Possession or Obsession?

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Lily and I took a short nap before getting back up around 1:00 pm to clean up the bar to open. She tended to the glasses and counter, while I cleaned up the surrounding tables and windows. Afterwards, Lily poured herself and I a drink, but I had to decline and instead proposed a slightly better alternative.

"Hey, you still have that espresso machine and the coffee maker, right?" I questioned her. Lily gave me a devious smirk before heading into the back room where she kept all her liquor and wines. Not long after, she came back in with two good-sized machines that had quite a bit of dust and cobwebs on them.

"These old things? You can have them, if you use them to help the bar too! I'll teach you how to use it and all that, so when you get it down you can make me a cup." She replied, blowing off a small amount of dust in my direction. I took a quick look at my phone to check the time before starting to clean the two appliances.

"We still have about 45 minutes before we open, so I'll hurry and wipe these down as long as you grab the coffee and espresso for me. It's been a while since I've used one of these..." She headed back into the room, leaving me alone in peace to clean. It took a little while, but the gadgets before long we're spotless. Lily watched me from afar, enjoying the company of someone other than the occasional regular customer to help out with the cleaning. She came right over and pointed out the buttons on both of the machines. She then put in a coffee filter and poured the coffee into the coffee maker before showing me how to operate the espresso machine. It was like we were in our own little world, but that ended once there was a knock on the door that showed a few people waiting to be let in.

"You remember everything, right?" She questioned me. I nodded in response, putting a thumbs up as a way to encourage her that I would be ok. "Good. Ivy, can you do me a favor and put some coffee on for us then? The few people here now don't like coffee very much, so we can use it for ourselves until more come. If you do good, I'll give you a reward later on!" She said with a fruity tone. I chuckled softly at her proposition, but took the deal and prepared us each a cup of coffee with an espresso shot in each. One by one, customers walked in and ordered their drinks while playing pool or watching TV by the front counter. An hour passed along with many customers who mainly ordered beer or some other form of liquor, but a few of them asked me for a macchiato or a latte. It was around 4:00 pm when Maddie and Olivia finally arrived, but a figure known all too well was with them as well.

"Hey! Sorry, Chris wanted to kind of tag along with us... Ahahaha..." She laughed awkwardly, pulling me toward the extra room where Chris had previously stayed. Maddie closed the door behind her and took me to the far end of the room before sighing heavily and shaking her head is disarray. "I'm so sorry! Chris... demanded that she came along with us, so I didn't really have a choice in bringing her. All she talked about the whole way here was that you chose your cousin over her or something... Anyways, I'd watch out for her if I were you... She seems like a ticking time bomb to me." Maddie confessed, suffering uncontrollably at the thought of what may happen if Chris were to go off the deep end.

"She's really not going to like what I was about to just tell her then..." I said in a low and tight voice. I told Maddie what had happened last night. She listened, but snickered afterwards and mouthed "I told you so" as a way to prove me wrong from my previous statement about us just being cousins. We emerged from the room some time after, only to be met by a pair of angered eyes. Chris had been standing right in front of the door on the opposite wall. Her jaw looked as if it was locked in place and her arms were crossed with fists.

"I knew it. Looks like you were just playing me all along. Sure Ivy, you really 'like me'. Everyone I love lies to me, and I thought you would be different!" She hissed, grabbing onto my shoulders to throw me onto the ground. I quickly reversed the situation by flipping her with my feet and hands before hurrying out of the room and closing the door behind me.

"Go get Lily! Hurry up, I can't hold the door closed for long!" I shouted, pushing against the door with all my might. Chris slammed and kicked the door, angrily yelling hateful words at me in the process.

"You were mine! You promised to be by my side! I thought I could really be with you! Liar! Bitch! Asshole! Fake!" She continued to scream before Lily finally arrived and saw the situation.

"I'll stay here and hold the door closed! You need to call the police to get her out of here! We have no other choice!" Lily roared. I agreed and hurried to dial 911 while Maddie and Olivia helped to explain the situation to our customers. Only 15 minutes passed before an officer rushed into the bar and forcibly subdued Chris. She kept her mouth shut as the cops escorted her out the door, but as she passed me, Chris spat in my face and shook in rage while in the hands of the officers. Lily walked over to me and gave me comfort by stroking my hair calmly and handing me a shot of espresso.

"Here... I know it's not much, but you should go sit for a few minutes to calm yourself down... I can tell you're quite shaken up." She admitted, rubbing my back slowly. I nodded before slowly ascending the stairs to our bed. I could tell that I was shaken up by Chris's remarks. My face felt incredibly hot, my breathing was rapidly increasing in volume and pace, and my heart felt as if it would burst at any moment. I wasn't scared because she had called me a few unflattering words, I was scared because they were all almost entirely true... Has Chris... always been this unpredictable and over the top? This isn't the Chris that I know... I don't know anything anymore... What do I do? Is it my fault? Am I to blame? Do I even deserve Lily? What-

"Ivy? It's... it's Lily... Are you ok in there? You sound like you're hyperventilating in there. Why don't you come on down? I'll get you your reward out to help cheer you up, ok? Just please, Ivy, come down... I hate to see you so upset..." Lily uttered before steeping back downstairs. I soon followed her to be met with a slice of strawberry cheesecake and a mug of hot chocolate.

"You really... really... surprise me sometimes, Lily. Thank you!" I smiled, attempting to hide my questioning thoughts and instead enjoy my "reward". Lily frowned with downcast eyes before wrapping her arms around me completely.

"You're fine. Don't put up a front that will only hurt you in the end. I know, you're hurt, so show me the real you, Ivy." With those simple words, my shell finally cracked to reveal a confused and saddened version of the other side of me...

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