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Hiya! This is officially the last chapter to the main story, but I am planning on adding maybe a few epilogue chapters to explain what happens after the fact. I hope you guys enjoyed the story as much as I did! Thank you for reading!*

Everything felt like it was in slow motion. From the time that Lily had technically kidnapped me to the moment that officers had come to save me. Nothing was as if it was actually real. The police had escorted me to an ambulance that was parked outside in case the situation had been worse than it actually was. Thankfully, nothing was wrong with me. They questioned me about what had happened, but I couldn't bring myself to remotely describe anything. I had heard from one of them, that was searching he room I was locked in, that they had found even more ghastly supplies. Needles filled with drugs, a taser, handcuffs, and more. My heart sank. The person who had grown up with me, who was just like an older sister to me, was planning on "playing" with me like I was an object and not a person?

Why? Is it because she was jealous that I had found someone else so quickly? Or just because she thought I was her girl? I didn't understand what drove her so insane.

I don't feel safe anymore.

My body began to shake from fear as I thought back to when I lived with such a crazed freak. Yes, Chris brought a knife to school, but I could tell that she didn't intend to harm me in any sort of way. Lily though, that's another story. She had a clear sense of hatred and lust for someone who she knew wouldn't trust her anymore.   I just didn't see the signs until now.

As my mind tried to wrap around everything that had happened so far, a cold, shivering hand clasped my face. To my surprise, it was Maddie. She was breathing heavy and was noticeably upset at the whole situation. We spoke no words before wrapping our arms around each other to comfort ourselves.

"You had me worried sick! Did she hurt you? Are you ok? Please tell me she didn't harm you!" She spewed without a single break. I didn't want to worry her further, so I replied with a light chuckle.

"I'm fine. Lily's going to be taken back to the police station to be questioned from what I've heard. Thank you for caring so much about me... I just..." I trailed off, thinking back to when Lily had...

"I'm here!" Her voice rang out. I snapped out it as her hands held onto my face and she stared into my eyes with determination. "I'm here for you.  I... can't understand what you went though, or what you could have went through, but I just want you to know that I'm here to help you, Ivy." My cheeks flared up from the petite girl who was standing in front of me, trying her best to be strong for the both of us. Seeing someone try so keep my mind off of what had happened makes me want to do the same for her. No, I want to do that anyways. 

"You're right. Sorry, Maddie." I laughed off the tense atmosphere. I don't feel like myself right now, but I don't know if it's because I don't want to worry her or if I want to lie to myself. My personality doesn't seem so... sharp, I guess you could say, as it once was. This change may be for the better, but it's odd for me to just be realizing this now. My position of this relationship, as some of my past as well, originally equaled to that of a "man" in the relationship. It seems that Maddie is now the "man" due to the fact that she has a... stronger will than I. It may contradict her short stature and what many believe to be the "perfect" girl look, but for me Maddie is now my... protector I guess you could say.

She isn't as free and careless as she once was either. I'm probably not one to say, but to me it's like Maddie has matured. My gaze was caught on her bright, beautiful smile that shined like a thousand gems in the sun.

"Ivy, are you ok? You've been stsring at me for a few minutes." She asked me, touching my forehead to see if I had a fever.

"Oh, um, yea! Sorry I was thinking about... Nevermind..." I cut myself off before revealing that I had been thinking of the past and Maddie herself.

"Ivy, I want you to tell me what's on your mind. You're kind of acting a little off." She confessed. My breath escaped me along with a slight snicker.

"Nothing can get past you, huh?" I joked. She didn't find that to be funny at all and hopped onto the back of the ambulance along with me. Maddie stared at me intensely to try and force the information out of me. "I get it, ok? Geez! I was just... thinking back to the past, you know? It wasn't that long ago, but so much happened in such a short amount of time..." My voice quivered underneath all the stress and seriousness of the topic. "I mean, I'm the one at the center of all the problems and issues! It's all my fault! I'm the cause of all of this!" The tears that I had been holding back this whole time were now racing down my face while I doubled over in shame. A warmth filled my soul as Maddie carefully leaned me into her chest. Her heart was beating gently and made me felt like ours were in sync with each other as I continued to listen.

"The first thing the victim of a crime always does in blame themselves." She said softly, patting the top of my head. "It's not your fault at all, Ivy. You were just unlucky. That was it. You make it hard for people to control  their feelings for you, I mean you are charming in your own way. Some people just cannot hold back how they feel." I could feel her heartbeat picking up in it's pace, and mine did as well, awaiting for what she would say next. "My heart," she began, "is beating for you right now. I'm sure that Lily's was too, it's just that she had a hard time holding herself back from you. That said, I'm not protecting her. I just understand that feeling." The low him in her voice caused me to shy away from her and lay my head on her lap.

"When did you become such a smooth talker? Gosh, you're making me flustered..." I whispered back. She gave me a grateful smile before bunching over kiss my cheek very lightly.

"I learned from you, and I'm proud that even I can make you embarrassed now!" She giggled. We both laughed together until I sat myself up to bump my forehead against hers just before pressing my lips onto her lips.

"There, we're even now." I snickered, propping myself on her shoulders as we watched the scene continue to unfold in front of us...

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