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Over a week has passed since the incident and I was finally about to be released. Despite my short stay at the hospital, my parents haven't visited me even once. We may not be on the best terms, but I assumed that they would at least check in with me. No one was answering the house phone, their cell phones, nor their computer for messages. Chris and Lily were coming over soon to pick me up and sign me out, so I took this chance to get up and walk around for a bit to stretch my legs and arms a bit. I continued to make frequent calls and send messages to my parents once again, but to no avail. I wonder what's going on... They shouldn't have work today... It is a Wednesday after all... I quickly turned my phone on to check the date.

"It's already the 6th of September? I've missed so many days of school..." I said with a sigh. The hallways were practically empty with a few patients and nurses here and there. It seemed there were rarely visitors who came to see their loved ones while they are in rehabilitation or just recuperating in their room. It is a little... off that there was such a lack of people there, but I guess it shouldn't be a problem since I was about to be released. Time passed on as I roamed the corridors, so I decided to head back to my own room to, hopefully, meet up with Lily and Chris. I'm not entirely sure on how Chris and I would interact with each other today, but hopefully we would get along the same as we always have. Inside the room, Lily was standing by the window with an upset look on her face.

"How am I going to tell her? Their belongings were all gone, there was no note, the cars were both taken, and they aren't anywhere to be found! I love Ivy to death, but she needs her parents, not some unresponsible bar owner who is practically useless... Ivy..." Lily wept. I was about to back out of the room quietly, but instead my foot knocked against the door which created a loud bang. Lily immediately turned around only to see me standing outside the room in shock. I could see that she was upset and was on the verge of tears.

"Lily... where are my parents?" I asked, stepping back into the room. Lily looked away from me, unsure how she should answer my question. Before she could say another word, Chris came into the room beaming.

"Heya guys! I just got done signing Ivy out, so we can get ready to go as soon as she gets dressed." Chris then looked between Lily and I before noticing that the atmosphere was off. She excused herself and went back into the hallway to wait on us.

"I'm sorry, Ivy... You're parents are nowhere to be found... They left nothing behind and there hasn't been any word from them... I just want you to know that I will be here for you though! I know that you can probably handle yourself, but I just don't want anything to happen to my precious cousin..." Lily glanced at me with a discouraged expression. To be honest, my parents really didn't have an impact on my life. I came home maybe three or four times and week to check in and then headed straight over to Lily's. They aren't the... most accepting parents one could have. On certain occasions they would continuously ridicule me for being a "human that is one of many who God has forsaken". It's only natural that they would want to leave the daughter who didn't view issues the same as them. Lily strutted over to me and gave me a hug. It seemed to be to reassure me that she will take care of me to the best of her abilities, but Aldo that she would give me the love that my parents never could. I chuckled slightly and hugged her in return before releasing her.

"It's fine, Lily. I knew that this would probably happen one day. My parents and I didn't get along at all, so the idea that they just left me here for you to take care of wasn't that unpredictable. In fact, I would rather be with you than them. I'll even get a job so I can help you pay for the bills." Lily smiled faintly, grabbing y hand to lead me outside. Chris asked no questions handed me my clothes to get dressed. It was just a pair of jeans and a rock band T-shirt, but I could smell Chris's perfume on it. It's nice to know that she's trying to get back to her old self... I'm still kind of disappointed in my parents though, or rather, am I upset? I hurried to put my clothes on so that we could leave this depressing environment. Chris had let Lily borrow her car so that she could drive us back to the bar to rest and relax, so I sat up front with Lily while Chris sat in the back. Chris and Lily didn't speak to each other really, but they took turns talking to me.

"Thank you, Lily and Chris, for coming to pick me up. Especially you, Chris. I know you had school today, but it meant a lot that missed it just to come pick me up." Chris blushed slightly and twirled her hair around her finger.

"I-it was no problem... I'm the one who caused you to get admitted, so it's only f-fair that I come get you. Plus, I wasn't about to leave you alone with Lily..." Chris stumbled slightly, continuing to screw around with her hair and fidget in her seat. Lily scowled, but kept quiet and instead turned to me.

"Well anyways, what do you think about having some time together tonight? We can watch movies, make some snacks, and maybe even play some games. Does that sound good to you, Ivy?" I quickly glanced at Chris. She looked as if she was agitated by the proposal, but didn't break the silence.

"Thank you, Lily! That sounds great! I'd love to spend some girl time with you." I responded cheerfully. Chris interrupt us with an unusual noise, but as soon as we asked her what she needed she soon feel silent again and projected a depressed attitude. There was no doubt that Chris was uncomfortable about Lily and I hanging out in the bar alone, but at the same time she couldn't stay with us because Lily was still protective of me around her. We were completely silent on the way to the bar, and as soon as we got out Chris left, leaving Lily and I alone.

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