Movie Night

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It was only about 6:30 pm when Lily and I returned to the bar. There wasn't anyone inside since Lily had to close the bar to bring me home from the hospital, so the bar was completely silent. We stayed quiet for a few moments before she tossed me a can of pop and a bag of chips.

"Head on upstairs. I'm going to make us some popcorn to snack on as well." She said, pulling out a container of popcorn kernels. I nodded in response before trudging up the stairs slowly. Lily had laid out a few movies on the floor already, assuming that I would accept her offer. Most of them were horror movies like The Grudge, Silent Hill, Insidious, The Ring, and many more. The stand underneath her TV had many more movies, so I pulled out a few of my own that interested me like Blue Is The Warmest Color, Hachi: A Dog's Tale, and A Dog's Purpose. I heard footsteps finally coming up the stairs and instinctively jumped onto her bed to sit. Lily came into the room and immediately noticed that I had added more movies to the pile.

"Sorry, I saw all the horror movies, so I thought that I would add a few of my own. Is that no good?" I asked, giving her a pleading look. Lily sighed and smiled back at me warmly.

"It's fine with me, but we are definitely watching one of mine first!" She laughed, taking The Grudge out and sliding the disc into the DVD player. Hours tick by as we continue to watch movies, and soon we reach our last one. Blue Is The Warmest Color. Lily chuckled as I put the movie in, but when I turned back she acted normal and sat in silence as we watched the last movie. A romance between a teen girl and an older female art student that she had met at a gay bar. Despite that simple beginning, the two share their ups and downs, and ultimately their sad end. I could only wish to have an equivalent fruitful love, but the only downside would be the possibility of dishonesty and downfall. I could only hope that their ending won't be my own in the future... As the movie went on, Lily and I chatted less and less so that we could focus on the film. Over three hours passed before the film was completely over, and as I turned to face Lily, I noticed that her eyes were glossy and that she had been crying. I reached my hand out and placed it on her cheek, wiping away her tears. Lily froze up and avoided my gaze by shifting her line of sight everywhere else. Is she... embarrassed? That's... suspicious... I backed up and retracted my hand, but as soon as I did, Lily grabbed a hold of it and placed it back on her cheek.

"Please... please just let me stay like this for a bit, Ivy..." She begged me, closing her eyes as she held onto my hand. I complied with her request and sat still as she attempted to ease herself. Soon after, Lily opened her eyes and stared directly into mine without uttering a single word. She then quickly covered her face with her hands and backed up to the head of the bed.

"Lily, are you ok? Are you hurting anywhere? What's wrong?" I blurted out questions one after one as Lily rocked back and forth on the bed. She shook her head rapidly and glanced up once more, and this time reached out to place both her hands onto my cheeks. She leaned in closer, breathing heavy enough so that I could feel it on my face. I've never witnessed this side of Lily before. Usually, she's always calm and sort of distanced from me in a way. As far as I know, she has never been in a relationship either, so I don't know what actions she considers to be as "just relatives". I hid my face from her view and turned around to face the TV again, breaking her contact with my cheeks.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Ivy... I don't know what came over me..." She said softly, getting up from the bed and heading out the door. I unconsciously began to twirl my hair and sigh to myself as I realized what had just happened.

"Calm down, Ivy... Calm down... You're just overreacting..." I tried to convince myself. After Lily left the room, I continued to try and make sense of the situation before giving up and following her downstairs. I was unsure of the time, but I was sure that Lily would keep me home from school one more day after what had happened today. With that assumption, I tried to lessen the sound of my footsteps and went downstairs. I could faintly hear the sound of her opening a bottle of something, and so I his behind the counter and listened to see if she would say anything.

"What's wrong with you, Lily? She's just a girl still! Ivy doesn't see you like that! You've been beside her all these years and kept the feelings to yourself, so why are you slipping now? Get it together! Snap out of it! It... it won't come true..." She murmured. I heard Lily tip the bottle of her drink and take a sip before setting it back on the floor. I stood up and walked over to Lily who was wallowing on the floor and knelt down beside her.

"Lily, look at me." I demanded, pushing her messy hair out of her face so that she could see me. Lily looked up at me and frowned. She soon realized that she had frowned at me and then replaced it with a smile before standing back up.

"Ah, sorry, Ivy. I just went to get a quick drink before bed. Don't worry about-"

"Every single time you smile at me, you look like you're about to cry! Lily, why can't you tell me what you're actually thinking, huh? I want to be here for you, but all you do is push me away! Be honest with me! You're not going to lose me, I promise." I interrupted, placing my forehead against hers. Lily sniffled a bit and then stood up along with me.

"I don't want to lose you, Ivy, I really don't, but I don't think I can do this any longer. I'm sure you could already tell from how I've been acting lately, but I guess I need to come out and say it... I... I'd like to be yours... If you will have me... You've been there for me just as much as I have been for you. You're parents may have left you, but I won't ever abandon you, Ivy. You mean more to me than anything and everything I own, and I can't see my future without you in it. You're everything to me!" She hid her face right after she said that and stepped away from me a little to leave me to my own devices...

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