sturdy looking trash can about the size of Maddie. She appeared out from behind it and folded her arms with a smug look on her face.

"I've done this before, so trust me." With that, she climbed onto the trash can and pointed towards the window with her head, asking me to move it closer so she could climb in. The bottom carefully slid across the dry grass without making any noise and, as soon as Maddie was close enough ,she opened up the window and slid in. Right after she got in, Maddie held out her hand to help me onto the trash can so I could imitate what she did to get into the house. Inside, her room was completely dark, but she flipped on the light switch to reveal dozens of Kpop and Jpop group posters that were spread out all over the walls and ceilings that covered the bright pink walls. The light turned off almost as quickly as it turned on and Maddie shook her head in disappointment before muttering to herself.

"Sorry you had to see that... I got those at a early time of my life." She sighed.

"Exactly when?" I questioned her, grinning to myself.

"Ummm... Last year..." Dead silence filled the room before I let out a low snort in response.

"An 'early time in your life', huh? You know, I wonder about you sometimes." She nodded back to me with a nearly emotionless expression.

"Me too. Ok, you stay here while I go down to grab some food. Don't make any loud sounds." She snuck out of the room, leaving me alone with her posters and the girly colored bedroom. Since there was nothing else to do, I took the liberty of grabbing her clothes so that she wouldn't have to wear mine anymore. While lost in my train of thought, I didn't seem to realize that there were footsteps heading straight towards this room. They couldn't be Maddie's, hers aren't that loud on account of her small stature, they were too heavy and sounded like the person was stumbling around in a daze. With that in mind, I quickly shuffled underneath her bed just in time. It had to be her father. His raspy gasps terrified me as he came closer to where I was hiding.

"I thought I heard something in here..." He grunted. His feet were right up against the head of the bed where my feet were at, so I don't think he discovered that I was in there. A few minutes pass before he left to stomp back downstairs, but Maddie was nowhere to be seen. Finally, the door slowly squeeked open to reveal Maddie who was holding onto cookies, pop, and other sweets. She held up a finger to her mouth and headed towards the window, handing me her goodies before climbing out. One by one, I tossed the stuff to her before grabbing the clothes and following behind her.

"Let's hurry up! He almost saw me earlier, so the faster we get out of here the better." She whispered sprinting back to the car. We both let out a sigh of relief, proud of ourselves that we pulled off our plan. "Thanks for grabbing me some clothes, but I didn't mind wearing yours. After all, they smell exactly like you, so that puts me at ease." She giggled.

"I'm glad you don't mind, but we don't have a washer or a dryer, so we will have to go to a laundromat sooner or later." I replied with a cold tone.

We rushed back to our apartment to snack on the food and pop we... "borrowed". Upstairs, a familiar figure stood at our door along with a tall female in an all black uniform. It was Chris and someone I didn't recognize. She glanced over to me, but rather than shout and run towards me with a smile on her face, Chris grinned slightly before averting her eyes from mine. The other woman took large steps towards me with an extended hand, looking to introduce herself.

"Hello, I have been informed that you have agreed to watch after Chris, yes?" She asked in a thick foreign accent. I nodded in response and turned to Maddie.

"Ah, yes! I'm Ivy, and this is Maddie. Are you her... parole officer?" She nodded with upturned lips.

"Indeed. I am Marta Nagy. If I may ask, how are you and... Maddie related? I was only aware that a Miss Ivy would be looking after Chris." Instead of shying away and giving a vague answer, my hands interlocked with Maddie's.

"We are dating, so she and I are living together. I was sure I let the officer who I talked on the phone with that I was living with someone." She nodded slowly before peering over to Chris who hasn't said a word yet. Our discussion came to a halt almost instantly, but the woman handed us a small wad of cash before leaving us alone with Chris.

"Well, let's head on it... I guess..." Maddie muttered, unlocking the door and pulling me in rather quickly. Chris followed behind us quietly until we went into the living room.

"You guys have almost nothing in here... How about I go grab some stuff from my apartment? I'll need someone to help, so will ya come with me Ivy?" My eyes darted over to Maddie who was signaling me to reject Chris's question. Despite that, I agreed and went with Chris to her own room which was on the second floor. She didn't speak to me the whole way down, and I most certainly wasn't going to start the conversation. It wasn't until we got into her apartment that she said anything else to me.

"I've been wantin' to apologize to ya, Ivy. I admit that I'm out of my mind, but I'm seein' someone now to help me... get better... I don't expect ya to forgive me, but I would hope that we can go back to bein' friends... I'm glad your happy though... I wasn't too fond of Lily, but I guess ya already knew that." She had a sincere tone to her voice as she said that. I couldn't help but chuckle a little and come up behind her to place a hand on her shoulder.

"I forgive you, but we can't go any further than friends now, so I expect you to have a reasonable distance with Maddie and I. Plus, I don't blame you for not liking Lily, and I shouldve seen why you didn't sooner." Chris turned around with a questionable look before scooting away from me to look for items to bring up to our apartment.

"Hey, can ya help me lift this mattress? We can come back for the frame an' all that after we get it into your room." I went into her bedroom to help her lift the mattress up and carefully maneuvered it out of the room and to the elevators where we moved it into Maddie and I's bedroom. After that, Chris and I put the frame, bedding, and her TV into Maddie and I's apartment before locking Chris's back up to hang out in our own...

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